E H L M Min. port size W M LQ1U11 4 10 29 11.5 2.6 10 LQ1U12 3 1.8 LQ1U21 6 15 14 41 16.5 3.6 14 LQ1U22 4 2.6 LQ1U2C 3 1.8 LQ1U31 10 20 17 54 23 7.4 19 LQ1U32 8 5.5 LQ1U33 6 3.6 LQ1U41 12 24 21 63 28 9.4 23 LQ1U42 10 7.4 LQ1U51 19 29 26 77 39 15 32 LQ1U52 12 9.4 LQ1U61 25 39.5 36 102 49 21.2 46 LQ1U62 19 15 1/8 Class 1 H W M 1/4 (E) (E) Class 2 to 5 L M Inch sizes H Model Applicable tubing
: SY3120(-F2) With foot bracket SY3120-F1 Scale: 40% G H G H C4 C6 C4 C6 Type 20 Type 23 Type 20P Type 23P Type 41 Type 42 Type 43 Type 41P Type 42P Type 43P Type 45 3 port valve Air operated G H SY3120-M5 C4 C6 C4 C6 M type plug connector (M): SY3120-ML type plug connector (L): SY3120-LGrommet .
E I R L E N G T H A N D W E I G H T S H O U L D B E W I T H I N T H E F O L L O W I N G R A N G E.
23 46.1 81.1 5 Refer to panel fitting dimensions for details.
CE1 CE2 20, 25 (Non-integrated type) ML2B +0.058 0 0.040 0.076 9 hole H10 Shaft d9 25 C J G5-S CV CI MVGQ CC +0.2 +0.1 14 10 RB S + Stroke 19 30 H Z + Stroke 9 J ZZ + Stroke D-X 20Bore size (mm) S CI Z H ZZ Data 20 24 97.5 168 40.5 177 25 30 102.5 177 44.5 186 10-5-23 23 Series MQM Accessory Bracket Dimensions Mounting nut Rod end nut d d C C B H B H Material: Carbon steel Material: Carbon
M5 x 0.8 H: M6 x 1 Y H: M6 x 1 H: M8 x 1 Y Applicable tube O.D.
Hexagon H B C F A E G J K L D Size Tolerance +0.027 0 +0.027 0 +0.027 0 +0.027 0 +0.033 0 +0.033 0 +0.033 0 40 47 21 45 19 12 9 18 12 32 M8 x 20 60 R15 40 double clevis type 44 L K counter bore depth 2 J counter bore 50 53 23 50 23 12 11 21 14 35 M10 x 22 73 R18 50 double clevis type 53 A B 63 60 27 55 23 15 11 23 16 40 M10 x 25 80 R20 63 double clevis type 60 AC-A1bore size 80 67 31 65 28
17.5 15 17.5 22 23 23 24 22 23 23 24 Note 2) 2 magnets for auto switches are equipped to the magnet mounting block.
21 23 21 23 23 24 23 24 23 24 22 23 30 31 39 41 47 49 61 63 69 74 73 78 95 100 6 8 6 8 8 10 8 10 8 10 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 R 1/8 23.4 27.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 14 R 1/4 25.4 31.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 12 R 1/8 26.7 30.7 45.3 52.8 24 14 R 1/4 28.7 34.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 3/8 30.4 36.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 1/4 33.8 39.8 49.6 55.6 30 17 R 3/8 35.5 41.8 49.6 55.6 30 22 R 1/2 37.6 45.8 49.6 55.6 30 Dimension
23 23 23 40.4 (4.9) (4.9) (4.9) 40.4 (4.9) 40.4 40.4 Note) Refer to page 340 for dimensions of connector types. 117 Series SY3000/5000/7000/9000 Dimensions: Series SY5000 [ ]: AC 2 position double Grommet (G), (H): SY5220(-F2) G H C4, N3 C6, N7 C8, N9 SY5220-01(-F2) G H 1/8 (A, B port) 16.2 (For mounting bracket) 2 x M3 x 0.5 depth 3.5 22.6 28.1 [35.1] 16.7 32.5 20.5 One-touch fitting (A
Allowable driving force Fn (N) H H MTS 500 H H 300 10 L 200 MY 3.
