Type: Solenoid Valves, Application: Single Unit, Mounting Orientation: Direct, Voltage: DC24V, Specification: Standard / Low Vacuum Compatible / Lubrication Free / Low Current, Valve Type: 3-Port Valve, Actuation: [Single] Single, Status at Power Off: Self-Recovery (Spring Return), Valve Positions: [Others] 2 positions universal, Pipe Port Type: NPT, Port Size: 3/4, Pressure Rating(MPa):
Type: Solenoid Valves, Application: Single Unit, Mounting Orientation: Direct, Voltage: DC24V, Specification: Standard / Low Vacuum Compatible / Lubrication Free, Valve Type: 3-Port Valve, Actuation: [Single] Single, Status at Power Off: Self-Recovery (Spring Return), Valve Positions: [Others] 2 positions universal, Pipe Port Type: NPT, Port Size: 3/4, Pressure Rating(MPa): -0.1 to 0.9, Driving
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, Material: Body: PFA, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: None, Specification: Vacuum, Z: -
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, Material: Body: SUS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: Flow Rate Adjustment, Specification: Vacuum, Z: -
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 2 Stations, Port Size: 3/4, Class 5, Thread: NPT
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 4 Stations, Port Size: 3/4, Class 5, Thread: NPT
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 3/4, Class 5, Thread: NPT
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 3 Stations, Port Size: 3/4, Class 5, Thread: NPT
Pilot: External Pilot, Port Size: -, Thread: NPT, Safety Switch, Wiring: -, Check Valve, External Pilot Only: -
Function: 3 Position Closed Center, Model: Plug-in, Body Option: Standard, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: Plug-in, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE-Compliant: CE-Compliant
Function: 3 Position Closed Center, Model: Non Plug-in, Body Option: Standard, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: DIN Terminal, Surge Suppressor: None, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE-Compliant: CE-Compliant
Function: 2 Position, Single, Model: Plug-in, Body Option: Direct Manual Override, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: Plug-in, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE-Compliant: CE-Compliant
Function: 2 Position, Single, Model: Non Plug-in, Body Option: Direct Manual Override, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: DIN Terminal, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Port Size: 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE-Compliant: CE-Compliant
Function: 2 Position Double, Body Option: Plug-in Type Sub-plate, Standard, Pilot Type: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 110~120VAC 50/60HZ, Lead Wire: Plug-in Conduit w/Terminal, Surge Suppressor: Light & Surge Suppressor, Port Size: Sub-plate Plug-in Terminal 3/4, Non Plug-in Standard 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE Compliant: CE-compliant
Function: 2 Position Single, Body Option: Non Plug-in Type Sub-plate, Standard, Pilot Type: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 24VDC, Lead Wire: DIN Connector, Surge Suppressor: Light & Surge Suppressor, Port Size: Sub-plate Plug-in Terminal 3/4, Non Plug-in Standard 3/4, Thread: NPT, CE Compliant: CE-compliant
Model: 23, Orifice Diameter: 5 (20 mm), Valve/Body Configuration: 0 (N.C./Single Unit), Solenoid Valve Option: Brass Body (Aluminum for Air Type), NBR Seal, Class B, Suffix: Standard, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Thread Type: N (NPT), Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: DL (DIN Connector and Light), Bracket: B (Bracket)
Model: 23, Orifice Diameter: 5 (20 mm), Valve/Body Configuration: 0 (N.C./Single Unit), Solenoid Valve Option: G (SUS Body, NBR Seal, Class B), Suffix: Standard, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Thread Type: N (NPT), Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: DL (DIN Connector and Light), Bracket: B (Bracket)
Model: 23, Orifice Diameter: 5 (20 mm), Valve/Body Configuration: 0 (N.C./Single Unit), Solenoid Valve Option: G (SUS Body, NBR Seal, Class B), Suffix: Z (Oil-free Specification), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Thread Type: N (NPT), Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: TL (Conduit Terminal and Light), Bracket: B (Bracket)
Model: 23, Orifice Diameter: 5 (20 mm), Valve/Body Configuration: 0 (N.C./Single Unit), Solenoid Valve Option: H (SUS Body, FKM Seal, Class B), Suffix: Standard, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Thread Type: N (NPT), Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: DL (DIN Connector and Light), Bracket: B (Bracket)
Solenoid: No.1 Solenoid, Body Option: 5 (20A), Style: 0 (Energized Open/N.C.), Option: Brass, Copper or BC6 Body & Shading Coil, NBR Seal, Class B Coil, Port Size: 06 [3/4 (20A)], Thread: N (NPT), Voltage: 3 (110VAC 50/60HZ), Lead Wire: D (DIN Connector), Surge Suppressor: Z (Light & Surge Suppressor), Bracket: B (Bracket)