Max. operating pressure differential (MPa)Flow characteristicsMax. system pressure (MPa)Mass (kg) Av x 10-6 (m2)Cv convertedVCS331/4 ( 8A)3/8 (10A)1/2 (15A) 0.423/8: 0.401/2: 0.49
Max. operating pressure differential (MPa)Flow characteristicsMax. system pressure (MPa)Mass (kg) Av x 10-6 (m2)Cv convertedVCS441/4 ( 8A)3/8 (10A)1/2 (15A)3/4 (20A) 0.583/8: 0.551/2: 0.623/4: 0.78
Max. operating pressure differential (MPa)Flow characteristicsMax. system pressure (MPa)Mass (kg) Av x 10-6 (m2)Cv convertedVCS441/4 ( 8A)3/8 (10A)1/2 (15A)3/4 (20A) 0.583/8: 0.551/2: 0.623/4: 0.78
bar)]bCvACDCACDCACDC2(Single)--VS4110-021 4 (8A),20018013 or less45 or less0.70.82
bar)]bCvACDCACDCACDC2(Single)--VS4110-021 4 (8A),20018013 or less45 or less0.70.82
bar)]bCvACDCACDCACDC2(Single)--VS4110-021 4 (8A),20018013 or less45 or less0.70.82
132.5 FLUID I N 125.5 103.5 P2 58.5 48.5 202 114 3.5 3 AIR SUP (P2) FLUID IN Rc 1/2, 3/4 Rc 1/4 10 Process Pump Automatically Operated Type with Built-in Pulsation Attenuator (Internal Switching Type) Series PAX1000 How to Order 1 2 PAX1 1 02 Option Body material Nil N Body only With silencer 1 2 ADC12 (aluminum) SCS14 (stainless steel) For AIR EXH: AN200-02 Connection port size 1/4 (8A
Minimum Load 1.0mA Rated Current / points 1A / point (8 24V DC), 0.1A / point (5 8V DC) Switched Voltage 5 24V DC (+20%, -5%) Isolation Circuit By Relay Operation Indication Liquid Crystal Display Response Time 10ms or less Minimum Load 50mW (10mA at 5V DC) Contact Life Cycle / Resistance Load 100,000 Cycles at 8 Amps / 240V AC~ or 24V DC 30,000 Cycles at 10 Amps / 110V AC~ Rated Current 8A
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) Diaphragm material 02 03 1/4 (8A) 3/8 (10A) 1 PTFE (Fluoro resin) JIS Symbol Type Thread type Nil T Automatically operated type built-in pulsation attenuator Rc NPTF G NPT FLUID OUT AIR SUP 2 F N AIR EXH FLUID IN T, F, N are options.
Max. voltage (with no load): 30Vrms (42.4V peak) or less Max. current: 8A or less (including shorts), and When controlled by a circuit protector (fuse, etc.) with the following rating No-load voltage (V peak) 0 to 20 [V] Max. current rating 5.0 100 Over 20 [V] to 30 [V] Peak voltage value (2) A circuit (class 2 circuit) with maximum 30Vrms (42.4V peak) or less, and a power supply consisting
If 12VDC specifications are required, enter "12" at the end of the assembly part number. 1 2 1 2 P N D side SZ3000-40-6A-D For flat cable 20 pins SZ3000-40-5A-D 1 2 P N 1 2 D side SZ3000-40-8A-D For flat cable 10 pins SZ3000-40-7A-D A connector block assembly can be shipped as an assembly only in the case of double wiring.
