Port size (A, B port) Nil Rc G NPT NPTF Note) Indicate suffix symbol -X1 at the end of the part number for 3 position.
5 Body ported Base mounted VFA3122-02-F VFA3130-02 2 1 4 3 VFA3430-02-X1 5 1 8 VFA3140-02 2 1 4 (2) 3 VFA3440-02-X1 5 VFA3140-03 2 3 8 3 VFA3440-03-X1 5 Note 1) Port size of the exhaust ports on body ported type are all 1/8.
Serial Unit Inputs Outputs Features IP65 EX500-GAB1-X1 (GW unit) EX500-S001-X1 for SV valve EX500-Q001-X1, EX500-Q101-X1 for VQC valve Modular system utilizes a half rack to control up to four 16solenoid valve manifolds and four 16-input units. Decentralized control of solenoid valve manifolds with SI and input units.
is mounted) 7.5 B B B B 102.9 111.4 118 100.4 91.9 A A A A B A B A B A B A Dimensions are the ones for SV1300--.
If mesh clogging cannot be improved by cleaning, replace plate B. Part number for plate B for replacement : ZXP7-APL1-A-X1 Refer to "6.1 How to change to one cup (with flange)" for the replacement method. Material: Stainless steel Clogged mesh Unused (No clogging) Plate B -28No. TQ1230001-OM102-B 8.Precautions 8.1 Air supply Warning Use clean air.
If mesh clogging cannot be improved by cleaning, replace plate B. Part number for plate B for replacement : ZXP7-APL1-A-X1 Refer to "6.1 How to change to one cup (with flange)" for the replacement method. Material: Stainless steel Clogged mesh Unused (No clogging) Plate B -23No. TQ1230001-OM106-B 8.Precautions 8.1 Air supply Warning Use clean air.
Body Size: 20, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: B (w/Bracket), Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 20, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Handle/Bonnet Material: A (Flame Resistant PBT), Options: B (w/Bracket), Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 20, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: B (w/Bracket), Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 20, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: B (w/Bracket), Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 20, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 1/8, Handle/Bonnet Material: Aluminum, Options: w/Bracket, Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: Body: Red
Body Size: 20, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 1/4, Handle/Bonnet Material: Aluminum, Options: w/Bracket, Semi-Standard: None, Made to Order: Body: Red
Regulator Unit Combination: [Other FRL Combination Devices] Other FRL Combination Device, Port Size: Rc1/8, Compressed Air Quality: General Dry Air, Maximum Operating Pressure(MPa): 1, Case Material: [Resin] Polycarbonate Case, Case Guard: No, Exhaust Structure: Relief type, Flow Direction: [Standard Flow (Left to Right)] Left to right, Drain Cock: [Not Provided] No, Pressure Gauge: -, Size
Regulator Unit Combination: [Other FRL Combination Devices] Other FRL Combination Device, Port Size: G1/4, Compressed Air Quality: General Dry Air, Maximum Operating Pressure(MPa): 1, Case Material: [Resin] Polycarbonate Case, Case Guard: No, Exhaust Structure: Relief type, Flow Direction: [Standard Flow (Left to Right)] Left to right, Drain Cock: [Not Provided] No, Pressure Gauge: No (No
If mesh clogging cannot be improved by cleaning, replace plate B. Part number for plate B for replacement : ZXP7-APL1-A-X1 Refer to "6.1 How to change to one cup (with flange)" for the replacement method. Material: Stainless steel Plate B Clogged mesh Unused (No clogging) -29No. TQ1230001-OM101-D 8.Precautions 8.1 Air supply Warning Use clean air.
If mesh clogging cannot be improved by cleaning, replace plate B. Part number for plate B for replacement : ZXP7-APL1-A-X1 Refer to "6.1 How to change to one cup (with flange)" for the replacement method. Material: Stainless steel Clogged mesh Unused (No clogging) Plate B -31No. TQ1230001-OM103-A 8.Precautions 8.1 Air supply Warning Use clean air.
If mesh clogging cannot be improved by cleaning, replace plate B. Part number for plate B for replacement : ZXP7-APL1-A-X1 Refer to "6.1 How to change to one cup (with flange)" for the replacement method. Material: Stainless steel Clogged mesh Unused (No clogging) Plate B -24No. TQ1230001-OM105-A 8.Precautions 8.1 Air supply Warning Use clean air.
double 0.33 1 8 Body ported 1 4 3 8 12.5 (0.7) 14.5 (0.8) 02 03 VFA3340-X1 3 position closed center 0.48 1 8 JIS Symbol 1 4 3 8 16 (0.9) 18 (1) 02 03 VFA3440-X1 3 position exhaust center 0.48 1 8 2 position double 2 position single 1 4 3 8 12.7 (0.7) 8.2 (0.45) 13.3 (0.75) 8.7 (0.5) 02 03 VFA3540-X1 3 position pressure center 0.48 1 8 ( ) for normal position.
: 10 One-touch fitting C12 : 12 One-touch fitting L2 6.5 5.5 108 L1 Manual override Indicator light 65.5 P=25 A A A B A B A B A B A B 21 21 63 9 A A A A A A A 143 163 66 41.5 9 B B B B B SI unit Input block 10 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations D-side 8 U-side Formulas L1 = 25n + 106 (Maximum 16 single wiring stations) L2: For one input block.