Rated Vacuum Range: -100.0 to 100.0 kPa, Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: P [Units Selection Function (Initial Value psi)], Under New Measurement Act Selection Function not Permitted for use in Japan, Piping Specification: NPT1/8, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: A2 [Bracket B (ZS-46-A2)], Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -100.0 to 100.0 kPa, Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: P [Units Selection Function (Initial Value psi)], Under New Measurement Act Selection Function not Permitted for use in Japan, Piping Specification: NPT1/8, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2m Lead Wire w/Waterproof Cover, Bracket: None, Operation Manual: Operation
(Refer to p. 2.4-2 and 2.4-3 in the catalog "Best Pneumatics 4 ".)
fitting Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics ASP330F ASP430F 400 200 3 6 Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Inlet pressure : 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure : 0.5 MPa Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) 300 06 07,08,09 2 4 200 100 1 2 100 0 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations ASP530F ASP630F 1500 1000 14 Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Inlet pressure : 0.5
End plate ass'y 1 pc. 2500 3000 A B 146 Return to Menu Specialty Regulators NARM Series Regulator for Manifold NARM2500, 3000 P Dimensions Symbol A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Model NARM2500 .24 .67 1.73 2.20 1.65 4.98 2.28 1.77 .67 .83 1.50 1.65 1.14 1.89 2.68 1.32 (6) (17) (44) (56) (42) (126.5) (58) (45) (17) (21) (38) (42) (29) (48) (68) (33.5) NARM3000 .28 .83 2.13 2.68 2.17 6.04
Inch size 1/4" 1/8" 5/32" Flow rate (l/min(ANR)) 170 100 120 150 IN OUT Effective area (mm2) 2.6 1.5 1.8 2.3 IN P1 Note) Flow rate is the value measured under a pressure of 0.5 MPa and a temperature of 20C.
VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .
Proof 65 3 Wire Output PNP 25 3 Wire Output NPN 26 3 Wire Analog Output P I P I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 01 Direct Piping 1/8 PT T1 NPTF 1/8 H O W T O O R D E R P O S I T I V E P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ISE4 ISE4 B D W I R I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S O P E R AT I N G P R E S S U R E L Grommet Entry 3m Lead 0.6m -0.1 ~ 1MPa L -10 ~ 100KPa DIN R A I L M O U N T I N
Panel mounl adapter H i s h-p reci s io n D i s *"l?
Panel mounl adapter H i s h-p reci s io n D i s *"l?
Steel) Pressure Gauge For OUT 1, OUT 2 pressure range 0-150 psi, 1/8 NPT G43-P10-N01 or KSlOB-AD11 (St.
Steel) Pressure Gauge For OUT 1, OUT 2 pressure range 0-150 psi, 1/8 NPT G43-P10-N01 or KSlOB-AD11 (St.
Operating humidity range P.3.14-3 Vacuum breaking pressure Full scale Operating indicator light P.3.14-5 P.3.14-4 Voltage resistance Full span Operating pressure range Operating temperature range Operating voltage G W Orifice Gas contact part Wind comparator mode P.3.14-5 P.3.14-3 P Grommet Panel mounting H Z Peak indication part P.3.14-4 PNP output Hysteresis Zero out (Zero
R L B 01 1 Nil F G Rc 1 8 ... ...
AV Regulating pressure range AU Ambient and operating temperature range Weight AF Model AR Port size Model IR IN OUT ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 VEX NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8 4 One-touch fitting AMR R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 6 One-touch fitting NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 5/32" One-touch fitting ITV 1/4" One-touch fitting JIS Symbol
'1l8 NPT G43-P10-N01 or KSl OB-AD1 1 (St.
Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: T (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: M5 (Female Thread, Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: A2 (Bracket B, Horizontal Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: V (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: 01 (R 1/8), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: A2 (Bracket B, Horizontal Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: Y (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Copy Function), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: C6L (ø6 One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: A2 (Bracket B, Horizontal Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: F (-100 to 100 kPa), Output Specification: V (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: C6L (ø6 One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof), Bracket: A2 (Bracket B, Horizontal Mounting)