o 0.62 322 1.28 14 oaa {4) 250 u-24 0.50 .621 .621 0.25 0.93 0.38 1t-1E .251 .250 0.75 0.25 0.34 0.75 o.75 o.1a cts16 0.75 120 o.62 3.19 3.8:t 343 t06 {17-l _312 6t-21 0.50 .621 .621 0.38 1 . 1 2 0.38 5t-i E .25r .250 0.75 0.25 o.3a 3.97 o.8a o_aao.24 qi-14 o.75 1.30 0.62 334 1.25 125 t 2 5 t 1 k ) 375 \-24 o.aE .749 .749 o.11 r.32 0.50 .251 o.25 0.41 rt.4 1.06 r.06 0.25 sa-l6 0.46 r.62 0.78
T he or etic al Cg linder F orc e s (lbs) 9,; OidrlthgF:cssurs(PSl) l , .1 zo s0 ., 125 150 ' 20Q r. 056 (%6") 0.25 IN 5.0 10.0 't5.0 19.9 24.9 29.9 34.9 39.9 OUT 6.2 12.4 18.6 24.9 3 1 . 1 43.5 49.7 o75 ft ) 0.313 IN 9.1 18.2 27.4 36.5 45.6 54.7 63.8 73.0 OUT 1 1 . 0 22.1 33.1 44.2 55.2 66.3 77.3 88.4 106 (1 "16') 0.5 IN 17.3 5 1 . 8 69.0 86.3 '103.5 120.B 1 3 8 . 1 OUT 22.2 44.3 66.5 8A
Mo(rntlng Bas MT33&rl 16. 2 Mounlhg 8a Sclws M5x10 DIRECTIOIIAL AIR VALVES DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST 3125 3145 NVS 31 SEFIES NVS 3115, NVS 3125 FOOT rOUa{T[{c Prlmary mountlng mlhod ls fool mountlng on the nd of th6 body.
N 125.5 103.5 P2 58.5 48.5 202 114 3.5 3 AIR SUP(P2) FLUID IN Rc 1/2, 3/4 Rc1/4 17-5-157 Process Pump Automatically Operated Type, Built-in Pulsation Attenuator (Internal Switching Type) Series PAX1000 How to Order 1 2 PAX1 1 02 Option Body material Nil N Body only With silencer 1 2 ADC12 (Aluminum) SCS14 (Stainless steel) For AIR EXH: AN200-02 Port size Diaphragm material 02 03 1/4 (8A
JT -*(JUN,2005) 13.7 (347) 15.2 (385) 15.5 (393) MAX CURRENT 8A 1Phase,AC100-240V to 50/60Hz HEADQUARTER SMC CORPORATION 4-14-1,Sotokannda,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021,Japan HEC 13.7 (347) 11.8 (300) 10.6 (270) MADE IN JAPAN 11.1 (281) 6.2 (157) H OUT Air Air 3.8 (97) 1.2 (30) L 10.6 (270) IN DRAIN 12.6 (321) 0.5 (12) Circulating fluid drain port (with plug) Rc1/4 14.3 (364) Circulating fluid
Voltage/Electrical entry Body material/Port size/Orifice diameter SizeValve type Electrical entry Voltage Symbol Size Valve type Orifice diameter Body material Port size Symbol Symbol Grommet A B C D E F 1/4 A 3 Aluminum 3/8 24 VDC N.C. 8A 1/2 10 10A 10 One-touch fitting 15A A Resin 3/8" One-touch fitting N.O.
Note) A: Non-locking push type A (projecting) 1 6A 8A 10A 10A 15A 20A 25A 32A 40A 50A 1 8 1 4 3 8 3 8 1 2 3 4 220 VAC 50/60 Hz 24 VDC 12 VDC 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 4 Note 2) Valve size 1 to 4 10 5 6 Note 2) Note) B: Slotted locking type B (tool required) 7 Note 2) 2 15 Note 1) CE-compliant: For D or DZ only Note 2) Semi-standard Note 3) For other rated voltages, please consult with SMC. 3 20 25
(mm) Symbol 1 2 3 Note 1) 4 Symbol Nil: Non-locking push type N.C. 1 MPa N.C. 0.5 MPa N.O. 1 MPa C.O. 1 MPa Note) 4 Note 2) A: Non-locking push type A (projecting) 1 6A 8A 10A 1 8 1 4 3 8 5 6 Note 2) 7 Valve size 1 to 4 7 Note 2) 11 15 11 10A 3 8 B: Slotted locking type B (tool required) Note) Note 1) Electrical entry: D or DZ only Note 2) Semi-standard Note 3) For other rated voltages, please
Nil Without SI unit/end plate M12 connector power supply (Max. supply current 2A) 7/8 inch connector power supply (Max. supply current 8A) 2 3 Without SI unit/input block Without input block With 1 input block Nil 0 1 8 With 8 input blocks SI unit COM DeviceNet PROFIBUS DP CC-Link AS-Interface CANopen ContorlNet EtherNet/IP EX250 integrated-type (I/O) serial transmission system SI unit COM