VNB1 -6A, 8A, 10A VNB2 -10A, 15A VNB3 -20A VNB4 -25A VNB5 -32A, 32F VNB5 4 -32A, 32F VNB6 -40A, 40F VNB6 4 -40A, -40F VNB7 -50A, 50F VNB7 4 -50A, 50F No.
Orifice and port size combinations Port size 4 3 7 5 10 1/4 ( 8A) 2 1/4 ( 8A) D DIN DL DIN with light DO DIN (without connector) T With conduit terminal TL With conduit terminal and light 3 3/8 (10A) 3/8 (10A) 1/2 (15A) 4 3/4 (20A) Table 2. Bracket assembly part nos. Valve model VCA21 VCA31 VCA41 Bracket assembly part no.
SOL.A 8A () (+) SOL.A 8A 1A COM 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 1B 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B 4A 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A 9B 9A 10B 10A COM 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B SOL.B 8B () (+) 8 stations SOL.B 8B SOL.A 9A () (+) SOL.A 9A SOL.B 9B () (+) 9 stations SOL.B 9B SOL.A 10A () (+) SOL.A 10A SOL.B 10B () (+) 10 stations SOL.B 10B (+) () COM COM Note) There is no polarity.
Then tighten the screws. (+) () 10A 10 stations (+) () 10B (+) () 11A 11 stations SOL.A SOL.B (+) () 11B (+) () 12A 12 stations SOL.B COM. (+) () 12B () (+) COM (1) Negative COM Note) Use negative COM valves for negative COM specification manifolds. See p.1.10-160 for details.
Body material: Brass (C37) (32A or more: CAC407), Stainless steel (32A or more: not available) VXED2130 (8A/10A) VXED2140/2150/2260 (10A to 25A) !2 !2 !1 o i t !0 e u w y q !1 o i t e !0 P1 P2 P1 u y w OUT IN OUT P2 IN VXED2270/2380/2390 (32A to 50A) q !2 !1 i t e o !0 w r u Working principle
SOL.A 8A 1A COM 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 8B Station 8 1B 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B 4A 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A 9B 9A 10B 10A COM 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B SOL.B SOL.A 9A 9B Station 9 SOL.B SOL.A 10A 10B Station 10 SOL.B COM COM. 668 Base Mounted Plug-in Unit VQC5000 Series T VQC5000 Kit (Terminal block box kit) IP67 compliant VV5QC51 SV L2 SYJ L1 10 88.7 (7.1) 59.5 P = 41 SZ Indicator light
For this workpiece, select the XT661-10A.
VNA1A -6A, 8A, 10A VNA2 -10A, 15A VNA3 -20A VNA4 -25A VNA5 -32A VNA6 -40A VNA7 -50A No.
Description VNC1 -6A, 8A, 10A VNC2 -10A, 15A VNC3 -20A VNC4 -25A VNC5 -32A, 32F VNC6 -40A, 40F VNC7 -50A, 50F No. I 2.89 SOLENOID VALVES SERIES VQZ BODY PORTED TYPE M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S E R I E S V Q Z 1 0 0 0 / 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 B L A N K P L A T E A S S E M B L Y BLANK PLATE ASSEMBLY VVQZ1000-10A-2 VVQZ2000-10A-2 VVQZ3000-10A-2 USED TO RESERVE A VALVE MOUNTING SPACE ON THE MANIFOLD FOR FUTURE USE M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S E R I E S V Q Z 1 0 0 0 / 2 0 0 0 / 3
SOL.B 7B ( ) ( + ) 7 stations SOL.A 8A ( ) ( + ) SOL.B 8B ( ) ( + ) 8 stations 1A COM 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 1B 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B 4A 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A 9B 9A 10B 10A COM 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B SOL.A 9A ( ) ( + ) SOL.B 9B ( ) ( + ) 9 stations SOL.A 10A ( ) ( + ) SOL.B 10B ( ) ( + ) 10 stations ( + ) ( ) COM Note) There is no polarity.
B 8B () (+) Station 8 1A COM 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A SOL. A 9A () (+) 1B 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B 4A 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A 9B 9A 10B 10A COM 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B SOL. B 9B () (+) Station 9 SOL. A 10A () (+) Note) There is no polarity. This device can also be used as a negative common. SOL.
SX3000-26-10A 1 set (Blanking plate assembly part no) SY3140-5LOU 3 sets (Single solenoid part no.) SY3240-5LOU 2 sets (Double solenoid part no.) SY3000-37-3A 3 sets (Connector assembly part no.)
VNA1A -6A, 8A, 10A VNA2 -10A, 15A VNA3 -20A VNA4 -25A VNA5 -32A VNA6 -40A VNA7 -50A No.
Description VNC1 -6A, 8A, 10A VNC2 -10A, 15A VNC3 -20A VNC4 -25A VNC5 -32A, 32F VNC6 -40A, 40F VNC7 -50A, 50F No.
SOL.A 8A () (+) Station 8 SOL.B 1A COM 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 8B () (+) 1B 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B 4A 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A 9B 9A 10B 10A COM 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B SOL.A 9A () (+) Station 9 SOL.B 9B () (+) SOL.A 10A () (+) Station 10 SOL.B 10B () (+) Note) When using the negative COM specification, use valves for negative COM. (+) () COM Note) Negative COM spec.
-5 (VQZ1000) VVQZ2000-10A-5 (VQZ2000) VVQZ3000-10A-5 (VQZ3000) It is used by attaching on the manifold block for being prepared for removing a valve for maintenance reasons or planning to mount a spare valve, etc.
F-4200-.5 F-4200-2 F-4200-5 F-4200-15 F-4200-30 F-4200-60 F-4200-100 .05 .2 .5 .5 .5 .5 1 .5 2 5 15 30 60 100 15 30 30 45 60 120 120 .05 .1 .4 1.0 1.8 3.5 3.5 .15 .3 .8 1.6 2.4 5.0 7.5 3A 10A 10A 10A 10A 10A 10A Wetted materials For special deadband or current requirements, contact factory See Appendix A F-4200BARBED FITTING SPECIAL OPTIONS RANGE (PSI) MOUNTING STYLE B80 = NYLON 1/16" ID
-5 VVQZ200-10A-5 VVQZ300-10A-5 Use to reserve a valve mounting space on the manifold for furture use.
TQ Blanking plug (with O-ring) 1 VVCC12-10A-1 For 2 port valve Hexagon socket head plug (R1/4) 1 Blanking plug (with O-ring) 1 VVCC13-10A-1 For 3 port valve Hexagon socket head plug (R1/4) 2 647 VCC Series Specifications VCC12 VCC13 VCC12D Model Passage number 2 port 3 port Note 3) 2 port (Diaphragm type) Construction (Fluid contact material) Poppet seal (PEEK resin + Stainless steel) + Special