Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof)
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof)
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof)
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: -, Operation
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: -, Operation
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: -, Operation
Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: A3 (Bracket C)
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: None, Operation Manual: K (Operation
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: E (Panel Mount Adapter), Operation
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: R (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: L (Bottom Ported), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: F (Panel Mount Adapter + Front
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Piping: NPT1/4, M5 Female, Bottom Ported, Input/Output: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs, Analog Voltage Output, Auto-Shift, Option 1: Initial Value PSI, Option 2: None, Option 3: Operating Manual Booklet, X Options: Wetted Parts: Stainless Steel 316L
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: None, Operation Manual: Operation Manual, Calibration
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: Panel Mount Adapter, Operation Manual: w/o Operation
Rated Pressure Range: -0.1 to 1 MPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: Panel Mount Adapter + Front Protection Cover
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: N02 [NPT1/4, (M5, Female Threaded)], Piping Direction: Bottom Ported, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: Bracket C, Operation Manual: -
ZS-22-A H O W T O O R D E R P O S I T I V E P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ISE4 H O W T O O R D E R V A C U U M P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ZSE4 PANEL MOUNTING KIT ZS-22-A ZSE4B ISE4 B O P E R AT I N G P R E S S U R E O P T I O N S -0.1 ~ 1MPa L -10 ~ 100KPa Non-Backlit (Standard) B Backlit LCD O P T I O N S P I P I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Non-Backlit (Standard
r e q w r 2-position single 5 (EA) 3 (EB) 1 (P) 2 (B) 3 (EB) 4 (A) 5 (EA) 1 (P) (A)4 2(B) 1 (P) (EA)5 3(EB) 2-position double t e q w r 2-position double 1 (P) 2 (B) 3 (EB) 4 (A) 5 (EA) 2(B) (A)4 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) 3-position closed center/exhaust center/pressure center t e q w r 3-position closed center 3-position exhaust center 2(B) (A)4 2(B) (A)4 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) 3-position
www.stevenengineering.com I 1.82 LINEAR ACTUATORS: AIR CYLINDERS SERIES NCA1 H O W T O O R D E R S E R I E S N C A 1 A I R C Y L I N D E R O P T I O N S L O W S P E E D X B 9 O P T I O N XB9 N NC A1 A U T O S W I T C H C A P A B L E N O O F S W I T C H E S S T Y L E A P P L I C A B L E A U T O S W I T C H M O U N T I N G R O D B O O T B O R E S I Z E S T R O K E W I T H O U T A I R C U S
VQZ (A) 2 (A) 2 VZ 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) VS VFN r e w q r e w q N.O. N.O. (A) 2 (A) 2 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) Component Parts No.