Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: LT (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: None; Temperature Sensor: Yes), Lead Wire: Q (w/M12 -M8 Conversion Lead Wire, 0.1 m), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C), Bracket
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: S (w/Flow Adjustment Valve), Thread: F (G), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: L2T (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: Switch Output, N/P; Temperature Sensor: Yes), Lead Wire: N (None), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C), Bracket: None, Calibration
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: S (w/Flow Adjustment Valve), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: L2 (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: Switch Output, N/P; Temperature Sensor: None), Lead Wire: N (None), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C), Bracket: None, Calibration
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: L (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: None; Temperature Sensor: None), Lead Wire: w/Lead Wire and M8 Connector, 3 m, Unit Specification: Instantaneous Flow: gal/min; Accumulated Flow: gal; Temperature: °C, Bracket: None
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: S (w/Flow Adjustment Valve), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: LT (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: None; Temperature Sensor: Yes), Lead Wire: Q (w/M12 -M8 Conversion Lead Wire, 0.1 m), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C),
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: L (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: None; Temperature Sensor: None), Lead Wire: N (None), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C), Bracket: R (w/Bracket), Calibration
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: L2T (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: Switch Output, N/P; Temperature Sensor: Yes), Lead Wire: Q (w/M12 -M8 Conversion Lead Wire, 0.1 m), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature
Rated Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: LT (Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: None; Temperature Sensor: Yes), Lead Wire: N (None), Unit Specification: M (Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C), Bracket: R (w/Bracket), Calibration
Body Class: 2 (ø4 Orifice), Valve Type: 2 (Double Acting), Fitting Size: 03 (ø3), Pilot Port Thread: LQ3 Integral Fitting, 1/8" (3mm), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 2 (By-pass)
Body Class: 2 (ø4 Orifice), Valve Type: 2 (Double Acting), Fitting Size: 03 (ø3), Pilot Port Thread: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 2 (By-pass)
Body Class: 2 (ø4 Orifice), Valve Type: 2 (Double Acting), Fitting Size: 03 (ø3), Pilot Port Thread: R (Thread Type 1/8 Rc), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 2 (By-pass)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FSM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32), Sealant: S (with Sealant)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32), Sealant: S (with Sealant), Push lock: A (Push-lock)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32), Sealant: S (with Sealant)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 0 (Meter-out), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32), Sealant: S (with Sealant)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 1 (Meter-in), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 1 (Meter-in), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32), Sealant: S (with Sealant)
Body Size: 2 (1/8, 1/4), Type: 2 (Elbow), Control Type: 1 (Meter-in), Control Range: FM (1 to 50 mm/s), Indicator Window Direction: 0° , or None for FC, FM, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Width Across Flats [H]: 9mm or None for Body Size 2, Tube Size: 03 (ø5/32)