Model number Serial number Type and quantity of refrigerant How to read the serial number y R 001 April 2020 W R 001 Year Symbol Remarks Month Symbol Remarks Serial no. 4 R Repeated from O to Z in alphabetical order, with O for January and Z for December 2020 y 2021 Z 5 S Repeat ed from A to Zin alphab etical order 2022 A 6 T Fig 1-1 Position of product label HRR Series 1.4 Product Label
Cables, connectors and hub shall comply with the IEEE802.3 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX standard.
P36 5 T 5-1 INOUT DRAIN V V O ((1)(2)) O O FGE-KT001(NBR) FGE-KT002(FKM) (2) (1) V 5-2 () () (P7 1 ) ) 10/12 FGX-OM-L009-B 5-3 (P7 1) ) 2~3 3 3 () FGESAFGELA FGESBFGELB FGESCFGELC 6570L250 6570 L500 6570 L250 6570 L750 6570 L250 (mm) 2630 4045 3338 5155 2744 11/12 FGX-OM-L009-B 5-4 O O ((1)(2)) (1) (2) 5-5 V V O a V b V V (ab) V T (c) () ()V (P7,1) V V V CY
Timing Chart Homing Timing Chart (Input) Reset Homing (*3) MIN50msec SetHome Man'l / Auto Start Program Selection Man'l (+) Man'l (-) (Output) Driving(+) Driving(-) Brake (*1) Origin Determined (*2) Position Determined (*2) Program END (*1) Error Cylinder Movement I N I T I A L Origin I Z E D POWER ON Note: Homing will be executed only on RUN mode and during automatic executing. (*1)After
In spite of software determines origin, manually operation is done to achieve the origin. (1) Timing between stopping till output is 0.2sec(max). 40 Pause during Homing Timing Chart (Input) Reset MIN50msec Homing SetHome Man'l / Auto Start Man'l(+) Man'l(-) Pause (Output) Driving(+) Driving(-) Brake Origin Determined (1) Position Determined (1) Program END Error Cylinder Movement I N I T
Table 1 Moment of inertia Size Allowable kinetic energy (J) 10 0.00015 15 0.00025 20 0.0004 30 0.015 40 0.03 How to calculate the load energy E : Kinetic energy (J) I : Moment of inertia (kg m Speed (rad/s) : Rotation angle (rad) 1803.14 rad t : Rotation time (s) 1 E = I 2 2 2 = t Table 2 Safety operable rotation time adjustment range Size Rotation time ( s / 90) 10 0.03 to 0.5 15
For equiangular acceleration, the angular velocity, , after t seconds are obtained using the following equations. 1 ( 2 ( C : Integration constant Because the displacement angle in t=0 becomes =0, it becomes C=0.
For equiangular acceleration, the angular velocity, , after t seconds are obtained using the following equations. 1 ( 2 ( C : Integration constant Because the displacement angle in t=0 becomes =0, it becomes C=0.
Rotation angle rad Inertia moment kgm For equiangular acceleration, the angular velocity, , after t seconds are obtained using the following equations. ) 1 ( ) 2 ( C : Integration constant Because the displacement angle in t=0 becomes =0, it becomes C=0.
6N 1 1 5 00 DIN /O 16 16 25 25 32 1.5m 1 32 1 3 3m 3 5 5 5m ( DC24V ( DC24V A A NPN NPN 6N LECP6/LECA6 6N LECP6/LECA6 ( PNP PNP 6P 6P NPN NPN 1N * LECP1 1N * 48mm T T LECP1 PNP PNP 1P * 1P * NPN NPN AN * AN * LECA6 LECA6 PNP PNP 3 00 mm 300 300 AP * AP * 2000 2000 2000 mm B 8m 8 8 B 10m 1.5 m 1 1 A A 15m m 3m 3 3m 3 B B 20m 5 5m 5 C C 5m 3 00 3 00 500 500 600 600 7 00
Type T: 6 to 8 mm Type E: 2.3 to 2.8 mm Type D,Y: 4.5 to 7 mm Applicable crimp terminal Type E, T: 1.25-31.25-3S1.25Y-3N1.25Y-3S (Round shape or Y shape crimp terminal cannot be used for Type D.) DIN terminal block type Male pin terminal of DIN terminal block of solenoid valves are wired as shown below. Connect to corresponding terminal on the connector.
