D Applicable tube b Bulkhead Connector: KQB2E Mounting plate thickness 7 mm or smaller Note) Effective area (mm2) Applicable tube O.D.
6 Roller stopper Wear ring Nit riding High carbon chromium bearing steel Carbon steel u !7 Pinion Roller Clear anodized Aluminium alloy High carbon chromium bearing steel i !8 Cap A Needle roller Aluminium alloy Clear anodized Stainless steel o !9 Cap B Parallel pin Clear anodized NBR Aluminium alloy !
6 Roller stopper Wear ring High carbon chromium bearing steel Carbon steel Nit riding u !7 Pinion Roller Aluminium alloy High carbon chromium bearing steel Clear anodized i !8 Cap A Needle roller Aluminium alloy Stainless steel Clear anodized o !9 Cap B Parallel pin NBR Aluminium alloy Clear anodized !
5 q u o Material Note Component Parts !4 r No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !
View port View port G1/2 Refer to page 529 for Microswitch for differential pressure indication switch. 504 A Suction Filter with Case FH99 Series Dimensions Differential pressure indication switch Blanking cap Differential pressure indicator 8 x T 16 (65) N I (34) E F U OUT X H O 62 B U U R S 4 x K OUT OUT Q P IN Differential pressure indicator Differential pressure indication switch G
1 ARM Diaphragm (B) e w r y Exhaust Bleed w ARP Diaphragm (C) SUP(1) OUT(2) SUP(1) OUT(2) OUT(2) SUP(1) Exhaust Valve IR u !0 !0 !2 t r !
8370: JIS B 8361: JIS B 9960-1: 1 ) JIS B 8433: *2) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4
Body Needle V seal Lock nut Adjustment handle Insert bushing Nut Collar A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PFA PCTFE PTFE PVDF PVDF PFA PFA PFA Body class 2 y u y u B Dimensions A (B) (max.S) D H Port A 2 x G SMC (J) SMC C E F K Port B E A B C D E F G H J K S Model 48 60 72 LVN20 LVN30 LVN40 24 30 36 12 18 22 88 110 124 34.5 43 52 6 9 11 4 5 6 14 25 25 20 26 33 18 24 30 2.4 7.5 8.0 940 LQ1/LQ3/LVN/LQHB Series
Separate Controller Bar Type Ionizer IZT40/41/42 Series High-voltage power supply module High-voltage power supply module Controller How to Order Bar + High-voltage power supply module + Controller Dual AC type AC type Standard type q D 3 6H R F IZT 40 34 34 1 U IZT 42 D 1 6H R 3 F U w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !
Before Use Fieldbus device EX250-SCA1A : Output numbers are assigned to stations from side D to U of manifold in order. (Refer to manual of each valve manifold for the directions of side D and U). : Standard manifold is wired in double. Output numbers are assigned to side A and B alternatively. In case of single solenoid valve, output on side B is free.
ISO 10218-12006Robots for industrial environments-Safety requirements-part1:Robot IEC 60204-1:Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines-Part1:General requirements JIS B 8370: JIS B 9960-1:-(1:) JIS B 8433-12007-1 *2) 1. 2. 3. a. b. c 4. a. b. c d. 3. 4. a0~60 b25~85%RH c d e 5. f g. h i 6.
PF3W511/521 (Vinyl chloride piping) -38No.PF-OMN0010-J Flow characteristics of the flow rate adjustment valve PF3W504S PF3W520S PF3W540S -39No.PF-OMN0010-J Analogue output Analogue output (Flow) (PF3W504/520/540) A B C Voltage output 1 V 1.5 V 5 V Current output 4 mA 6 mA 20 mA (PF3W511) A B C Voltage output 1 V 1.4 V 5 V Current output 4 mA 5.6 mA 20 mA (PF3W521-12/14) A B C Voltage output
Rated voltage For DC 5 6 V S R 24 VDC 12 VDC 6 VDC 5 VDC 3 VDC B: Locking slotted type Electrical entry 24 VDC, 12 VDC, 6 VDC, 5 VDC, 3 VDC Grommet L plug connector M plug connector G: 300 mm lead wire L: 300 mm lead wire M: 300 mm lead wire MN: Without lead wire Light/Surge voltage suppressor Nil S Z R U Without light/surge voltage suppressor With surge voltage suppressor With light/surge
4 @2 u o !3 @4 e !5 !1 r u @2 @3 !3 @4 e !2 MXH16/20 (16, 20) @0 y @1 !7 w q!9 t !8 i !0 !1 r u @2 @3 !3 @4 e !2 Component Parts Component Parts Description Material Note Note Description Material No.
of poppet valves u close due to the balance between actuating forces F1 and F2.
Body Needle V seal Lock nut Adjustment handle Insert bushing Nut Collar Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PFA PCTFE PTFE PVDF PVDF PFA PFA PFA u B 17-5-134 4 Series LVN High Purity Fluoropolymer Needle Valve Dimensions A (B) VC VDW VQ VX2 (max.
Construction Standard type Double acting type N.C. type N.O. type w e q q e w q e w y t r A B A B With flow rate adjustment u Component Parts No.
Standard M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 10-V14: 13(27) 10-V14A: 16(30) 10-V14: 12(26) 10-V14A: 15(29) Large flow capacity Standard 10-V124A Note 1) Large flow capacity Valve model 12 [32 Note 3)] Flow characteristics 23 [21 Note 3)] b b Cv Cv C[dm3/(sbar)] 0.054 0.099 0.037 0.076 C[dm3/(sbar)] 0.037 0.076 0.054 0.099 10-V114 10-V114A 10-V124 Note 1) 0.008 0.016 0.015 0.024 0.015 0.024
A G N D A B COM RS COM COM 12V G N D A B COM OUT1 AC100V OUT2 COM COM OUT3 COM DC24V GND AC100V (C E U 1) (C E U 1-D ) CEU1 +12V + 12V 1 A 680 CO M +12V + 12V 1 B 680 COM +12V D C 1 2 V60 m A GND RS COM FG AC100V 6 6 6 6-3 3 3 3 1C E U 1 CE1-R** 25m 3 4 SFC-10 5CEU1 AC 6 AC100V ( TDK ZGB2203-01U) (DC12V)(:ERZV10D220 7CEU1 10cm 8DC24V (CEU1*-D)EMC (2004/108/EC) (AC/DC
4 18 5 19 6 20 7 21 U 8 22 R 9 A 23 C 10 B 24 11 A 25 12 13 14 MHL2-10D MHL2-16D MHL2-20D MHL2-25D MHL2-32D MHL2-40D 26 27 28 29 30 NBR MHL10-PS MHL16-PS MHL20-PS MHL25-PS MHL32-PS MHL40-PS ) 262627282930 1 14 - 4-3 1 U U 2 R B B R 3 15 - 4-4 1 2 O O O 3 16 - Revision history 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPAN Tel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3