D I N 'E Terminal 'T Conduit Temlnal 'H 24' Lead hing 01 %'(AXSrd.) t M5 NOM 10-32 ilanual Overrida _Recessed, Nonlocking (Std.)
Through-hole/Both ends tapped common (Basic) 10 0.1 0.2 Q 12 (Rod size) G M5 x 0.8 (2 locations) (Port size) Auto switch Minimum bending radius of lead wire 10 R 4 3 E Yh9 S T 3 F M8 x 1.25 Effective thread depth 11 6.8 (The dimension on the opposite side is the same.) 5.5 (2 locations) 13.6 7 10 7 10 M6 x 1 (2 locations) Flat washer With 2 pcs. 9 (2 locations) (The dimension on the opposite
-5 Gasket DXT192-10-5 (Use caution to the orientation.)
PA06 1 100 35 100 (10) (7) (10) Electronic gear denominator *3.
SY7120-02 SY7140-03 AS3001F-06 AS4001F-10 AS3001F-06 AN110-01 AN200-02 T0604 x 1 m T1075 x 1 m T1209 x 1 m T0604 x 1 m T1075 x 1 m T1209 x 1 m AS3001F-06 AS4001F-10 AS4001F-12 SY9120-03 SY9140-04 AS3001F-06 AS4001F-10 AS4001F-12 AN202-02 AN200-02 AN200-02 Conditions [When using SGP (steel pipe)] Conditions [When using SGP (steel pipe)] Body ported Base mounted Series CS1 SGP10A x 1 m AS420
Series SV2000 for EX120 Dedicated Output Serial Wiring. 6 7 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 19 20 21 21 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 27 27 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 40 41 42 44 45 45 50 50 51 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com
H 10-1 . 10-1 10-2 . 10-1 11 K 11-1 . 11-1 11-2 . 11-1 12 L 12-1 . 12-1 12-2 . 12-1 12-3 . 12-2 12-4 . 12-2 13 R 13-1 . 13-1 13-2 . 13-2 13-3 . 13-2 14 T 14-1 . 14-1 14-2 . 14-1 14-3 . 14-2 14-4 . 14-2 14-5 . 14-3 15 V 15-1 . 15-1 15-2 . 15-2 15-3 . 15-2 16 16-1 . 16-1 2 i i i 1 () OFF 3 ON OFF i 1 1 3 i 1 i i 2 5 i 2 1 i-2 i i 2 2 i 2 3 50 i 2 4 i
-5 to 160 x 10-5 (VNC1 to VNC7) Cv factor 49 to 100 (VNC8 to VNC9) Fluid speed (m/s) Conditions: Piping length/30 m Steel tube, full pressure/0.5 MPa 17-4-21 2 Series VNC How to Order Thread type Seal material Bracket (Valve size: 1/2/3/4) Nil B Nil F N T A B Rc G NPT NPTF None With bracket (VN-16) is valve size NBR seals FKM seals Note 1) Valve size 1 comes with VN1A16 (with thread).
E1 2 I E[J]I[kg][rad/s] Imr m[kg] rm 5.1 19 I I I I kg kg kg kg m m m m 2 2 2 2 m: m: m: m: kg kg kg kg b 20 5-2. 5.1 5.1 32 0.023[J] 40 0.028[J] 2 t [rad]t[s] E E1 2 I t E 2 I t E[J][rad]I[kg] 2 t (1) t = & (2) C C t 2 1 tdt 2 + = = & & t=0 =0C=0 t 2 1 t 2 1 2 = = & t 2 = 21 5-3.
Model HRSE012-A-10-(T) HRSE018-A-10-(T) Cooling method Air-cooled refrigeration Refrigerant R407C (HFC) Refrigerant charge kg 0.3 0.32 Control method Compressor ON/OFF Ambient temperature/Humidity/Altitude Note 1), 11) Temperature: 5 to 35C, Humidity: 30 to 70%, Altitude: less than 3000 m Circulating uid Note 2) Tap water, 15% ethylene glycol aqueous solution Set temperature range Note 1)
D -DIN connector DL -DIN connector with light DO-For DIN connector (without connector) Orifice and port size combinations T -With conduit terminal TL-With conduit terminal/light Class Orifice diameter Port size 2 3 4 5 7 10 1/8 (6A) 2 1/4 (8A) 1/4 (8A) 3 3/8 (10A) 1/2 (15A) Connector 1/4 (8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 All class B coils are equipped with surge voltage suppressor.
16.9 20 10 2 190 22.8 50 10 18.8 20 10 3 190 24.4 47 10 20.4 15 10 7 190 28.7 31 10 24.7 15 10 Operating range m: The value in which the auto switch operating range Lm is converted to axis rotating value.
The same symbol Construction Replacement of the symbol Without Buffer ZX T ZP 02 A5 UN [Pad model no.] ZR ZM Symbol 1 Pad dia. 02 to 08 ZH 2 10 to 16 3 20 to 32 4 40, 50 ZU ZL T 1 ZP A5 [qAdaptor] ZF ZP With Buffer ZCU Vacuum related T ZP 16 K20 A10 06 UGN [Pad model no.]
Total stroke time t Example Go to the chart for the bore size cylinder you are using (). To find the stroke time (t), follow arrow from your stroke length ("L") to the solid line representing the load ratio (d%) for the application then up to the stroke time (t).
frequency 10 cycle times/ min.
(Normally open) Nil F N T Rc G NPT NPTF VPA700 series Specifications Fluid Air Type of actuation N.C. or N.O.
t l | | t---{ Pressure display unit | | t--fMfi--l | | f--fkof/cm, l I I [s-f b "t| | I-+-fEr_--] | | tsT kp " ] t l t l I I Cable connector type I S I Straiqht tvpe 3 m I I L I Riqht anqle tvpe 3 m I I j N lWithout cable connector I l L-Bracket Model 7 . l00O tvoe v : 2000 tvoe Pressure [rPa 2 kqf/cm, 3 bar 4 PSI kPa Power supply voltage 0 to 10 VDC Thread type 1/8 (1000 tuoe) 2 1/4 (1000
( di spl ayed al t ernat el y) Press Skey f or 2 seconds or m ore, t hen go out f rom det ai l set t i ng m ode. ( Sel ect t he m enu w i t h or keys, t hen j um p t o anot her i t em . ) Lock keys ( ref er t o P9) Rel at i on bet w een set t i ng and sensi t i vi t y Sensi t i vi t y Sharp D ul l Set t i ng of sensi t i vi t y D ef aul t : 13 - Zero clear The display can be reset to
D o n o t m a k e a n y a l t e r a t i o n s t o t h i s p r o d u c t . Alterations made to this product may lead to a loss of durability and damage to the product, which can lead to human injury and damage to other equipment and machinery.