Display accuracy 0.5% F .S. 1 digit (Ambient temperature of 25 3C) Repeatability 0.1% F .S. 1 digit Accuracy Temperature characteristics 0.5% F .S.
P O Flow Characteristics/Operating Principles P O, O Construction Detail .. PO Dimensions P O Installation PO Power Amp.: Series VEA Model / Spe c i f i c a t i o n s . . . . . P O H o w t o O r d e r . . . . . . . . . P @ Dimensions/ Handling Instructions . . . . . P@, @, @ External Connections P@, @ Features and Functions P@ Sample Applications . . .
N GB Rc P 2 x NN Width across flats B1 H1 2 x IA D MM Effective thread 3 A F NB NC K H S + Stroke ZZ + Stroke NA I 3 (mm) Effective thread length (mm) IA (tolerance) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) A B1 B2 D F GA GB H H1 H2 I K MM P S NN N NA NB NC ZZ 0.020 0.053 0.020 0.053 0.025 0.064 0.025 0.064 20 Up to 800 15.5 18 13 26 10 16 12 8 41 5 8 30 23 f8 5 M8 x 1.25 1/8 81 M22 x 1.5 13 26 19
Cushion needle TT UU TT UU 10 G NW A GB MW 2-P (Hexagon socket head taper plug) N Z + Stroke WW WW P (Hexagon socket head taper plug) P (Hexagon socket head taper plug) XX XX P (Port) P (Port) Centralized piping 2-ZZ (Hexagon socket head taper plug) VV VV Centralized piping 2-ZZ (Hexagon socket head taper plug) S 1.1 WX 11.4 Bottom port (ZZ) (Applicable O-ring) Y 2-d Bore size (mm) 25 32
O P Q R With arm: MK -N 12 16 11 MKB12-N MKB16-N N 8 8 29 20 4 M3 x 0.5 18.5 11 36 25 5 M4 x 0.7 21.5 O P Q R thread 8 to 18 S 20, 25 F E Oh9 0.1 100.2 25 L 2 x M5 x 0.8 (Piping port) M8 x 1.25 Effective thread depth 11 12 U K 2 x 5.5 through 2 x 2 x 9 counterbore depth 7 S 3 5.5 L K C 2 x 3.3 depth 3 +0.15 +0.05 R + Clamp stroke 3 4 B Q + 2 x Clamp stroke A Both ends tapped: MKA M6 x 1.0
With air cushion WA 2-M5 x 0.8 Relief port GB 2-P (Rc, NPT, G) GA GA RA MM H1 RA 10 10 Width across flats B1 MM H1 W W Width across flats B1 D D MAX.WH MAX.WH E-0.05 0 E-0.05 0 I AL H + Stroke K A AL C0.1 KA A K F F 8-J S + Stroke H ZZ + 2 Stroke NA (mm) MM NA P RA S WA WH 20 20 20 A AL Bore size B1 C D E F GA H H1 I M6 x 1 depth 12 M8 x 1.25 depth 16 M10 x 1.5 depth 16 J K KA M14 x 1.5
The amount of air requirement of rotary actuator = 0.06 x V x (P/0.1013)/t /min(ANR) V: Inner volume = cm3 P: Absolute pressure = {Operating pressure (MPa) + 0.1013} t: Operating time = s CRB1 Calculate the required air volume separately for the linear motion part and the rotary motion part.
Bore size (mm) Y NN P S X ZZ 20 M22 x 1.5 1/8 81 20 9 151 25 M24 x 1.5 1/8 81 20 9 156 32 M30 x 1.5 1/8 87 23 9 172 40 M33 x 2 1/4 108 25 11 198 49 Round Type Low Pressure Hydraulic Cylinder: 3.5MPa Series CHM Front flange type: CHMF Width across flats B2 Width across flats B1 N GA GB Rc P N Rc P 4-FD H1 H2 2-NN I IA D FY B MM Effective thread K F NB Width across flats NA NC FT A FX H S
[mm/s] (Operating condition) a1: Acceleration [mm/s2] T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] = = 0.57 [s] T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
0.01 s step -89No.PS-OMV0006-D Product No.
For subsonic range Where P1 + 0.1013 = (1 to 2) (P2 + 0.1013) Formula based on Cv factor Q = 197.8Cv P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h Formula based on effective area Q = 11.0S P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h [650] (133) 0.2 [646] (120) 0.1 S = 2.8mm S = 5.9mm S = 9.2mm S = 11.7mm S = 6.3mm S = 9.7mm S = 14.4mm S = 10.8mm S = 15.3mm S = 24.8mm Flow rate Q kg/h VCS212 VCS213 VCS214 VCS215 VCS 13 VCS314 VCS315
IDX-OM-W011-B / Series IDF1E/2E/3E-10(-A,C,S) IDF3E-20(-A,C) IDF4E-10(-A,C,L,M,R,S,T) IDF4E-20(-A,C,L,M,R,T) IDF6E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF6E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF8E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF8E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF11E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF11E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF15E1-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF15E1-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) URLhttps://www.smcworld.com/ English instruction manual can be downloaded
Y M B O L S Stroke Tolerance +4 -0 Adjustable 6 Allowable Kinetic Energy (Nm) 0.55 0.05 0.12 0.01 0.16 T O R Q U E SPECIFICATIONS SERIES NCRA1 D I M E N S I O N S S E E N E X T P A G E H O W T O O R D E R NCRA1 R O TA R Y A C T U AT O R NC RA1BW P I S T O N Basic D Magnetic S H A F T See Accessories Section A U T O S W I T C H T Y P E S Single Rod End W Double Rod End : 30mm Bore Double
IDX-OM-W010-C PRODUCT NAME Refrigerated Air Dryer MODEL / Series IDF1E/2E/3E-10(-A,C,S) IDF3E-20(-A,C) IDF4E-10(-A,C,L,M,R,S,T) IDF4E-20(-A,C,L,M,R,T) IDF6E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF6E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF8E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF8E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF11E-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF11E-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) IDF15E1-10(-A,C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDF15E1-20(-A,C,K,L,M,R,T) This manual is intended to
I N M C B P: For mounting 4 locations H A G Drawing indicates conduit terminal type.
( j iPilot ExH) (63.5) 2.58( Ll : with indicator light and surge voltage suppres6or e . [ o l a ' l s 1 6 e ' 9 r , p , . 1 4 . ; 116 17 l!
t o P 7 P 8 Press key Press key Anal ogue out put t ype Sw i t ch out put t ype i s di spl ayed i s di spl ayed Press key Press key i s di spl ayed i s di spl ayed Press key Press key Change t he val ue by usi ng t he and Set gai n by usi ng t he and keys.
t o P 7 P 8 Press key Press key Anal ogue out put t ype Sw i t ch out put t ype i s di spl ayed i s di spl ayed Press key Press key i s di spl ayed i s di spl ayed Press key Press key Change t he val ue by usi ng t he and Set gai n by usi ng t he and keys.
) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 13 13 l + Stroke 9 l 9 A K f N N f K A ZZ + 2 Stroke S + Stroke h + Stroke h Without Air Cushion S ZZ Stroke range Width across flats Bore (mm) Eff. thread length C B A D Ee11 F G H MA MB J K MM N P V W S ZZ 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 46 52 65 75 95 114 136 32.5 38 46.5 56.5 72 89 110 12 16 20 20 25 30 32 30 35 40 45 45 55