Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: T (NPTF), Cable Length: 1 (1.5m Cable)
Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: N (NPT), Cable Length: 2 (3.0m Cable)
Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: Rc, Kit Type: 0 (w/o Cable)
Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: T (NPTF), Kit Type: 1 (1.5m Cable)
Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: T (NPTF), Kit Type: 2 (3.0m Cable)
Stations: 5 Stations, Port Size: 03 (Rc3/8), Thread Type: T (NPTF), Kit Type: 3 (5.0m Cable)
Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 03 (IN: 3/8, OUT: 3/8), Voltage: 5 (220VAC 50/60HZ)
Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: R, Rc, Material: B (Body: PPS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: N (NPT), Material: B (Body: PPS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 16 (0 to 1.6 MPa), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 15 (1/2), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 3 (110 VAC (115 VAC) 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: D (Push-turn Locking Lever Type), Bracket Mounting Position: B1
Model: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 10 (0 to 1 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 10 (3/8), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 3 (110 VAC (115 VAC) 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket
Model: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 16 (0 to 1.6 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 15 (1/2), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 3 (110 VAC (115 VAC) 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (
Model: 4 (SGC400), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: B (FKM), Pressure Range: 05 (0 to 0.5 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 25 (1), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 1 (100 VAC 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: T (Conduit Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket
Model: 3 (SGC300), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: B (FKM), Pressure Range: 05 (0 to 0.5 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 20 (3/4), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 1 (100 VAC 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: T (Conduit Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket
Model: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 10 (0 to 1 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 15 (1/2), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 1 (100 VAC 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: T (Conduit Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket
Model: 3 (SGC300), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 16 (0 to 1.6 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 20 (3/4), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 1 (100 VAC 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket on
Model: 3 (SGC300), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: B (FKM), Pressure Range: 10 (0 to 1 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 20 (3/4), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 3 (110 VAC (115 VAC) 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: T (Conduit Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (With Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1
Model: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 2 (Normally Open), Seal Material: A (NBR), Pressure Range: 05 (0 to 0.5 MPa), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 15 (1/2), Pilot Valve: Y (0.35 W Type, V116), Voltage: 1 (100 VAC 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: DO (DIN Terminal Without Connector), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket on the Left Side)
Series: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: B (FKM), Pressure Range: 05 (0 to 0.5 MPa), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 10 (3/8), Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket on the Left Side), Auto Switch: C (M9B--Solid State, Gen. Purpose, 2 Wire, Horizontal), Lead Wire Length: L (3 m), Number: S (1 pc.)
Series: 2 (SGC200), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Closed), Seal Material: B (FKM), Pressure Range: 10 (0 to 1 MPa), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 15 (1/2), Bracket Mounting Position: B1 (Bracket on the Left Side), Auto Switch: B (M9P--Solid State, Gen. Purpose, 3 Wire PNP, Horizontal), Lead Wire Length: L (3 m)