._3d_items_collection = {}; } SMC AN20-02 silencer, AN SILENCER $4.50 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC AXT100-DR-6 din rail, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT***
AXT100-DR-11 AXT100-DR-13 AXT100-DR-15 AXT100-DR-17 AXT100-DR-19 AXT100-DR-22 AXT100-DR-24 AXT100-DR-26 AXT100-DR-28 AXT100-DR-31 148 173 198 223 248 285.5 SMC SMC 310.5 K K P P C C U U O O S S H H L L 57 53 51 335.5 33.5 360.5 18 IN OUT IN OUT IN 398 14-4-29 12 Compact Manifold Regulator Individual Supply Type Series ARM11B How to Order ARM11B 1 A 1 1 Z 06 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.
._3d_items_collection = {}; } SMC AN110-01 muffler 1/8 pt, AN SILENCER $4.20 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC AXT100-DR-12 din rail, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT***
._3d_items_collection = {}; } SMC AN15-C08 silencer with 8mm fitting, AN SILENCER $5.50 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC AXT100-DR-24 din rail, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/
DR Note 3) Symbols "2", "6" and "8" can not be specified at the same time. (Ex.) 68 Note 4) Symbols "9", "D", and "J" can not be specified at the same time. (Ex.) 9 specified at the same time. (Ex.) 9DJ 2 2 Flow rate (l/min(ANR)) The bowl of series AL is used.
I{CDHR 075-{1400 with Auto switch capability D[lEl{s|oNs t{c R tffi-Fifr li(@+# riitYsl &Di. dr sEl.
(Nuuark) 3434 US HwY 22 West, Suite 110 Somsruille, NJ 08876 Tel: (9Og) 253'3241 FAX; (908) 2s3-3452 SilC Pneumatics lnc, (Oetrott) 44345 Macomb Industrial Dr Clinton TownshiP, Ml 48036 Tel: (810) 463-2300 FAXr (8lo) 463-2344 SMC Pneumatica lnc.
.: AXT100-DR-; (refer to the catalog)]. Option [Actuator cable] LE CP 1 B S Cable type Cable length Nil S Robotic cable Standard cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 8 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 1 3 5 8 A B C Motor option Nil B Without lock With lock Produced upon receipt of order (Robotic cable only) [I/O cable] Pin no.
. @ Series:NCRA1 Ilrryran O: lJ|o|||g|t o{ India and RoHon lime To Set Rntation.Time Even a srnall torque genrated by tE rolary actuato.. dr to inertia ot tlF load. can cause dameE to the sttaft and inteinal parb.
Harris Blvd. 44345 Macomb Industrial Dr. 3434 US Hwy. 22 West, Ste. 1 10 8507-H Benjamin Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Clinton Township, Ml 48036 Somerville, NJ 08876 Tampa, FL 33634 Tel: (704) 597-9292 Tel: (810) 463-2300 Tel: (908) 253-3241 Tel: (813) 243-8350 Fax: (704) 596-9561 FAX: (810) 463-2344 FAX: (908) 253-3452 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) SMC Pneumatics Inc.
Harris Blvd. 44345 Macomb Industrial Dr. 3434 US Hwy. 22 West, Ste. 1 10 8507-H Benjamin Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Clinton Township, Ml 48036 Somerville, NJ 08876 Tampa, FL 33634 Tel: (704) 597-9292 Tel: (810) 463-2300 Tel: (908) 253-3241 Tel: (813) 243-8350 Fax: (704) 596-9561 FAX: (810) 463-2344 FAX: (908) 253-3452 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) SMC Pneumatics Inc.
DZ 8 10 10 14 CZ 8 10 10 14 DY 9 11 13 16 CX 9 11 13 16 DX 18 22 26 32 CT 9.5 11 14 17 DT 9.5 11 14 17 CR 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 DR 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 CL 26 42 54 64 DL 26 42 54 64 7 Plate Cylinder with Lock Series MLU Single knuckle joint Double knuckle joint MM C (R1) Sphere, ball R (R1) MM NDH10 NDH10 A1 A1 NX+0.4 +0.2 E1 NX -0.2 -0.4 NZ E1 U1 U1 L1 NO NL L1 NO NL (mm) Part no.
