SMC Corporation of America
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Air Dryers - Heatless Regenerative Dryers

  • ID

    Heatless air dryer ID series is best when dry air with a low dew point is needed. Supply dry air with a low dew point below 30°C. Air dryer series ID is compact and light weight without heater and electric control board. Possible to check the outlet dew point with the indicator. (Self-regenerative style allows for easy maintenance.)

  • IDW

    The IDW series is a heatless unit that produces atmospheric dew points of -22°F (-30°C) and below, and ISO 8573-1 moisture classes of class 3 and better. Heatless designs alternate between 2 desiccant columns and use a small portion of the dry air from the column in service to regenerate the other column, thus assuring continuous capability of providing dry air.