Description Material Part No. o Clamp A Steel plate AXT625-4A @ Clamp B Steel plate Subplate Bas Cv:0.9 O-ring NBR AXro50-031 O-ring NBR AXT625-36 O-ring (3 req d) NBR AXT625-34 G O-r'rng NBR AXr625-35 o Adapter AXT625-28-1 Terminalassy AXT625-28-24 o C.onduit cover assy NWF2000-4A( stations Note) Subplate shown: Plug-in typ wilh tenninal. Main Parts No. Description Part No.
Description Material Part No. o Clamp A Steel plate AXT625-4A @ Clamp B Steel plate Subplate Bas Cv:0.9 O-ring NBR AXro50-031 O-ring NBR AXT625-36 O-ring (3 req d) NBR AXT625-34 G O-r'rng NBR AXr625-35 o Adapter AXT625-28-1 Terminalassy AXT625-28-24 o C.onduit cover assy NWF2000-4A( stations Note) Subplate shown: Plug-in typ wilh tenninal. Main Parts No. Description Part No.
(Example) VV5Z5-41-031-011 pc. (Manifold base) VZ5140-5G2 pcs. (Valve) DXT199-22-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
Size R 38 (male) Ambient and Fluid Temp Max 60C / 140F Weight 1.3 kg *Materials in contact with fluid, phosphor bronze/brass E L E C T R I C A L C A P A C I T Y H O W T O O R D E R P N E U M AT I C P R E S S U R E S W I T C H: S E R I E S ISG C O N T A C T S AC amps DC amps Voltage Instantaneous Peak Current Switch Cut-off Current Instantaneous Peak Current Switch Cut-off Current ISG130-031
Option Stations IITV00-031 set (Manifold part no.) ITV0030-3MS2 sets (Electro-pneumatic regulator part no. (1, 2 stations)) ITV0030-3ML1 set (Electro-pneumatic regulator part no. (3 stations)) If a DIN rail longer than the specified stations is required, specify the appli cable stations in two digits.
(Example) VV5Z3-40-031-M5 1 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5G-M52 pcs. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) VV5Z3-43-031-C41 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) VZ3240-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) EVS VFN The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
(Maximum 10 stations) Example) IITV00-05-07 Stations IITV00-031 set (Manifold part no.)
Diagnosis 031 --Diagnosis mapping: Detailed, Number of remote: 31 pcs. (4) Select the appropriate input points from the [Hardware Catalog] window according to the input points of the base (0, 2, 4 16 bytes), and drag and drop the input points into slot 2 of the [Configuration table] window.
VVFS3000-10A 1 set (Blanking plate) VV5FR3-10-061-031 set (Manifold base part no.) VFR3110-5D 5 sets (2 position single part no.) VFR3410-5D 1 set (3 position exhaust center part no.) VVF3000-R-03-2 1 set (Individual EXH spacer part no.) VS4 VQ7 The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
AWM AWD Example) VER4000-031 pc. ARB310-00-B1 pc. G36-10-011 pc. ITV VBA VE Operating Principles VY G AL F1: The pulling force of the solenoid when a specified amperage is applied to the solenoid, or the force that is created by the pilot pressure.
AXT625-4A 0 CiampA Steel plate Subplate Base Cv:O.9 Clamp B Steel plate O-ring NBR AXT050-031 O-ring NBR AXT625-36 ., O-ring (3 req'd) NBR AXT625-34 Adapter AXT625-28-1 ., Terminal ass'y 0 O-ring NBR AXT625-35 AXT625-28-2A NVVF2000-4A-(smtions) Note) Subplate shown: C!) Conduit cover ass'y Plug-in type with terminal. Main Parts sub-ass'y Part No.
(Manifold base) VV3Z3-40R-031-C61 pc. (Manifold base) VZ312-5LZ-M52 pcs. (Valve) VZ314R-5G2 pcs. (Valve) DXT200-8-6A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) DXT200-8-3A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
VVFS3000-10A 1 set (Blanking plate) VV5FR3-10-061-031 set (Manifold base part no.) VFR3110-5D 5 sets (2 position single part no.) VFR3410-5D 1 set (3 position exhaust center part no.) VVF3000-R-03-2 1 set (Individual EXH spacer part no.) VS4 VQ7 The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
S: Stroke of Shock Absorber T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS NRB(C)031-025 NRB(C)037-025 NRB(C)050-030 NRB(C)056-045 NRB(C)075-045 NRB(C)100-060 Model 25(0.3) 25(0.3) 50(0.6) 170(2) 170(2) 500(6) Capacity Inch-lb/cycle (kgf-m/cycle) 0.26(6) 0.25(6) 0.30(7) 0.45(12) 0.45(12) 0.50(15) Stroke Inch (mm) 16(5) Velocity ft/s (m/s) 80 80 70 45 45 25 Frequency cycle/min 14~176(-10~80) Temperature
S: Stroke of Shock Absorber T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS NRB(C)031-025 NRB(C)037-025 NRB(C)050-030 NRB(C)056-045 NRB(C)075-045 NRB(C)100-060 Model 25(0.3) 25(0.3) 50(0.6) 170(2) 170(2) 500(6) Capacity Inch-lb/cycle (kgf-m/cycle) 0.26(6) 0.25(6) 0.30(7) 0.45(12) 0.45(12) 0.50(15) Stroke Inch (mm) 16(5) Velocity ft/s (m/s) 80 80 70 45 45 25 Frequency cycle/min 14~176(-10~80) Temperature