490 83 453 46 416 412.5 775 375 737.5 337.5 700 300 662.5 261.5 625 225 587.5 187.5 562.5 150 525 112.5 487.5 75 450 423 785.5 385.5 748 348 710.5 310.5 673 273 635.5 235.5 598 198 573 160.5 535.5 123 498 85.5 460.5 377.8 747.8 340.8 710.8 303.8 673.8 266.8 636.8 229.8 599.8 192.8 562.8 155.8 525.8 118.8 488.8 81.8 451.8 44.8 414.8 4.3-13 Series VQ20/30 Manifold Options DIN rail AXT100-DR-l
350ms ,PLC ,10100ms ,150ms , ,300ms,, 10100ms (+150ms) ms 300ms 150ms ON ON OFF 10~100ms 10100ms *8 RS-232C ,CEU5 CEU5 2 , ,2 *9 () ,DC 1 , 2.5s ,3s *10 30ms ON 24 - ,,, ,, , 2ROM) 7-4 (E 2ROM (1)E / 2ROM ,E RS-232C NO. 2ROM , ON,E 2ROM ,E 2ROM 80 ,LCD E2FUL SMC (2)E , (3),,LCD E2Err 25 - 8 RS-232C 8-1 RS-232C 1200,2400,4800,9600,19200bps ASCII 1 7 1 8-2 (1) VR DR
Solmldc.pc y indud6 cap, (1)rutbre3 pluo dor 15, (r ) dr 19, (2) (h 13, (2) dn 14, dnd (1) d.r 7 sc@01 t2B sordrdrdcp*3y. t'dud6p, (r) rss$d i@roddng cp...ro.dor t6. 0 ) &l 1q (2) del 13, (2) d.l 14, -d 11 | d.r 7lv5tv rvd'l{1 s6602 Solmidc4 s y. hdude, (1) .ubod a@ds plus rb| r 5, (1) irdi@ro.lign a$nbry dor 1 7& 13, (1 )drr 19, (2) dr 13, 12) d6r 14. and lrl dat 7 (b,vo lve 1"1 1 6 sdendd
-r I tt""d lii9;--1@_*_1aru" l . 6 l y ' | t Fiif_ilri v *r T f l l T r I L---+---J-J--fo O Series NCM Auto Switeh Mounting Position aAuto $vidr Placemer* dr|lsidrs D-85, 86 Type Front Nose Mounting type Auto switch Auta Swifuh Pkrcement Dfinensions 0.97 1.03 1 . 1 2 1.22 1.35 '( ) are for Front Nos Mounting type cylinders.
Flow adjustment valve [dr E] Display resolution [PrS] Auto-preset [EEP] Accumulated value hold [1E2] 100-split [oFF] Manual [oFF] OFF Used to lock the flow adjustment valve. Lock ring Warning: Danger: WARNING indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Used to mount the product on a DIN rail or directly to a panel.
condition [F 4] [F 5] [eES] Response time [1.00] 1 second Specifications / Outline with Dimensions [F 6] [dSP] Display mode [ inS] Instantaneous flow [F 7] [ inP] External input [ r_r ] Accumulated flow external reset Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL http://www.smcworld.com) for more information about the product specifications and outline dimensions. [1E2] 100-split [dr
Year Month 2015 2016 2017 2025 2026 2027 T U V D E F Bore Size (mm) Torque 10% (N.m) Jan O TO UO VO DO EO FO Instruction Manual CG1*N25&100-*Z-X2992 Air Reservoir 32 2.9 Feb P TP UP VP DP EP FP 40 4.9 Mar Q TQ UQ VQ DQ EQ FQ 50 11.8 Apr R TR UR VR DR ER FR 63, 80 24.5 Do not service or attempt to remove product and May S TS US VS DS ES FS machinery/equipment until safety
. @ Series:NCRA1 Ilrryran O: lJ|o|||g|t o{ India and RoHon lime To Set Rntation.Time Even a srnall torque genrated by tE rolary actuato.. dr to inertia ot tlF load. can cause dameE to the sttaft and inteinal parb.