Body Option: 0 (Internal Pilot), Port Size: N02 (NPT1/4), Style: 08 (Toggle Lever), Suffix: None [Or Polyacetal (Std) in Case of Roller Material), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: 0 (Internal Pilot), Port Size: N02 (NPT1/4), Style: 34 [Twist Selector (2 Position)], Suffix: B (Push Button Selector Color Black), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: 0 (Internal Pilot), Port Size: N02 (NPT1/4), Style: 05 (Straight Plunger), Suffix: None [Or Polyacetal (Std) in Case of Roller Material), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: 36 [Key Selector (2 Position)], Suffix: None [Or Polyacetal (Std) in Case of Roller Material), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: 30 [Push Button (Mushroom)], Suffix: Push Button Selector Color Green, Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: One-way Operation Roller Lever, Suffix: Roller Material Hard Steel, Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: Toggle Lever, Suffix: None [Or Polyacetal (Std) in Case of Roller Material), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: 34 [Twist Selector (2 Position)], Suffix: Push Button Selector Color Black, Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Port Size: NPT1/4, Style: Straight Plunger, Suffix: None [Or Polyacetal (Std) in Case of Roller Material), Accessory: F [Foot Bracket (Internal Pilot Type Only)]
/4 PC5/16-N02 $0.63 1/8 NPT1/4 PC1/8-N02 $0.63 5/16 NPT3/8 PC5/16-N03 $0.93 5/32 10-32UNF PC5/32-U10 $0.63 3/8 NPT1/8 PC3/8-N01 $0.96 5/32 NPT1/8 PC5/32-N01 $0.63 3/8 NPT1/4 PC3/8-N02 $0.96 5/32 NPT1/4 PC5/32-N02 $0.63 3/8 NPT3/8 PC3/8-N03 $0.96 3/16 10-32UNF PC3/16-U10 $0.63 3/8 NPT1/2 PC3/8-N04 $1.41 3/16 NPT1/8 PC3/16-N01 $0.63 1/2 NPT1/4 PC1/2-N02 $1.41 3/16 NPT1/4 PC3/16-N02 $0.63 1/
(Exhaust center) 1/4" 17(0.9) Exhaust center VH302-N02, N03 VH312-N02, N03 2 (Position) 2 1 1.56 (0.71) (A) 2 (B) 4 VH3 1/4", 3/8" VH320-N02, N03 VH330-N02, N03 3 (Closed center) 3/8" 20(1.1) 1 (P) 3 (R) VH321-N02, N03 VH331-N02, N03 3 (Exhaust center) VH322-N02, N03 VH332-N02, N03 2 1 3 4 2 (Position) VH400-N02 to N06 VH410-N02 to N06 3 (Closed center) 1/4" 45(2.5) 4 3 VH401-N02 to N06 VH411
-07S 43.9 25.6 13.2 18 55 18.5 5/16" ASD430F-N02-09S 46.5 28.2 41.7 NPT 1/4 17.5 15.2 15 18.5 36.7 29.6 34.6 11 40.4 35.4 21 3/8" ASD430F-N02-11S 49.3 31 19.7 62 18.5 17 1/4" ASD530F-N02-07S 48.7 25.6 13.2 20.3 76 18.5 5/16" ASD530F-N02-09S 51.3 28.2 46.9 NPT 1/4 38 19 15.2 19.8 23 43 15.4 41.9 48.8 43.8 21 3/8" ASD530F-N02-11S 54.1 84 32.6 23.1 18.5 17 1/4" ASD530F-N03-07S 48.7 25.6 13.2
