Part number Description Remarks ZS-33-D Lead wire and connector Length: 2 m Connector cover (silicone rubber) ZS-33-F ZS-33-J Panel mount adapter (without flow adjustment valve) ZS-33-JS Panel mount adapter (with flow adjustment valve) ZS-33-M Bracket (without flow adjustment valve) Mounting screw 2 pcs. ZS-33-MS Bracket (with flow adjustment valve) Mounting screw 3 pcs.
PC_ _ ]). 5-33 5.2.4 ([Pr. PD_ _ ]) . 5-39 5.2.5 2([Pr. PE_ _ ]). 5-42 5.2.6 3([Pr. PF_ _ ]). 5-43 5.2.7 4([Pr.
(for Heavy-duty) Buffer assembly model Applicable pad model Series ZP Page ZP40H ZP50H ZP40HB ZP50HB P. 80 P. 81 ZPB-T1 (J/JB/JF)01 ZP63H ZP80H ZP63HB ZP80HB P. 80 P. 81 ZPB-T2 (J/JB/JF)01 ZP100H ZP125H ZP100HB ZP125HB P. 80 P. 81 ZPB-T3 (J/JB/JF)01 ZP40H ZP50H ZP40HB ZP50HB P. 82 P. 83 ZPB-X1 (J/JB/JF)01 ZP63H ZP80H ZP63HB ZP80HB P. 82 P. 83 ZPB-X2 (J/JB/JF)01 ZP100H ZP125H ZP100HB ZP125HB
DTMOD = 00 or 11: Single transmission DTMOD = 01: Continuous transmission Normally, set DTMOD to 00. SUBCMD: Specify whether to use subcommands or not.
Inch Size [mm] Model d T (R, NPT) H D1 D3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Note 1) A Note 2) M W1 W2 X Y Weight [g] Unlocked Locked Unlocked Locked AS221FS-01-01 (S) 1/8" 7.2 12 19.1 26.2 19.1 43.9 42.4 40.8 39.3 13.3 20 21.5 6.5 15 13 (13) AS221FS-01-03 (S) 5/32" 8.2 AS221FS-01-07 (S) 1/4" 11.2 20.8 27.9 14 (13) AS221FS-01-09 (S) 5/16" 13.2 22.4 29.5 14.2 15 (14) AS221FS-02-01 (S) 1/8" 1/8 13 (12.7) 7.2 20.9
Inch Size [mm] Model d T (R, NPT) H D1 D3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Note 1) A Note 2) M W1 W2 X Y Weight [g] Unlocked Locked Unlocked Locked AS221FSG-01-01 (S) 1/8" 7.2 12 19.1 26.2 19.1 43.9 42.4 40.8 39.3 13.3 20 21.5 6.5 15 13 (13) AS221FSG-01-03 (S) 5/32" 8.2 AS221FSG-01-07 (S) 1/4" 11.2 20.8 27.9 14 (13) AS221FSG-01-09 (S) 5/16" 13.2 22.4 29.5 14.2 15 (14) AS221FSG-02-01 (S) 1/8" 1/8 13 (12.7) 7.2
CH2 Torque [%] ALM EM1 SON RD 0.8 56.8 CH3 Current command [%] CH1 Servo motor speed [r/min] 33 33. CH2 Torque [%] ALM EM1 SON RD 3.5 227 CH3 Bus voltage (Note) CH1 Servo motor speed [r/min] 35 35. CH2 Torque [%] ALM EM1 SON RD 0.8 56.8 CH3 Command pulse frequency [kpps] CH1 Servo motor speed [r/min] 39 39.
C 1. ##0016 ## 00 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 2. **No. 3.
Correct the setting value. contradicts another. 8 33 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Alarm No.: 3A Name: Inrush current suppression circuit error Alarm content The inrush current suppression circuit error was detected.
-23ST AS121F-U10/32-07T 13.5 12 18.3 23.1 1/4" 3.2 8.4 20 12.7 20 AS221F-01-04ST AS221F-N01-01ST 1/8" 8.4 20.4 27.5 4 9.3 12.7 5/32" 9.3 20.4 27.5 13.4 21 AS221F-01-06ST AS221F-N01-03ST 34.7 R1/8 12 14.2 7 1.5 31.6 13.5 6 11.6 21 13.4 34.7 AS221F-01-08ST AS221F-N01-05ST 16.5 NPT1/8 12.7 14.2 7 1.5 31.6 3/16" 13.2 24 31.1 18.5 25.3 32.4 8 15.2 23 23 AS221F-01-10ST AS221F-N01-07ST 15.3 17 1
valve VQ1 01 47 or less 25 or less 0.70 0.20 0.16 0.70 0.20 0.16 Rubber seal 33 or less VQ2100 49 or less 22 or less 2.0 0.15 0.46 2.6 0.15 0.60 Metal seal 29 or less 95 Single VQ2101 51 or less 24 or less 2.2 0.28 0.55 3.2 0.30 0.80 Rubber seal 31 or less VQ2200 20 or less 15 or less 2.0 0.15 0.46 2.6 0.15 0.60 Metal seal 20 or less Double VQ2201 26 or less 20 or less 2.2 0.28 0.55 3.2
Setting of the selected alarm to Setting range: AL.01 to AL.49 63. Press the [MENU] key once. Returns to the main display (which shows the circulating fluid temperature).
ARM 2500 05 A 02 G1 AV AU Accessory None (With plug) Nil G1 G2 Regulator for manifold AF G33-10-01 GA33-10-01 AR Pressure gauges are shipped together (but not assembled).
ARM 2500 05 A 02 G1 AV AU Accessory None (With plug) Nil G1 G2 Regulator for manifold AF G33-10-01 GA33-10-01 AR Pressure gauges are shipped together (but not assembled).
Note 2) Specify wiring type of each station on the manifold In the case of the 16-output SI unit Symbol 01 Stations Note 1 station specification sheet. Double wiring Note 1) 08 01 8 stations 1 station Specified layout Note 2) (Available up to 16 solenoids) Note 1) Indicate the sizes on the manifold specification sheet in the case of CM.
$% % 33 1 ,) % % 1 ) ,, ) /) H B 7 !"# ! , & Ordering example VX021-001GB-01 !"# $ % & VX021-002DBT-04 ' ( !
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Setting of the selected alarm Setting range: AL.01 to AL.51 to 63. Press the [MENU] key once. Returns to the main display (which shows the circulating fluid temperature).
Setting of the selected alarm Setting range: AL.01 to AL.51 to 63. Press the [MENU] key once. Returns to the main display (which shows the circulating fluid temperature).
L 310.5 23 298 22 335.5 25 323 24 360.5 27 348 26 385.5 29 373 28 410.5 31 398 30 435.5 33 423 32 460.5 35 448 34 485.5 37 473 36 39 498 38 40 510.5 EXH port silencer 63 Silencer is installed in the EXH port. 38 22 Dimensions 13 Silencer P/N Model VQZ100 VQZ200 VQZ300 AN110-01 AN200-02 AN200-02 AN200-02 AN110-01 Port plug VVQZ100-CP This is used when changing piping location.