Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Copy Function, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: NPT 1/8, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Copy Function, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: ø1/4" One-touch Fitting, Straight Type, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: ø4 One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: ø6 One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: NPT 1/8, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: R 1/8, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: ø1/4" One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
V V v v IC circuit 3-wire (NPN) Solid state auto switch 5 V, 12 V 3-wire (PNP) M9PV V V V v v 2-wire 12 V M9BV V V V v v 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V M9NWV V V V v v IC circuit 3-wire (PNP) M9PWV V V V v v 2-wire 12 V M9BWV V V V v v Relay, PLC Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) 24 V Grommet Yes 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V M9NAV v v V v v IC circuit 3-wire (PNP) M9PAV v v V v v 2-wire 12
SMC PRESSURE SWITCH PD PV 57 1 67 1 32.4 109 Approx. 300 Ejector RESET SET Supply valve Release valve V 21.2 Manual override Suction filter 1 2-4.6 (mounting hole) 1 5.6 1 8 1 10.2 123 1 4.6 1 8 SOL. c SOL. a Silencer SOL. b Interface A Light Suction filter Manual override Interface B Digital vacuum pressure switch M5 port PE (pilot valve exhaust port) M5 port PD (vacuum breaking pressure
0 V 0 V 24 V G D G D SI unit SI unit Master unit D 0 V24 V G D 0 V24 V G D 0V 24V G D 0V 24V L2 L1 G LINE1 LINE2 SHIELD L1 L2 Power supply 24 V 0 V 0 V 24 V SHIELD SHIELD Transmission line L1 L2 FG 24 V 0 V L1 L2 FG 24 V 0 V Black White Brown Blue Terminal resistor Main transmission line Transmission line Crimped connector SL-J1A Power supply 24 V 0 V 0 V 24 V Type 3 ground Type 3 ground
V V p. 13 Pressure switch for vacuum V Manifold Manifold p. 14 V V V With valve V V Single unit p. 15 V V Pressure sensor Vacuum Pump System V V V V With valve V V For Manifold p. 16 V V Pressure sensor V Manifold Manifold p. 17 7 C O N T E N T S Vacuum Unit ZK2mA Series VEjector System Single Unit Ejector + With Valve + Without Energy Saving Function p. 9 Single Unit Ejector
The SigmaWin+ main window will appear. 2-13
2 P a n e l D i s p l a y a n d SigmaWin+TM
The SigmaWin+ main window will appear. 2-13
2 P a n e l D i s p l a y a n d SigmaWin+TM
i n o f e a c n s e p a r a t 0 t i n s t a l l e d i n l D G 3 * M ( V ) , i DGSxl.l(v ) at teast 0nce a rn0nth ' f o l t o v i n g t h e c l e a n i n g P r o c e d u r e b e l o w , t 0 G 5 l ( M ( v ) , s h o u l d b e d o n e a f t e f o p e r a t i o n o f a o P r o x i m a t e 2 Y e a r s ' R e f e r t o t h e r e P t a c e i n s P r o c e d u f e b e l o v / . l f P r e s s u r e
M G H J K A H G, J S Q E P K K A H B J V M V M E, X N, P Polyacetal B Stainless steel L Stainless steel, Silver Trichloro ethane Trichloroethylene Polyacetal M (Non-leak) N P Q S T Perchloroethylene Brake oil Helium Non-leak(105atm cc/sec) Water Stainless steel H Brass, Copper (High temperature) B Polyacetal X V (Non-leak) Note 1) The leakage amount(105atm cc/sec) of "V", "M" option is
P C Regeneration option U C V Servo motor power (U) Servo motor power (V) Servo motor power (W) U V W W Connect to motor cable (U, V, W) Control Circuit Power Supply Connector: CNP2 Accessory 24V Terminal name Function Details 0V 24 V side of the control circuit power supply (24 VDC) which supplies the driver.
Magnetic field resistant (2-color indication) 2-wire (Non-polar) 3-wire (NPN equivalent) A96 A96V IC circuit 5 V A72 A72H 200V 100V Grommet Reed switch A93 A90 A93V A90V 12 V 100 V or less Relay, PLC IC circuit 5 V,12 V 12 V 2-wire A73C A80C A79W 24 V Connector 24 V or less 5 V,12 V IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color indication) Grommet Solid state auto switches marked with
P N E U A T I C T E C H N O L O G Y Fnopennes oF GAsEs t S o T H E R M I C C H A N G E ( B O Y L E ' S L A W ) "...with constant temperature, the pressure of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to its voltlme", or: P' Y= constant v = 1 i p = 1 p 1 x V l = = p 3 x V 3 p 2 x V 2 Fig. 3.5 illustration of Boyle's Law lf volume V. = 1 m3at a standard absolute pressure ot 101325 Pa is
P N E U A T I C T E C H N O L O G Y Fnopennes oF GAsEs t S o T H E R M I C C H A N G E ( B O Y L E ' S L A W ) "...with constant temperature, the pressure of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to its voltlme", or: P' Y= constant v = 1 i p = 1 p 1 x V l = = p 3 x V 3 p 2 x V 2 Fig. 3.5 illustration of Boyle's Law lf volume V. = 1 m3at a standard absolute pressure ot 101325 Pa is
VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .