Clean series 10 AF 03 A 30 F J B 21 AF 03 A 30 F J B Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation q w e r t Air filter Option/Semi-standard:Selectoneeachfora to e. Option/Semi-standardsymbol:Whenmorethanonespecificationisrequired,indicateinalphanumericorder.
Regulator Series AR-B 1021Series ARK-B 1021Regulator with Backflow Function How to Order Clean series K F 10 AR B 30 03 BG 1N K F 21 AR B 30 03 BG 1N Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation q r t y w e Regulator Option/Semi-standard: Select one each for a to g.
Example) 10-ARP30K-03BG-1RY Clean room compliant, copperfree, fluorine-free, silicone-free Clean room compliant Symbol Description 20 30 40 Body size 20 30 40 Body size Nil K Without backflow function With backflow function With backflow function + Nil N F Thread type Rc NPT G + 01 02 03 04 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Port size + Nil B Note 2) H a Without mounting option With bracket With set nut (For
50 60 (2) IR M5 01 02 03 04 06 10 Accessory When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order.
(Note 4)The F .S. means the condition at the maximum setting pressure of the product. (F .S. 0.8MPa, IR2120) (Note 5) Repeatability: This is the reproducibility of the downstream pressure at every operation (ON/OFF) on the downstream side.
MLU B 25 30 D F J79W S MDLU With Auto Switch Number of auto switches Built-in magnet 2 pcs. 1 pc.
45) 01-r,6NPr 02-TNPI 03-Stl.lPI 04_I'NPI N Pon thrEd Fluoro rubber E Fluororesin lining Fluoro rubber Fluoro rubber & Fluoro resin lining Port lhrad N-NPT F-PF _-Rc(Pn' *Special o.der only.
Port size Body size Thread size Port thread Symbol N F Rc NPT G 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 An interface part is required if a spacer or spacer with bracket shown in the table below is attached to a modular FRL.
Continue F .Water Low Temp.WRN 29 Temperature of facility water has exceeded the set temperature. Continue F .Water High Temp.WRN 30 117 Series HRW Options Note) Options have to be selected when ordering the Thermo-chiller. It is not possible to add them after purchasing the unit.
AS-F AS-F Model TMH No need for tools, reducing time required for mounting.
Service Class Inst Attr ID Values ID ID Reset 01 h [Identity Object] 1 h 01 (Type1 reset) -35No.EX-OMX1001
1 Hi byte (0) Byte7 Lo byte Byte8 DXB(3) 07 Byte9 07 DXD(4) Byte10 815 Byte11 Padding 12 byte 6 byte 1(42 ) -61No.EX-OMS0026CN SI ( ) 0 0 byte 1 + 4 byte -62No.EX-OMS0026CN byte Bit No. 0 1 2 3 0 4 ON/OFF 5 6 7 / 0 1 2 Reserved 3 () 1 4 () 5 Reserved 6 7 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 0 8 1 9 2 Reserved 3 Reserved 3 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Reserved 7 Reserved 01
A B PSE57-01 8 R1/8 PSE57-02 12 R1/4 Lead wire and M12 connector ZS-37-A ZS-37-B -17No.PS-OMS0005-E Adapter with throttle ZS-31-X Model No. D E F G H I ZS-31-X188 20 9 R1/8 Rc1/8 14 1.5 ZS-31-X175 29 13 R1/4 Rc1/4 17 1.6 -18No.PS-OMS0005-E Revision history A: Contents are added. B: Contents are added. C: Contents revised in several places. D: Contents revised in several places.
An example of when the SI unit station number is set to 01 is shown below.
Definition and terminology Terms Meaning F Abbreviation for full span and full scale; means the maximum fluctuation range of the Pressure switch rated value. For example, when the output voltage is 1 to 5[V], the F.S. will be 5-1 = 4[V]. (Reference: 1%F.S. = 4 0.01 = 0.04[V]) F.S.
Rated pressure range A B ZSE3 0 to -101 kPa 0 -101 kPa ISE3L 0 to 98 kPa 0 98 kPa ISE3 0 to 0.98 MPa 0 0.98 MPa -25No.PS-OMO0002-A Dimensions Grommet type Z/ISE3-01/T1-26No.PS-OMO0002-A Connector type Z/ISE3-01/T1-C -27No.PS-OMO0002-A Single-installation type Grommet type ZSE3-0X-28No.PS-OMO0002-A ZSE3-0X--D -29No.PS-OMO0002-A Connector type ZSE3-0X-C -30No.PS-OMO0002-A ZSE3-0X-C-D -31No.PS-OMO0002
Colour on the feed holes Cable colour Signal Cable O.D. 4.0 to 8.0 mm Electric wire cross section (Twist line) AWG26 to 22 YE=Yellow or OGWH=Orange/ White 1 Orange/ White TD+ WH=White or GNWH=Green/ White 2 Green/ White RD+ 3 Orange OG=Orange TD4 Green BU=Blue or GN=Green RD-40No.EX-OMP0013-E (3) Cable with communication connector Part number: EX9-AC 01 0EN-PSRJ Cable length (L) 01 1000 [
JIS Symbol How to Order 1 F 06 3 200 AS Flow Direction Symbols on Body JIS Symbol Body size Panel mount type Symbol M5 standard 1/8 standard 1/4 standard 3/8 standard 1/2 standard 100 200 205 300 400 Applicable tubing O.D.
5 Port Solenoid Valve Body Ported/Single Unit Series SY3000/5000/7000/9000 How to Order 5 L SY 5 1 20 01 Series Bracket 3 SY3000 5 SY5000 Nil: Without bracket F1: With foot bracket A, B port size Thread piping 7 9 SY7000 SY9000 2 position single only Symbol Port size M5 x 0.8 SY3000 Applicable series M5 1 8 01 SY5000 1 4 SY7000 02 02 03 Type of actuation Coil specifications 1 4 Standard Nil
Body Size: 20, Backflow: without Backflow Function, Thread: F (G), IN Port Size: 01 (1/8), OUT Port Size: 01 (1/8), Options: w/o Mounting Option, Set Pressure: 1 (0.02 to 0.2 MPa Setting, Exhaust Mechanism: Relieving Type, Knob: Downward, Pressure Unit: Unit on Product Label: MPa, Pressure Gauge in SI Units: MPa