-03SD 5/32" 10.4 25.2 34.4 16 6 18.2 12.8 17 40.7 R 1/4 18.5 7.2 1.2 34.7 17 AS221F-02-08SD AS221F-N02-05SD 3/16" 11.4 24.9 34.2 17 18.2 8 15.2 36.4 27.2 18.5 AS221F-02-10SD AS221F-N02-07SD NPT 1/4 17.5 18.5 7.2 40.7 1.2 34.7 1/4" 13.2 25.2 34.5 18.5 10 18.5 43.2 33.9 21 20 AS321F-02-06SD AS221F-N02-09SD 5/16" 15.2 27.2 36.4 6 12.8 39.3 27.8 17 33.9 43.2 20 21 AS321F-02-08SD AS221F-N02-11SD
23 9.5 55.3 1.5 49.3 R 1/4 19 AS331F-02-10ST AS231F-N02-11ST 3/8" 17.9 20.2 18.5 21 32.6 54.4 10 43.7 38.7 31 47 16.2 23 AS331F-02-12ST AS331F-N02-07ST 17 1/4" 13.2 20.9 22 34.4 56.2 12 44.9 38.7 25.6 50 12.9 20.6 AS331F-03-06ST AS331F-N02-09ST NPT 1/4 19 55.3 5/16" 15.2 23 12.8 1.5 49.3 9.5 17 25.2 46.1 6 18.5 38.5 39.7 28.2 54.4 12.9 20.6 AS331F-03-08ST AS331F-N02-11ST 16.2 21 3/8" 17.9
C08 C10 C12 02 N02 F02 C04 C06 C08 02 N02 F02 C08 C10 C12 02 N02 F02 C04 C06 C08 02 N02 F02 IN port size IN port size Construction The construction and materials are the same as the standard product. Refer to Construction on page 323. The symbol stands for unavailable combination. The symbol stands for unavailable combination.
M1 M2 Weight (g) ASV310F-N01-07 ASV310F-N01-09 ASV310F-N02-07 ASV310F-N02-09 ASV410F-N01-09 ASV410F-N01-11 ASV410F-N02-09 ASV410F-N02-11 ASV410F-N03-09 ASV410F-N03-11 ASV510F-N02-11 ASV510F-N02-13 ASV510F-N03-11 ASV510F-N03-13 ASV510F-N04-11 ASV510F-N04-13 73 73.8 73 73.8 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 90.2 91.9 90.2 91.9 90.2 91.9 17.2 19.3 17.2 19.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 23.3 26.5
M1 M2 Weight (g) ASV310F-N01-07 ASV310F-N01-09 ASV310F-N02-07 ASV310F-N02-09 ASV410F-N01-09 ASV410F-N01-11 ASV410F-N02-09 ASV410F-N02-11 ASV410F-N03-09 ASV410F-N03-11 ASV510F-N02-11 ASV510F-N02-13 ASV510F-N03-11 ASV510F-N03-13 ASV510F-N04-11 ASV510F-N04-13 17.2 19.3 17.2 19.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 23.3 26.5 23.3 26.5 23.3 26.5 73 73.8 73 73.8 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 90.2 91.9
-07S 43.9 25.6 13.2 18 55 18.5 5/16" ASD430F-N02-09S 46.5 28.2 41.7 NPT 1/4 17.5 15.2 15 18.5 36.7 29.6 34.6 11 40.4 35.4 21 3/8" ASD430F-N02-11S 49.3 31 19.7 62 18.5 17 1/4" ASD530F-N02-07S 48.7 25.6 13.2 20.3 76 18.5 5/16" ASD530F-N02-09S 51.3 28.2 46.9 NPT 1/4 38 19 15.2 19.8 23 43 15.4 41.9 48.8 43.8 21 3/8" ASD530F-N02-11S 54.1 84 32.6 23.1 18.5 17 1/4" ASD530F-N03-07S 48.7 25.6 13.2
-07S 17 13.2 43.9 25.6 55 18 AK 5/16" NPT1/4 ASD430F-N02-09S 18.5 15.2 46.5 28.2 36.7 41.7 34.6 17.5 40.4 29.6 35.4 18.5 15 11 19.7 3/8" ASD430F-N02-11S 62 21 18.5 49.3 31 ASS 1/4" ASD530F-N02-07S 17 13.2 48.7 25.6 20.3 76 5/16" NPT1/4 ASD530F-N02-09S 43 18.5 15.2 51.3 28.2 41.9 48.8 38 43.8 15.4 46.9 19 23 19.8 23.1 3/8" 84 ASD530F-N02-11S 21 18.5 54.1 32.6 1/4" ASD530F-N03-07S 17 13.2 48.7
Body Option: Internal Pilot, Style: 33 [Push Button (Flush)], Suffix: -, Accessory: -