Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN D-P5DWL type is available from 40 up to 100 only. There are other applicable auto switches other than the listed above. For details, refer to page 7-6-23.
A76H IC circuit 5V Yes Reed switch Solid state switch Grommet A72 A73 A80 A73C A80C A79W F7NV F7PV F7BV J79C F7NWV F7BWV F7BAV A72H A73H A80H F79 F7P J79 F79W F7PW J79W F7BA F7NT F79F 200V 100V 100V or less 12V 5V, 12V Yes No Yes No Relay, PLC 2-wire 24V Connector 5V, 12V 24V or less Grommet Diagnostic indication (2-color display) 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) IC circuit 5V, 12V
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Lead wire length 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN D-P5DWL is available for 40 to 100. In addition to the models in the above table, there are some other auto switches that are applicable.
Manual release Applicable auto switches Load voltage Model Lead wire (m) Indicator Type Special function Electrical entry Wiring (Output) DC AC Band Perp In-line Rail mounting Applicable load Pre-wired connector 0.5 (-) 5 (Z) 3 (L) None (N) 3 wire (Equiv. to NPN) A76H C76 5V IC Reed switch Solid state switch Grommet A72 A73 A73C A79W F7NV F7PV F7BV J79C F7NWV F7BWV F7BAV A72H A73H F79
D-A73, D-A80 D-A72H, O.A73H, O.A76H, D-A8OH, D-F7NTL, D-F7P, D-F79, D.F79W, O-J79, D..t79W D-Fltr WV, D-F7tr V t,.A73C, D-A80C, D-J79C op6drirE ElE6 (* lid be*rw) I, Dimensiltn / Operating Range Series NCDQT Solid.
Applicable model: D-A73, A73H, A73C, E7 3 A.Z7 3t D -97.93 A.
Auto switch model 2 (Same side) 2 (Different sides) 1 2 1 D-C7/C80 Band mounting style Rail mounting style 50 15 10 D-H7/H7W 60 15 10 D-H7NF D-C73C/C80C Note) Small round head screws 65 15 10 D-H7C Plate D-A7/A80 D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-F7/J79 D-F7V D-J79C D-A79W/F7W D-J79W D-F7WV/F79F Solenoid valve 10 5 Pipe gasket 5 5 15 10 2.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Applicable models D-A73, A73H, A73C, C73, C73C, E73A, Z73, R73 D-97, 93A, A93, A93V D-A33, A34, A33A, A34A, A44, A44A D-A53, A54, B53, B54 2) However, when using a 2 color indication auto switch (DA79W, A59W, B59W), be aware that the switch will constantly remain ON if the connections are reversed.
Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN Data D-P5DWL is available for 40 to 100. In addition to the models in the above table, there are some other auto switches that are applicable.
Lead wire length symbols: Auto switches marked with are made to order specifications. 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN Refer to page 11-11-36 for detailed solid state switches with pre-wire connectors. Refer to page 11-7-14 for applicable switches other than those indicated above.
length (m) 0.5 (Nil) Load voltage Auto switch model Indicator light Wiring (Output) Pre-wire connector Special function Type Electrical entry Rail mounting Band mounting Applicable load 3 (L) 5 (Z) None (N) AC DC Perpendicular In-line 3-wire (NPN equivalent) 5 V IC circuit C76 A76H Reed switch Solid state switch Grommet 200 V C73 C73C H7A1 H7A2 H7B H7C H7NW H7PW H7BW H7NF A72 A73 A73C
B A (mm) Applicable auto switch D-A72 D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-F7/J79 D-F7V/J79C D-F7W/J79W D-F7WV D-F7BA/F7BAV D-F79F Other than the models listed in How to Order, the following auto switches are applicable. For detailed specifications, refer to page 1627.
Lead wire length symbols: Auto switches marked with are made to order specifications. 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN Refer to page 11-11-36 for detailed solid state switches with pre-wire connectors. Refer to page 11-7-14 for applicable switches other than those indicated above.
Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m Nil (Example) A73C 3 m L (Example) A73CL 5 m Z (Example) A73CZ None N (Example) A73CN Data D-P5DWL is available for 40 to 100. In addition to the models in the above table, there are some other auto switches that are applicable.