AW-OMT0013-B PRODUCT NAME FILTER REGULATOR MODEL/ Series AW20K-(F,N)01(F,N)02(B,C,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,C,J,N,R,Z)-B AW30K-(F,N)02(F,N)03(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40K-(F,N)02(F,N)04(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40K-(F,N)06(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW60K-(F,N)06(F,N)10(B,C,D,E,G,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B Contents PAGE 1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 16 2.
. body C A A Model P1 P2*1 A B C Applicable AC size Y24-D 1/8, 1/4 1/8 28 35 42 AC20-D Y34-D 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 1/8 31 43 53 AC30-D Y44-D 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 1/8 39 51 71 AC40-D Y54-D 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 1/8 47 54 71 AC40-06-D Y64-D 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 1/8 62 64 90 AC50-D, AC60-D Model P1, P2*1 A B C Applicable AC size Y24-1-D 1/8, 1/4 40 35 42 AC20-D Y34-1-D 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 49 43 53 AC30-D Y44-1-D 1/4, 3/8,
F G H SUP. 3 1 2 q Body size Description Symbol C D E 20 30 40 Key can be mounted when residual pressure is released.
Model Option AR10 AR25(K) AR20(K) AR30(K) AR40(K) AR40(K)-06 AR50(K) AR60(K) Bracket assembly Note 1) AR30P-270AS AR30P-260S AR40P-270AS AR40P-260S AR50P-270AS Note 2) AR20P-270AS AR20P-260S AR25P-270AS AR25P-260S G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-10-01-L G36-2-01-L AR10P-270AS AR10P-260S G27-10-R1 Set nut Note 3) Note 3) G46-10-02 G46-2-02 G46-10-02-L G46-2-02-L GC3-10AS [GC3P-010AS (Pressure gauge
type GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS Pressure gauge G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 Round G46-2-02 G46-2-02 0.2MPa Note 4) Square embedded type GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
C Note 1) C Note 1) Option symbol 2 Semi-standard symbol 6 Semi-standard: 2 Semi-standard: Piping port Piping port (9) Part No. (9) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc AD47-2-A AD47-D G G NPT AD47N-2(Z)-A NPT AD47N(-Z)-D Appearance and part No.
AWD20-D AWD30-D AWD40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S Rc G46-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Pressure gauge Note 2) NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
AWM20-D AWM30-D AWM40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 Rc G46-10-01 Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
R 1/8 R 1/8 KK13S-01M KK13P-01M R 1/4 R 1/4 -02M -02M R 3/8 R 3/8 -03M -03M R 1/2 R 1/2 -04M -04M Female thread type Female thread type Part no. Port size Part no. Port size Rc 1/4 KK13S-02F Rc 1/4 KK13P-02F Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 1/2 -04F Rc 1/2 -04F G1/4 -G02F Barb fitting type Barb fitting type Applicable hose I.D. Part no. Applicable hose I.D.
)] PNP output / Wiring top entry Copper-free, Fluorine-free (20-) 20-ARP20(K) 20-ARP30(K) 20-ARP40(K) Model Bracket assembly Note 1) ARP20P-270AS ARP30P-270AS ARP40P-270AS Set nut ARP20P-260S ARP30P-260S ARP40P-260S G46-4-l01-X3 G46-4-l02-X3 0.4 MPa Pressure gauge G46-2-l01-X3 G46-2-l02-X3 Round type Note 2) 0.2 MPa G46-7-l01-X3 G46-7-l02-X3 0.7 MPa Clean Room Compliant, Copper-free, Fluorine-free
)] PNP output / Wiring top entry Copper-free, Fluorine-free (20-) 20-ARP20(K) 20-ARP30(K) 20-ARP40(K) Model Bracket assembly Note 1) ARP20P-270AS ARP30P-270AS ARP40P-270AS Set nut ARP20P-260S ARP30P-260S ARP40P-260S G46-4-l01-X3 G46-4-l02-X3 0.4 MPa Pressure gauge G46-2-l01-X3 G46-2-l02-X3 Round type Note 2) 0.2 MPa G46-7-l01-X3 G46-7-l02-X3 0.7 MPa Clean Room Compliant, Copper-free, Fluorine-free
Type: -, Maximum Indicated Pressure(Mpa): -, Outer Diameter(φ): -, Shape: Back side thread, Maximum Indicated Pressure: 1.0 MPa, Connection screw: R 1/4, Option: With M5 (female thread), Size: 42.5, Transparent cover material: Polycarbonate, Special Configurations: Nickel plating, Attachment: Without cover ring assembly, Unit Specifications: MPa
-10AS G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 0.2MPa Note 3) GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
-10-01 Round type pressure gauge Rc G46-4-01 1 0.2MPa setting G46-10-N01 G46-4-N01 1 0.2MPa setting Z Imperial unit Name plate psi Pressure gauge MPa / psi G46-P10-N01-X30 NPT Imperial unit Name plate psi Pressure gauge MPa / psi 0.2MPa setting G46-P4-N01-X30 1Z G46-10-01 G G46-4-01 1 0.2MPa setting G46-10-01-L Round type pressure gauge (with colour zone) Rc G46-4-01-L 1 0.2MPa
Model Optional specifications AW10(K) AW20P-270AS AR20P-260S AW20(K) AW30(K) AR40P-270AS AR40P-260S AW40(K) AW40(K)-06 AW60(K) AW60P-270AS Note 6) Bracket assembly Note 1) AR10P-270AS AR10P-260S G27-10-R1 G27-10-R1 Note 3) AR30P-270AS AR30P-260S Note 7) Set nut G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-10-01-L G36-2-01-L G46-10-02 G46-2-02 G46-10-02-L G46-2-02-L Round type Note 2) Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa
Example 1) When the pressure in the rear and the front of the cylinder differs: Example 2) When the air supply is cut off and releasing the inlet pressure to the atmosphere, the residual pressure release of the outlet side can be ensured for a safety purpose. 12 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 L 14 2 4 12 10 5 1 3 How to Order Refer to page 65 for size 10.
-10-02 G46-2-02 G46-10-02-L G46-2-02-L G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-10-01-L G36-2-01-L Round type Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Standard 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting Pressure gauge Note 1) Round type (with color zone) Square embedded type Note 2) GC3-10AS [GC3P-010AS (Pressure gauge cover only)] GC3-2AS [GC3P-010AS (Pressure gauge cover only)] ISE35-N-25-MLA [ISE35
Type: General-Purpose/Standard Pressure Gauge, Maximum Indicated Pressure(Mpa): 0.2, Outer Diameter(φ): 42.5, Shape: Back side thread, Maximum Indicated Pressure: 0.2 MPa, Connection screw: R 1/4, Option: With M5 (female thread), Size: 42.5, Transparent cover material: Polycarbonate, Special Configurations: None, Attachment: Without cover ring assembly, Unit Specifications: MPa
(A) 2 (A) 1 (P) 3 (R) 2 (A) 2 (A) 3 (R) Model C[dm3/(] b Cv C[dm3/(] b Cv C[dm3/(] b Cv C[dm3/(] b Cv VEX312-01 VEX312-02 VEX332-02 VEX332-03 VEX332-04 VEX350-04 VEX322-01 VEX322-02 VEX342-02 VEX342-03 VEX342-04 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 2.4 3.5 4.1 8.7 9.8 24 3.3 4.1 8.1 12 13 0.19 0.35 0.36 0.29 0.37 0.32 0.34 0.28 0.34 0.26 0.20 0.59 0.89 1.1 2.2