.: 07 (1/4), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 19 (Rcø19, NPT 3/4")
.: 07 (1/4), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 19 (Rcø19, NPT 3/4")
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 06 (ø6), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 19 (Rcø19, NPT 3/4"), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)
Manifold Type: 20 (Body Ported), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 20P (Body Ported), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 20 (Body Ported, Bar Manifold, Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 20P (Body Ported, Bar Manifold, Flat Cable), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 20 (Body Ported), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 20P (Body Ported, Flat Cable), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 23 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Manifold Type: 23P (Flat Cable), Valve Stations: 5 Stations
Valve Mounting Direction: Solenoid on the Side Opposite to A,B Ports, Piping: 20 (5 Port/Body Ported Common SUP Common EXH), Stations: 5 Stations
Piping: 20 (Body Ported/Common SUP Common EXH), Stations: 5 Stations
Piping: 21 (Base Mounted Common SUP Common EXH), Stations: 5 Stations