3 (R) 3 (R) 1 (P) 1 (P) 25 17 2 4-1/4,3/8,1/2NPT 4-3/4NPT VH43 -N02/N03/N04 (Bottom porting) VH43 -N06 (Bottom porting) 2 (A) 2 (A) 46 54 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) 4 (B) 4 (B) 4-3/4NPT 4-1/4,3/8,1/2NPT 9
R R: Gripping point distance [mm] 6 MHL2 Series Construction 10 16 to 25 e r t u w y @4 @0 @1 @2 !7 !5 !8 @3 !3 e o i q @6 @7 @3 @5 !9 !0 !2 !1 !6 !4 Component Parts No. Description Material Note 1 Body Aluminum alloy Hard anodized No.
[L/min] Flow rate [L/min] Fl ow r at e[ L/ m i n] Fl ow r at e[ L/ m i n] LFE3 0.02 Pressure loss [MPa] 0.015 P r essur e l oss[ M P a] 0.01 0.005 0 0 50 100 150 200 Fl ow r at e[ L/ m i n] Flow rate [L/min] -25No.LV50***-OMQ0004-F IN side straight pipe length (reference value) Straight pipe length 5 Change of accuracy [%F.S.]
AS 01 X785 Pilot port Port size Body size Thread type Seal method 2 1/8, 1/4 3 3/8 4 1/2 Nil R, Rc G G Nil Without sealant (for G) S With sealant (for R) Cylinder side 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 * R thread type: With sealant G thread type: Without sealant Valve side Cylinder side 04 F 10 S AS4201 X785 Pilot port Thread type Seal method Nil R, Rc G G Nil Without sealant (for G) S With sealant
t B 120 327 188 (519) w w 84 OUT 2 x R1 r IN 53 DRAIN G1/4 Note Component Parts Dimensions (mm) A B Model Bore size (Nominal size B) No.
Free mount type MSU Without auto switch 20 90 S M SUA CRJ Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com CRA1 20 90 S D SUA L T79 M With auto switch CRQ2 Number of auto switches S Nil 1 pc. MSQ With auto switch unit 2 pcs.
500 Maximum speed (mm/s) 2.
Configuration One thermo-chiller for one master. 2 2 R D R D 3 3 S D S D 5 5 S G S G Master This product Do not connect any wire to other PIN numbers. Fig. 3-13 Connection of RS-232C HRS Series 3.3 Installation 3-27 DOC1001322 Chapter 3 Transport and Setting Up 3.4 Piping Connect piping firmly.
R S R Conforms to ISO 15407-2 Standard 5 Port Solenoid Valve/Plug-in Type Numbers in parentheses represent the maximum number of solenoids in case of mixed single and double wiring.
IN OUT w r w AR30(K)-B/AR40(K)-B q t AR50(K)-B/AR60(K)-B e IN OUT q t r w e IN OUT r w Component Parts No.
/M AI N TEN AN CE At t ach t o t he m ai n pi pi ng t o rem ove cont am i nant s of oi l , w at er, f orei gn m at eri al i n com pressed ai r. Fi l t rat i on rat i ng3 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99% ) Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa** and 0. 05M Pa* or l ess Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Handle/Bonnet Material: A (Flame Resistant PBT), Options: BS (w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port), Semi-Standard: R (Flow Direction: Right to Left), Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 04 (1/2), Handle/Bonnet Material: A (Flame Resistant PBT), Options: BS (w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port), Semi-Standard: R (Flow Direction: Right to Left), Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 04 (1/2), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: B (w/Bracket), Semi-Standard: R (Flow Direction: Right to Left), Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 04 (1/2), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: BS (w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port), Semi-Standard: R (Flow Direction: Right to Left), Made to Order: X1 (Body: Red)
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 3/8, Handle/Bonnet Material: Flame Resistant PBT, Options: w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port, Semi-Standard: Flow Direction: Right to Left, Made to Order: Body: Red
Body Size: 40, Thread: G, Port Size: 1/2, Handle/Bonnet Material: Flame Resistant PBT, Options: w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port, Semi-Standard: Flow Direction: Right to Left, Made to Order: Body: Red
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 1/2, Handle/Bonnet Material: Aluminum, Options: w/Bracket, Semi-Standard: Flow Direction: Right to Left, Made to Order: Body: Red
Body Size: 40, Thread: G, Port Size: 1/2, Handle/Bonnet Material: Aluminum, Options: w/Bracket + Built-in Silencer, EXH Port, Semi-Standard: Flow Direction: Right to Left, Made to Order: Body: Red