SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "LVA20-G07N-AD-E"

Nozzle Diameter: 1.3 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -53 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

Nozzle Diameter: 1.5 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -53 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

Nozzle Diameter: 1.5 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -84 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

Nozzle Diameter: 2.0 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -84 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

Nozzle Diameter: 1.0 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -84 kPa, Exhaust: Common Exhaust, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket: -,

Nozzle Diameter: 1.3 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -84 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

Nozzle Diameter: 1.0 mm, Vacuum Pressure: -84 kPa, Exhaust: Built-in Silencer, Valve: w/o Valve, Voltage: Air Operated (or No Valve), Electrical Entry: Air Operated (or No Electrical Entry), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Switch/Filter: E [Pressure switch for Vacuum (ZSE2) + Filter], Output: -, Unit Specification: -, Lead Wire: -, Adjusting Needle/Bracket:

e-Rodless Actuator E-MY2B Series Operation Manual URL Thank you for purchasing the SMC E-MY2B Series e-Rodless Actuator. Please read this manual carefully before operating the e-Rodless Actuator and make sure you understand the e-Rodless Actuator, its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy for future reference.

W hi t e I nput si gnal Bl ue G N D ( CO M M O N ) Bl ack M oni t or out put Brow n Bl ue W hi t e Bl ack W i ri ng di agram ( Pow er suppl y and i nput si gnal ) Current /Vol t age t ypeI TV 0 0I TV 0 1I TV 0 2I TV 0 3 Pow er suppl y 24VD C I TV 0 0Brow n + 1215VD C I TV 0 1Bl ue Pow er suppl y I nput si gnal 420m AD C I TV 0 0 W hi t e 020m AD C I TV 0 1 + Bl ack 0 5VD C I TV

H andl e caref ul l y w hen operat i ng w i t h out put pressure rel eased t o t he at m osphere, as ai r w i l l cont i nue t o f l ow out . I f suppl y pressure t o t hi s product i s i nt errupt ed or shut of f , w hi l e t he pow er i s st i l l on, t he i nt ernal sol enoi d val ve w i l l cont i nue t o operat e and a hum m i ng noi se m ay be generat ed.

I n t he com m uni cat i on cabl e( 5 pi ns) i s connect ed t o t he connect or f or t he pow er suppl y cabl e( 4 pi ns) by m i st ake, t he i nt ernal subst rat e can break. Pay at t ent i on f or connect i ng t he cabl e. The ri ght angl e cabl e connect or does not rot at e. D o not rot at e i t .