344 26 8 Series CNA2 Dimensions Axial foot (L): CNA2L BP (Rc, NPT, G) unlocking port Unlocked when pressurized Rc BQ Plug with breathing hole P (Rc, NPT, G) Rod end cylinder port GA GD GC GR GL GL1 T Width across H P (Rc, NPT, G) Head end cylinder port flats KA With bellows K A AL Width across 4 x J 2 x Cushion valve 10.2 f l GB F flats B1 MM 4 x LD e E D C B LY LH V H1 LT N BN LX h + l X
P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P
P C C U U O O S S H H L L 11.5 8 3 5 L2 dimension DIN rail part no.
+ 0.77 (n: stations) Rc3/8 Rc1/2 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 22 Series VQ7-8 DIN Connector Type VV72-142 118 142 118 9 2n-Rc3/8, 1/2 67 20 Indicator light 14 34 9 (4-Rc1/8) Port P, R1, R2 for Rc3/4 only U side U side 18 Manual override 23 R4.5 R4.5 P= 56 60 (73) 60 (73) P= 56 B B B B B 14 42 18 13 13 A B SMC SMC SMC B B B A A A A A PA PA PA A B A B L1 L2 L1 L2 A B SMC PA A B PA L side R side L side R side
Rod end nut 2-P through M5 x 0.8 (32: Rc 1/8) Bleed port 16 to 32 Width across flats L 2-P through 4-T counterbore A' Auto switch Rod End Nut/Accessory Material: Carbon steel Part no.
center B A B A P R R P R 3 Position exhaust center 3 Position exhaust center B A B A Solenoid Specifications P R R Grommet(G)/(H), L type plug connector(L), M type plug connector(M) P R Electrical entry 3 Position pressure center 3 Position pressure center DC AC50/60Hz 24,12,6,5,3 100, 110 , 200, 220 10% rated voltage 0.5(With light:0.55) 0.9(With light:1.0) 1.0(With light:1.1) [1.1(With
Note) Component parts Aoolicable manifold base MBF261--3;-18 M a n i i o l d b l o c k O , C l a m p O ' O o r i n g O ' O ' O ' O Adapter O , Pin housing. Guide. Insertllug lead wire Plug-in type Connector lead wires o Manilold block assy ' :o-side ports A, B l-1l8 P A, B bottom 2-1l8 P, A, B bottom w/ (114 A, B side) MBF261.-3r-1A M a n i f o l d b l o c k O , C l a m p O , @ .
Clean appearance P N SS5X3-42 SX340(R) P N SS5X5-41 SX540 P N SS5X5-42 SX540(R) P N SS5X7-42 SX740(R) P N SS5X3-41 SX340 Single base/B mount Common SUP/Common EXH 4 to 12 stations 3 to 12 stations Base Side Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 4 Rc 1 4 Model Applicable valve Manifold type P (SUP)/R (EXH) Valve stations (1) In case of a flat cable style, each valve is wired on the print board of manifold
222 CC-Link p. 223 DeviceNet p. 224 PROFIBUS DP p. 225 Communication Cable p. 226 Field-wireable Communication Connector p. 228 Terminating Resistor p. 228 Fieldbus Related Accessories M8/M12 Connector PCA/EX9/EX500 Series Power Supply Cable/Connector EX600 Series p. 229 EX500 Series p. 231 EX260 Series p. 233 EX250 Series p. 235 Accessory Between the Sensor/Switch and the Input
P. 22 KQ2X P. 20 KQ2Y KQ2L P. 18 Branch Y Plug-in reducer Male branch tee KQ2U KQ2R KQ2T P. 21 P. 22 Use to branch line in the same direction from female thread. Use to branch line from female thread in both 90 directions. Use to change size of One-touch fittings.
Note) Component parts Aoolicable manifold base MBF261--3;-18 M a n i i o l d b l o c k O , C l a m p O ' O o r i n g O ' O ' O ' O Adapter O , Pin housing. Guide. Insertllug lead wire Plug-in type Connector lead wires o Manilold block assy ' :o-side ports A, B l-1l8 P A, B bottom 2-1l8 P, A, B bottom w/ (114 A, B side) MBF261.-3r-1A M a n i f o l d b l o c k O , C l a m p O , @ .
P1 Control Circuit Power Supply Connector: CNP2 Accessory P2 Terminal name Function Function details P P C D L11 L21 Connect between P and D. (Connected at time of shipping.) If regeneration option is required for Model Selection, connect to this terminal.
How to Order Type 40 1(P) port Stations VV5Z3 05 40 2 M5 Rc 1/8 4(A), 2(B) port size 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 02 2 stations 3, 5(R) port M5 M5 x 0.8 Nil Rc 4(A), 2(B) port Rc 1/8 F G 20 20 stations M5 x 0.8 N NPT Z NPTE How to Order Type 41 VV5Z3 05 41 1 M5 Applicable solenoid valve Stations 4(A), 2(B) port size 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 3/5(R) port 02 2 stations G L M D G L M
70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 LXSH5SB-50B LXSH5SB-75B LXSH5SB-100B LXSH5SB-125B LXSH5SB-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
when pressurized GA Rc BQ Rc P GD GC Rod side cylinder port Plug with breathing hole GR GL GL1 Rc P CD hole H10 Shaft d9 Head side cylinder port Width across flats KA GB 4-J Q With rod boot Width across flats B1 MM W C D E e V H1 AL A K F 8 f l T N U BN h + l CX S + Stroke Z + Stroke ZZ + Stroke L RR H Z + l + Stroke CZ ZZ + l + Stroke B Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) J K KA A AL B B1
Chromated Tie-rod Carbon steel @8 Bushing Lead-bronze casted @9 9-7-27 28 Series CNAW Dimensions Basic style (B): CNAWBN Rc BP unlocking port Rc BQ Rc P Plug with breathing hole GA Rc P Rod side cylinder port GB M GD GC 4-J Width across flats KA Cylinder port W Width across flats B1 With rod boot MM MM GL GR Q GL1 D e E D E T H1 8 f l AL AL F N F h + l W V K A M BN ZZ + l + 2 stroke C K A
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