Cylinders Mechanically Jointed Rodless Cylinder Stroke adjusting unit Bore size Type Model 10 16 20 25 32 40 L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L L L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H 50 RJ1412H RJ1007H RJ1412H RB1007 RB1412 -XB22 MY1B-Z MY1H-Z RB1412 RB2015 Standard RJ0806H RJ1007H RB0806 RB1007 -XB22 RJ0805 MY1B Standard RB0805 RJ0806H RJ1007H RJ1412H RB1007 RB1412 RJ1412H -XB22 MY1M MY1C RJ1007H
21 47 23 P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R B U L K H E A D U N I O N : KQE (KQ2E) Use to junction connection of tubes for installation of panel.
OPTIONS AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT (b) Cable internal wiring diagram MR-J3ENCBL2M-L/-H MR-J3ENCBL5M-L/-H LE-CSE-RA LE-CSE-RB LE-CSE-SA LE-CSE-SB MR-J3ENCBL10M-L/-H Encoder side Driver Servo amplifier connector side connector P5 LG 1 2 3 P5 6 LG MR MRR MR MRR 3 4 5 4 BAT BAT 9 2 Plate SD 9 SHD 11 8 11.
: D Conduit terminal: T VX VNl VQ Grommet Conduit DIN connector Conduit terminal Electrical entry P Port size Rc(PT) A B C D E Model Energized open F H J F H J F H J K F H J K VX22 05 6 02 03 02 03 VX23 05 6 VX2260-04 VX2360-04 23 35 25.5 40 23 35 25.5 40 83 91 89 97 62 69 65 72 25.5 28 25.5 28 83 91 89 97 54 62 57 65 41 44 41 44 83 91 89 97 54 62 57 65 60 62 60 62 48 50 48 50 100 108 106
-20DC-H -25DC-H -50DC-H -75DC-H x 80L x 85L x 90L x 120L x 145L x 170L 12.5 105 130 -100DC-H -100DC-H 180 90 95 C BQ2B32-10DC-H C BQ2B63-10DC-H -15DC-H -20DC-H -25DC-H -50DC-H -75DC-H -15DC-H -20DC-H -25DC-H -50DC-H -75DC-H x 80L x 85L x 90L x 115L x 140L x 165L 13.5 105 155 180 -100DC-H -100DC-H C BQ2B80-25DC-H 12.5 -50DC-H C BQ2B100-25DC-H 13 -50DC-H 170 x 170L With Rod End Lock (R ) Cylinder
G (NN 1) x H H +0.030 0 5H9 ( ) depth 3 12.4 8.7 A 9.5 10 5.1 NN x M6 x 1 tapped through hole A 6 GB HB Cross-sectional view A-A Dimensions [mm] Model F G GB H HB I J M N NN Z ZZ MXQ16A-10Z 38 16 8 39 58 22 28 98.5 4 2 72.5 87 MXQ16A-20Z 38 20 12 39 58 15 39 108.5 4 2 76.5 91 MXQ16A-30Z 48 21 30 48 50 16 48 118.5 4 2 86.5 101 MXQ16A-40Z 58 28 17 58 80 23 58 135.5 4 2 103.5 118 MXQ16A-50Z
Index Sub Object Name Data Type Acces s Description 6041h VAR Statusword U16 ro 2D11 Status DO 1 h 2D12 h Status DO 2 2D13 h Status DO 3 VAR U16 ro The servo status is returned. 2D15 h Status DO 5 2D17 h Status DO 7 Bit definition of Statusword The following table shows the bit definition of Statusword.
P.2.1-23 P.2.1-28 KQ2P, KQP 2.1-12 Series KQ2 Male connector: KQ2H (2) (1) Tube O.D. (mm) Thread R(PT) Part No. H (Hex.)
206 17 221 14 U to 800 269 42 30 264 23 246 287 26 22 CX L RR to 800 269 42 30 23 246 264 26 287 22 Z + Stroke ZZ + Stroke Double clevis(D)/Locking at head end (-H) -W -H/ -R (mm) Port Cushion valve Stroke range Bore size (mm) CDH10 +0.3 +0.1 ZZ ZZ L CX Z RR CZ U Z CDH10 32 40 50 63 80 100 to 500 23 14 172.5 180.5 170 10.5 28 13 162 10 to 500 182 195 23 14 184 11 28 13 171 10 to 600 209