In-line 3 wire (NPN) C76 A76H 5V IC Yes Reed switch Solid state switch A72 A73 A80 A73C A80C A79W F7NV F7PV F7BV J79C F7NWV A72H A73H A80H 200V Ex.
Auto Switches/Proper Mounting Position for Stroke End Detection B A (mm) Dimension A Dimension B Auto switch model D-A72 D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-F7/J79 D-J79C D-F7V D-A72 D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-F7/J79 D-J79C D-F7V D-F7W/J79W D-F7WV D-F7LF Note 2) D-F7W/J79W D-F7WV D-F7LF Note 2) D-A73/A80 D-A73/A80 D-F7NTL D-F7NTL D-F79F D-F7BAL D-F79F D-F7BAL Bore size (mm) 6 23 23.5 45 44.5 27.5 40.5
D-A72/D-A73/D-A80 Band Mounting Style . D-A7xH/D-A80H Rail Mounting Style. D-A73C/D-A80C Rail Mounting Style .
/A80 D-F7NTL D-A73/A80 40 6 3.5 4.5 Bore size (mm) D-F79F D-F7BAL Note) Operating ranges are standards including hysteresis, and are not guaranteed.
L D-A73 (Example) RS H A Lead wire length RZQ 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N MI W S Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) CS1 Lead wire length C76 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N C85 Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) -X Lead wire length 205 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N Data Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) 20Lead wire length Data 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) CLQ Lead wire length MLGP 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N RLQ Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) 20Lead wire length Data 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
L D-A73 (Example) 20Lead wire length Data 5 m None Nil L 0.5 m 3 m Z N Applicable for the connector type (D-C) only.
Example) Address for step data No.0 Controller memory address Name Word Setting data range Unit (0400)h Movement MOD 1 0Disable 1ABS 2INC (0401)h Speed 1 *1 1mm/s (0402)h Position 2 Stroke (-) to Stroke (+) of the basic parameter 0.01mm (0404)h Acceleration 1 1 to Max ACC / DEC of the basic parameter 1mm/s2 (0405)h Deceleration 1 1 to Max ACC / DEC of the basic parameter 1mm/s2 (0406)h
Example) Address for step data No.0 Controller memory address Name Word Setting data range Unit (0400)h Movement MOD 1 0Disable 1ABS 2INC (0401)h Speed 1 *1 1mm/s (0402)h Position 2 Stroke (-) to Stroke (+) of the basic parameter 0.01mm (0404)h Acceleration 1 1 to Max ACC / DEC of the basic parameter 1mm/s2 (0405)h Deceleration 1 1 to Max ACC / DEC of the basic parameter 1mm/s2 (0406)h
)h (040F)h (No.0) 16 (0410)h (041F)h (No.1) 16 (0420)h (042F)h (No.2) 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (07F0)h (07FF)h (No.63) 16 * ()No.0 (0400)h 1 0=1=ABS2=INC (0401)h 1 *1 1mm/s (0402)h 2 "(-)(+) 0.01mm 2 (0404)h 1 1 1mm/s 2 (0405)h 1 1 1mm/s (0406)h 1 *1 1% (0407)h 1 *1 1% (0408)h 1 *1 1mm/s (0409)h 1 *1 1% (040A)h 1 2 "(-)(+) 0.01mm 040Ch 2 2 "(-)(+) 0.01mm 040Eh 2
(Toronto) 6768 Financial Drive Mississauga, ON L5N 7J6 TEL: (905) 812-0400 FAX: (905) 812-8686 SMC Corporation of America (Charlotte) 5029-B West W.T. Harris Blvd.
Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46226 (905) 812-0400 (800) 762-7621 (SMC.SMC1) For International inquires: 2008 SMC Corporation of America, All Rights Reserved. All reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information detailed in this catalog were made at the time of publishing.
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Franklin Rd Indianapolis, IN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440 FAX: (317) 899-3102 SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd. 6768 Financial Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 7J6 Tel: (905) 812-0400 FAX: (905) 812-8686 All reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information detailed in this catalog were made at the time of publishing.
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Fax: (603) 610-2600 Charlotte Tel: (704) 947-7556 Fax: (704) 947-8556 Nashville Tel: (615) 778-0442 Fax: (615) 778-0475 New Jersey Tel: (973) 285-3207 Fax: (973) 538-0503 Richmond Tel: (804) 527-2106 Fax: (804) 527-2154 Rochester Tel: (585) 381-3912 Fax: (585) 381-3941 Tampa Tel: (813) 891-9028 Fax: (813) 891-9340 Montreal Tel: (514) 733-9595 Fax: (514) 733-1771 Toronto Tel: (905) 812-0400