ASS AS1001FG AS2001FG AS2051FG Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa ASR ASQ Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS3001FG AS4001FG Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle
Part name specification type AW20-D AW30-D AW40-D AW40-06-D AW60-D (1) Bracket assembly AR43P-270AS Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR54P-270AS Note 4) (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 G46-10-01 Rc G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Note 2) Pressure gauge NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 G46-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi (3) G36-10-01 G46-10-01 G G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Rc
AWM20-D AWM30-D AWM40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 Rc G46-10-01 Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
AWD20-D AWD30-D AWD40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S Rc G46-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Pressure gauge Note 2) NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
-10-01-L NPT G36-10-N01-L G46-10-N01-L (Round type, with color zone) G G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Square embedded type pressure gauge Note 3) (Including part (5)) GC3-10AS-D NPT Z : Both in MPa and psi (5) Pressure gauge cover assembly (4) GC3-P10AS-D-X30 136150A Right angle square type pressure gauge Note 3) GC3-10AS-J-D (6) GC3-P10AS-J-D-X30 NPT Z : Both in MPa and psi (7) GC3-10AS-JA-D
Flow range Sensor 0.2 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 10 l/min 25 l/min 50 l/min 100 l/min 0.2 l/min 10 l/min (5 l/min) PFM710 PFM510 0.2 l/min 10.5 l/min (5.2 l/min) 10.5 l/min (5.2 l/min) 0 0.5 l/min 25 l/min (12.5 l/min) PFM725 PFM525 0.5 l/min 26.3 l/min (13.1 l/min) 26.3 l/min (13.1 l/min) 0 1 l/min 50 l/min (25 l/min) PFM750 PFM550 1 l/min 52.5 l/min (26.2 l/min) 52.5 l/min (26.2 l/
02S 2 R R L C VHK 04F 04F Flame resistant type Flame resistant cover Nil No Bracket Valve model With cover (For One-touch fitting only) L Nil With L-bracket None C 2 port valve 2 3 port valve 3 Flame resistant type Bracket and screws are attached. 1(P) port size 4 04F 1(P) nob color 6 06F Gray Nil (Standard) Blue 2 port valve 3 port valve 2(A) port size 8 08F 10 10F 4 04F Red R (Option)
L ISA-5-1 ISA-5-2 ISA-5-3 ISA-5-4 ISA-5-5 ISA-5-6 ISA-5-7 L 73.0 8 4.5 1.25 7.5 135.5 173.0 210.5 248.0 5.5 35 35 285.5 323.0 852 Pressure Sensor Controller Series PSE200/300 Function Details A Auto-shift function B Auto-preset function When there are large fluctuations in the supply pressure, the switch may fail to operate correctly.
M3) AN120-M5 (M5) AN110-01 (1 8 PT) AN101-01 (1 8 PT) D I M E N S I O N S SERIES NAN SILENCER S Y M B O L S Model A B NAN101-N01 22.5 11 NAN110-N01 38 13 NAN120-M3 9 6 NAN120-M5 17 8 SERIES (N)AN SILENCER 14~2 Over 30 dB noise reduction Low back pressure Compact and easy mounting T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS S Y M B O L S Max Operating Pressure 1MPa / 145PSI Noise Reduction 30dB or more
-8N AN300-N03 ANA1-N03 G27-20-01 G27-P20-01 AN200-N02 G36-10-N01 G36-P10-N01 AN400-N04 ANA1-N04 G27-20-N01 G27-P20-N01 AN400-N04 ANA1-N04 G N S L Silencer High-noise reduction silencer Elbow for silencer AN400-N04 ANA1-N04 KT-VBA10A-18N KT-VBA10A-18N Note 1) In the case of options GN, two pressure gauges and one silencer are included in the same container as accessories.
KT-VBA22A-7N KT-VBA22A-8N AN30-N03 ANA1-N03 G27-20-01 G27-P20-01-X30 AN20-N02 G36-10-N01 G36-P10-N01-X30 AN40-N04 ANA1-N04 G27-20-N01 G27-P20-N01-X30 AN40-N04 ANA1-N04 G PVQ N S L Silencer High-noise reduction silencer Elbow for silencer AN40-N04 ANA1-N04 KT-VBA10A-18N KT-VBA10A-18N VY1 Note 1) In the case of options GN, two pressure gauges and one silencer are included in the same container
block gauge pressure supply block L side L side switch block Nil A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R F.R.L.
L 310.5 23 298 22 335.5 25 323 24 360.5 27 348 26 385.5 29 373 28 410.5 31 398 30 435.5 33 423 32 460.5 35 448 34 485.5 37 473 36 39 498 38 40 510.5 EXH port silencer 63 Silencer is installed in the EXH port. 38 22 13 Silencer P/N Model VQZ100 VQZ200 VQZ300 NAN110-N01 NAN110-N01 NAN200-N02 NAN200-N02 NAN110-N01 24 Q Q Q Technical Reference 35 19.4 Q Q Series VQZ100200300 Q 5 5
(Refer to pages 15-6-3 to 15-6-5 for details.) 15-13-1 Series ASV Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa OUT-Exhaust Flow IN-OUT Flow OUT-Exhaust Flow Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Effective area (mm 2) Effective area (mm 2) Effective area (mm 2) Inlet pressure (MPa) Number of needle
rotations Number of needle rotations OUT-Exhaust Flow IN-OUT Flow OUT-Exhaust Flow Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Effective area (mm 2) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Inlet pressure (MPa) IN-OUT Flow OUT-Exhaust Flow Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Effective area (mm 2) Flow rate (l/min
Inch size 1/4" 1/8" 5/32" Flow rate (l/min(ANR)) 170 100 120 150 IN OUT Effective area (mm2) 2.6 1.5 1.8 2.3 IN P1 Note) Flow rate is the value measured under a pressure of 0.5 MPa and a temperature of 20C.
M5) AN110-01 (1 8 PT) AN101-01 (1 8 PT) D I M E N S I O N S SERIES NAN SILENCER S Y M B O L S Model A B NAN101-N01 22.5 11 NAN110-N01 38 13 NAN120-M3 9 6 NAN120-M5 17 8 SERIES (N)AN SILENCER 14~2 Over 30 dB noise reduction Low back pressure Compact and easy mounting T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS S Y M B O L S Max Operating Pressure 1MPa / 145PSI Noise Reduction 30dB or more Ambient & Fluid
-01 12.7 20.4 27.5 9.3 4 1/8" 16 20.4 27.5 17 9.3 12.7 AS221FG-01-06 AS221FG-N01-03 14.3 13.5 20.4 27.5 11.6 6 5/32" 14.2 31.1 36.1 12 32.1 27.1 NPT 1/8 R 1/8 17 AS221FG-01-08 AS221FG-N01-05 12.7 14.3 23.1 30.2 19 18.5 25.3 32.4 15.2 11.4 36.1 8 3/16" 31.1 32.1 27.1 16.5 14.2 AS221FG-01-10 AS221FG-N01-07 23.9 31 15 21 21 33.1 40.2 18.5 13.2 10 1/4" 18.5 19 AS221FG-02-04 AS221FG-N01-09 15
22 24.6 28.8 D M L A D Q N O M M L L Note 1) D is maximum diameter.
Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate L/min (ANR) Flow rate L/min (ANR) Flow rate L/min (ANR) AS TMH ASD AS Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS-FE KE Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa AS-FG Flow rate L/min (ANR) Flow rate L/min (ANR) AS-FP AS-FM AS-D AS-T AS-D AS-T ASP Number of needle