AC200230V AC100120V 40 AC100120V 6 AC200230V L 1 L 1 PE L 2 2-M5 2-M5 L 2 L 3 CNP1 CNP1 N N P 1 P 1 P 2 P 2 M4 1.2[Nm] P P C C CNP2 D CNP2 D L 11 L 11 L 21 L 21 U U CNP3 V CNP3 V M5 3.24[Nm] W W 11 2 11 (2) LECSC-S8 [mm] 40 6 5 6 6 (80) 170 CNP1 () CN1 CNP2 CNP3 6 (68) (25.5) MR-J3BA MR-J3BAT 1.0[kg] .
) L plug connector (L) VZ3240-L-01 M plug connector (M) VZ3240-M-01 (Lead wire length) 300 300 (Lead wire length) : With light/surge voltage suppressor DIN terminal (D) VZ3240-D-01 Built-in speed controllers VZ3250Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 3-3-35 Series VZ3000 3 Position Closed Center/Exhaust Center/Pressure Center VZ3340 Grommet (G), (H) VZ3 20-01 G H 3 4 5 VZ3440 (Mounting hole) Manual
D 1.6 x P 0.1 x Wcos + Wsin D 5.0 x P 0.1 x W + W D 5.0 x P W W > Wv P > Pv Determination of allowable load mass & pressure Inclined operation (For vertical operation, refer to page 1205.)
V L4=50+T+X 50 SMC H H L L O O S S U U C C P P K K 8 U 57 (at handle locked) DIN rail part no.
Body Resin SYJ q (A) 2 Spool valve Aluminum/NBR w e r Pilot valve VK 1 (P) 3 (R) Port plug Resin/NBR VVQZ100-CP VZ VT VQZ200/300 VT Metal seal Rubber seal VP VG q r w e q r w e VP VQ VQZ N.C. N.C. VZ (A) 2 (A) 2 VS 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) q r w e q r w e N.O. N.O. (A) 2 (A) 2 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) Component Parts No.
M12 52 l M12 M12 48 6 6 32.3 28.3 16 M12 31.3 31.3 l 14.9 Terminal no.
length) 87.2 [91.6] With interface regulator 107.5 [109.7] (Light/surge voltage suppressor) 69.6 [76.6] 45 50.1 [57.1] + 54.2 34.7 31.5 6 8.5 21.5 6 43.9 32 24 15 17 17 1/8 (P, R port) 45.5 L plug connector (L): SYJ5240-L-01 M plug connector (M): SYJ5240-M-01 DIN terminal (D): SYJ5240-D-01 M8 connector (W0): SYJ5240-W0-01 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 82.9
G46-2-02-L G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-10-01-L G36-2-01-L Round type Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Pressure gauge Note 1) Round type (with color zone) Square embedded type Note 2) GC3-10AS [GC3P-010AS (Pressure gauge cover only)] GC3-2AS [GC3P-010AS (Pressure gauge cover only)] ISE35-N-25-MLA [ISE35-N-25-M (Switch body only)]
Relief time from 1000 l tank Port 1 (P) pressure (MPa) VEX170 Set point Relief time (S) 3. Relief time from an arbitrary pressure [Example] VEX 1500 lowers 2000 l tank from 0.4 MPa to 0.1 MPa: b) The relief time for the 2000 l tank is found by conversion as shown below. Initial pressure a) In graph 2.
215 775 1200 470 (423 to 517) [Unit: mm] (Note) Model D H T E d W T D L Max.
Male Branch "Y": KPU Effective area mm Note 1) D Model L TPH TPS A H (width across flats) P Connection threads R Weight g Applicable tubing O.D. mm 2-Applicable tubing P M D KPU04-01 KPU04-02 KPU06-01 KPU06-02 KPU08-01 KPU08-02 KPU10-02 KPU10-03 KPU12-03 KPU12-04 7 8 9 10 15 17 23 25 29 30 41.5 43.5 45.5 46.5 52.5 55.5 59 61.5 63.5 65.5 12 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 45.4 49.4
Male Branch "Y": KPU Effective area mm Note 1) D Model L TPH TPS A H (width across flats) P Connection threads R Weight g Applicable tubing O.D. mm 2-Applicable tubing P M D KPU04-01 KPU04-02 KPU06-01 KPU06-02 KPU08-01 KPU08-02 KPU10-02 KPU10-03 KPU12-03 KPU12-04 7 8 9 10 15 17 23 25 29 30 41.5 43.5 45.5 46.5 52.5 55.5 59 61.5 63.5 65.5 12 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 45.4 49.4
If W-AREA1 >W-AREA2, the "Parameter ALM" alarm will be Basic parameter "Stroke (-)" W-AREA1 W-AREA1 "Stroke (+)" Basic parameter "Stroke (-)" W-AREA2 W-AREA2 activated. However if W-AREA1= W-AREA2 = 0, WAREA will be OFF and no alarm will be generated.
1 ,l1I~1 f AI U, , L~ f-~, ~' 45' 'C'C' '111 i'-"-l :2< ~ "'" _Ie P. eE, MM R, U, eND"IO NX l P . ~z l . A A, L, no. (min) bontala A, eE, L, MM R, U, eNOHlO NX No. (mm) 1-04 40 69 22 24 55 M14X1.5 15.5 2Q 12-g D70 .. -8!.
(A) 2 110 VAC 220 VAC 1/8 1/4 AC L With light/surge voltage suppressor 3.8 1 (P) 3 (R) 240 VAC N.O. DIN (EN1753 01-803) terminal (A) 2 VP500 1 (P) 3 (R) External pilot N.C. 1/4 3/8 P. 8 8.8 Push-turn locking lever type (A) 2 1 (P) 3 (R) Conduit terminal VP700 X N.O.
Approx. 600 (Lead wire length) 31.5 [38.5] 70.6 [72.8] (Light/surge voltage suppressor) 2-3.2 (For mounting) 23.5 10.9 74.2 [76.4] + 28 25 16.1 21 31.5 [38.5] 18 10 (Bracket) 3.6 1/8 (P, R port) R P 28 8 1.6 (PE port) 14.5 16 L plug connector (L): SYJ72-L-01 (-F) M plug connector (M): SYJ72-M-01 (-F) DIN terminal (D): SYJ72-D-01 (-F) M8 connector (M0): SYJ72-W0-01 (-F) Approx. 300 (Lead wire
Construction AW20K to 40K A-A i A w t SMC K P q C U O S L H o t OUT (Outlet pressure) IN (Inlet pressure) A Parts list y Material AW20K AW30K AW40K AW40K-06 Description No. Note e Zinc die-cast Aluminum die-cast Platinum silver 1 2 Body r Bonnet Black Polyacetal u Parts no. AW20K Description Material No.
Series VT Not Available In The USA BACKGROUND Many current pneumatic solenoid valves are a c t u a l l y o f s o l e n o i d p i l o t c o n s t r u c t i o n . T h e s o l e n o i d d o e s n o t o p e r a t e d i r e c t l y u p o n t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t w i t h i n t h e v a l v e . W h a t t h e solenoid does is open a very small pilot valve.
Orifice symbol (diameter) Solenoid valve (Port size) DC 1 (2 mm) 2 (3 mm) 3 (4.5 mm) 4 (6mm) VX21 VX22 VX23 Model Class H 01 ( ) 02 ( ) 1 8 Rated voltage S L Z 1 4 02 ( ) 03 ( ) 02 ( ) 03 ( ) Port no.