IR : Combination not available : Available only with NPT thread : Combination available : Varies depending on the model Accessory/Optional Specifications Combinations VEX Applicable micro mist separator Optional specifications Accessory Symbol Combination AFD20 B C D 2 6 8 C J R Z W AFD30 to 40 AMR Accessory/Optional specifications B C D Accessory Optional specifications With bracket ITV
(The SI unit type is provided for use in Japan.) : Combination available : Varies depending on the model : Combination not available : Available only with NPT thread Accessory/Optional Specifications Combinations Applicable mist separator Optional specifications Accessory Combination Symbol AFM20 B C D 2 6 8 C J R Z W AFM30 to 40 Accessory/Optional specifications B C D Accessory With bracket
IDX-OM-X011-A PRODUCT NAME Refrigerated Air Dryer MODEL / Series IDF190D-3-C,M,R IDF190D-9-V-C,M IDF240D-3-C,M,R IDF240D-9-V-C,M 2 4 0 This manual is intended to explain the installation and operation of the product.
(mm) <M5> Note) Weight (g) D1 D2 L1 L2 A M L3 KGV04-M5 KGV04-01 KGV06-M5 KGV06-01 KGV06-02 KGV08-01 KGV08-02 KGV08-03 KGV10-02 KGV10-03 KGV12-03 KGV12-04 M5 x 0.8 2.9 6 14 26.5 18.5 3.8 3.8 14.5 22.5 9.8 20.5 11 15 4 8 10.4 13.4 22 16 2.9 1 8 M5 x 0.8 7 15 26 24 30 47 40 49 63 80 Reference dimensions after R thread installation.
The handle of the M5 type is black zinc chromate plated.
AS121FG-M5-23 AS121FG-U10/32-01 9.6 25.8 28.6 12.3 8 7 12.7 17.3 22.1 8.4 8.4 3.2 M5 0.8 25 1/8" 22.2 12.3 17.3 22.1 12.7 AS221FG-01-23 AS121FG-U10/32-03 14.2 31.1 36.1 14.3 12 16 12.7 20.4 27.5 9.3 9.3 3.2 32.1 5/32" 27.1 R 1/8 8 10-32 UNF 28.6 25.8 25 22.2 7 9.6 AS121FG-M5-04 AS121FG-U10/32-05 21.3 26.1 12.3 12.7 17.3 22.1 9.3 11.4 4 3/16" 16.5 M5 0.8 11.7 9.6 25.8 28.6 8 7 25 22.2 AS121FG-M5
(mm) <M5, M6> <M5, M6> A Weight (g) L D M Model Soft nylon Urethane KAH23-M5 17 8.5 14 13 2.1 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 7 17.5 12.5 8.5 3.4 2.9 4 Applicable tubing 1 8 KAH23-M6 KAH23-U01 8 10 3.2 KAH04-M5 17 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 9.5 14 13 2 4 4 8 KAH04-M6 17.5 4 1 8 KAH04-U01 13.5 18.5 5 14 10 10 16 5.6 5.6 K 1 4 KAH04-U02 16.5 10.5 10 KAH06-M5 18.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 15 14 4 4 11.5 3 10 KAH06-M6 19 Connection
COM C) 7 Branch port D(COM D) 8 Display window Displays the status of the power supply and the communication with the PLC. 2 9 Switch cover Sets the address, etc. with the switch inside. 2 10 Grounding terminal (FE) Used for functional grounding.
C11.2 1218 MY1H Series Mechanically Jointed Rodless Cylinder Linear Guide Type Side Support Side support A MY-SA 2 x G F 2 x H E C D A B Side support B MY-SB MY1B 2 x J MY1H MY1H MY1B E A B C D MY1M MY1C (mm) MY1H Part no.
Only when output 1 and 2 are in the ON state, and C turns ON, will output 3 turn ON. If either A or B is turned OFF , output 3 will not be turned ON, even if C is turned ON.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.
fitting,hex skt hd male c, KJ MINI ONE TOUCH (sold in packages of 10; price is per piece) $3.10 This product is obsolete.