Otherwise, air leakage may result. 1-6-80 Series SX3000/5000 Base Mounted Manifold Stacking Type DIN Rail Mounted Plug-in 45 Type How to Order Manifold How to Order Valve Manifold Assembly Ordering example (Type 45F/D-sub connector (25 pins) type) Type 45F (D-sub connector, 25 pins type) 45 SS5X 3 F D 05 U C4 Double solenoid (24 VDC) Single solenoid (24 VDC) SX3140-5LOZ Series SX3240-5LOZ
Note 3) The handle of the selector (2 position) cannot be removed or replaced alone. 5-6-48 5 Port Mechanical Valve Rubber Seal Series VFM300 How to Order S 01 02 0 VFM35 Option Suffix for actuator F Foot bracket (Only internal pilot) Actuator type R S G B Red Hard steel roller Port size Basic 00 Color of push button selector Rc 02 1 4 Roller lever 01 Black NPT N02 1 4 One way roller lever
Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS." Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS." Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS."
Voltage symbol 24 VDC V100-61-3-05 DC 24 VZ 12 VDC V100-61-3-06 DC 12 VZ 100 VAC V100-61-2-01 100/110 VZ 200 VAC V100-61-2-02 200/220 VZ 110 VAC V100-61-2-01 100/110 VZ 220 VAC V100-61-2-02 200/220 VZ 240 VAC V100-61-2-07 240 VZ If an AC specification without DIN Terminal (DO) is selected, always use a DIN connector with surge voltage suppressor as the connector.
CEP: 09950-350, Brasil TEL: 11-4051-1177 FAX: 11-4071-6636 GREECE (Distributor) S.Parianopoulos S.A. 7, Konstantinoupoleos Street 11855 Athens, Greece TEL: 01-3426076 FAX: 01-3455578 DENMARK SMC Pneumatik A/S Knudsminde 4 B DK-8300 Odder, Denmark TEL: 70252900 FAX: 70252901 COLOMBIA (Distributor) Airmatic Ltda. Calle 18 69-05 Apart.
Class B Class H Rated voltage S L Z S L Z Example VVX311-05-1 . 1 set VX3111A-00-1GR1 .. 4 sets VVX31-4A-F . 1 set is the symbol for mounting. Add an in front of the part numbers for solenoid valves, etc. to be mounted.
A C A d A E A F A H A A (1) b # # Ready-off Ready-off (1) d # # ON ON (1) C # # OFF OFF (2) * * No.No.81 8 8 8 CPU CPU (3) 0 0. b JOGDO (1) # #. b (3) # #. d # #. C 1. ##0016 ## 00 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 2. **No. 3.
For VXE21: VVX21-3A-F For VXE22: VVX22-3A-F For VXE23: VVX23-3A-F Voltage L (With light) Voltage symbol 5 6 24 VDC 12 VDC Seal material: FKM How to Order Manifold Assemblies (Example) Enter the valve and blanking plate to be mounted under the manifold base part number. Example VVX211CF-05-1. 1 set VXE2111A-1G1 . 4 sets VVX21-3A-F . 1 set is the symbol for mounting.
CEP: 09950-350, Brasil TEL: 11-4051-1177 FAX: 11-4071-6636 GREECE (Distributor) S.Parianopoulos S.A. 7, Konstantinoupoleos Street 11855 Athens, Greece TEL: 01-3426076 FAX: 01-3455578 DENMARK SMC Pneumatik A/S Knudsminde 4 B DK-8300 Odder, Denmark TEL: 70252900 FAX: 70252901 COLOMBIA (Distributor) Airmatic Ltda. Calle 18 69-05 Apart.
1 U 05 Series SJ2000 SJ3000 (SJ2000/3000 mixed) DIN rail length specified 2 3 Nil 3 Standard length 3 stations 24 stations Specify a longer rail than the standard length.
Mounted Type Common SUP, Common EXH Type 40/for base mounted type (Port A bottom ported) How to Order Applicable solenoid valves VKF334VV3KF3-40 05 01 Applicable blanking plate assembly VK300-42-1A Option Port P: Rc(PT) 1/8 Port R: Rc(PT) 1/8 Valve stations None With bracket (not mounted) Nil 1 station 01 Bracket VK300-43-1A F 20 stations 20 Port A: Rc(PT) 1/8 Port size 01 Rc(PT) 1/8 Type
AV*-OMZ0091-A PRODUCT NAME Soft Start-up Valve MODEL / Series / Product Number AV2000-(F,N)02(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV3000-(F,N)03(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV4000-(F,N)04(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV5000-(F,N)06~10(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AVA2000-(F,N)02(B,G,S)(-R,Z)-A AVA3000-(F,N)03(B,G,S)(-R,Z)-A AVA4000-(F,N)04(B,G,S)(-R,Z
ASD230F-M5-04D-X12 744 ASDF-D Series Dual Speed Controller Adjustable by Flat Head Screwdriver with One-touch Fitting How to Order ASD 3 3 0 F 01 06 S D Made to Order Lubricant: Vaseline X12 AS-F Ex.)
Regulator for 2 MPa Option None Nil Regulating pressure range B 1348112 G361001 G461002 G36401 G46402 G36P10N01 G46P10N02 G36P4N01 G46P4N02 1348110A Bracket ARX20 Nil F 0.05 to 0.85 MPa 0.05 to 0.30 MPa 0 1 ARX21 Nil F Note 1) Thread type (2) G Pressure gauge ARX20N Rc NPT G Nil N F ARX21N P Port size Panel nut 01 02 1/8 1/4 Option combination numbers Panel nut is also included with B
2(B) port size 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 3/5(R) port 02 2 stations Rc 1/4 1 8 Rc Nil F N Z NPTE 01 Rc C6 One-touch fitting for 6 4(A), 2(B) port G 20 20 stations 1(P) port Rc 1/8, C6 NPT B7 One-touch fitting for 1/4" Rc 1/4 How to Order Type 43 VV5Z3 05 43 1 C4 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 4(A), 2(B) port size Stations 02 2 stations 3/5(R) port Nil F N Z NPTE Rc C4 One-touch fitting
Otherwise, air leakage may result. 1-6-80 Series SX3000/5000 Base Mounted Manifold Stacking Type DIN Rail Mounted Plug-in 45 Type How to Order Manifold How to Order Valve Manifold Assembly Ordering example (Type 45F/D-sub connector (25 pins) type) Type 45F (D-sub connector, 25 pins type) 45 SS5X 3 F D 05 U C4 Double solenoid (24 VDC) Single solenoid (24 VDC) SX3140-5LOZ Series SX3240-5LOZ
CEP: 09950-350, Brasil TEL: 11-4051-1177 FAX: 11-4071-6636 GREECE (Distributor) S.Parianopoulos S.A. 7, Konstantinoupoleos Street 11855 Athens, Greece TEL: 01-3426076 FAX: 01-3455578 DENMARK SMC Pneumatik A/S Knudsminde 4 B DK-8300 Odder, Denmark TEL: 70252900 FAX: 70252901 COLOMBIA (Distributor) Airmatic Ltda. Calle 18 69-05 Apart.
CEP: 09950-350, Brasil TEL: 11-4051-1177 FAX: 11-4071-6636 GREECE (Distributor) S.Parianopoulos S.A. 7, Konstantinoupoleos Street 11855 Athens, Greece TEL: 01-3426076 FAX: 01-3455578 DENMARK SMC Pneumatik A/S Knudsminde 4 B DK-8300 Odder, Denmark TEL: 70252900 FAX: 70252901 COLOMBIA (Distributor) Airmatic Ltda. Calle 18 69-05 Apart.