Note 1 Body Zinc die-casted White 6 Sub-plateNote1 SYJ300-9-1(-Q) Zinc die-casted 2 Piston plate Resin White 7 Pilot valve V111(T)3 End cover Resin White Note) Add suffix -Q for the CE-compliant product. 4 Piston Resin 5 Spool valve assembly AluminumHNBR Mixed Installation of the SYJ300 and the SYJ3000 Valves on the Same Manifold The SYJ300 series valves can be mounted on the Manifolds for
(Analogue output mode) Switch output PNP open collector output type-2 output Max. 80 mA Residual voltage 1 V or less T: Analogue output 1 to 5 V Output impedance 1 k V: Analogue output 4 to 20 mA Max. load impedance Power supply voltage 12 V: 300 Power supply voltage 24 V: 600 Min. load impedance 50 -V/-T (Auto-shift input mode) With auto-shift switch output PNP open collector output type
Exterior dimensions Grommet: G Face seal fitting / compression fitting Terminal part Flat terminal connector 250 Series Model A B Bs C D E F L M P [inch] Grommet: G Grommet: GS Conduit: C Fast on: F DIN terminal: D Terminal: T G H G H G H G H G H J G H J XSA1-2S 22 55 24 63 30 8.5 20 3 8 27 53.5 30 40 47.5 47.5 23 53.5 64.5 45.5 52.5 99.5 47.5 68.5 -2V 50 1/4 XSA2-2S 63 31.5 73.5 63 32.5
ZK2-OM01301 (5) Pressure Sensor/Pressure Switch for Vacuum Symbol Type Pressure range [kPa] Specifications P Pressure sensor Note 10) 0 to -101 Analog output 1 to 5V T -100 to 100 Analog output 1 to 5V A Unit selection function Note 12) NPN 2 outputs B SI unit only Note 13) 0 to -101 C PNP Unit selection function Note 12) 2 outputs D SI unit only Note 13) Pressure switch for vacuum E Unit
Type T: 6 to 8 mm Type E: 2.3 to 2.8 mm Although A-,B+ and Bmarks are indicated on the Type D: 6 to 8 mm terminal block, this can be used as either +COM or Type Y: 4.5 to 7 mm -COM.
Type E, T, D, Y: In the case of DIN terminal block and terminal block, there is no polarity of positive [+] and negative []. Connect no. 1 and no. 2 terminals with corresponding power side. Applicable cable O.D.
When actually mounting an auto switch, adjust the position after confirming the operating state of the auto switch. 95 Guide table10-MGF Dimensions 10-MGF40/63/100 4-N V D C D C E F H A + Stroke B + Stroke GB GA T X PP (Rc, NPT, G): Relief port 2-P(Rc, NPT, G) Port for extension Port for retraction When the cylinder is extended KA: T-slot for hexagon bolt 4-M K KB KC 6-K (6 positions) 9 9
R R: Gripping point distance [mm] 6 MHL2 Series Construction 10 16 to 25 e r t u w y @4 @0 @1 @2 !7 !5 !8 @3 !3 e o i q @6 @7 @3 @5 !9 !0 !2 !1 !6 !4 Component Parts No. Description Material Note 1 Body Aluminum alloy Hard anodized No.
7 t !5 r o !8 e !6 w @0 !7 t !5 r o !8 e !6 w @0 !7 t !5 !0 u !2 i q !1 !4 y !9 !0 u !2 i q !1 !4 y !9 !0 u !3 !2 i q !1 !4 y !9 Open condition Component Parts Note No.