1 2 2 ( 3 1 ) { 1 1 6 ) 2.79 ( 7 1 ) 4.03 1204) 2.56 (65) 3.15 130) 8 3 9 [2r3) E 1 5 7 (40) 4.57 ( 1 1 6 ) 362 (s2) 1 1 8 130) 205 t52) 0.55 ( 1 4 ) 3.94 (100) r.50 (38) (62) 1.34 (35) o.67 (17) M22x1 5 1.57 1 2 2 (31) (126) 2.43 o2) 8.46 1215) 2.56 (65) 0.55 14.0) 3.19 l 8 r ) ea2 1224) 'Min. Slroke = 079 (20mrt) w h Boot Mr limelers i.
1 2 2 ( 3 1 ) { 1 1 6 ) 2.79 ( 7 1 ) 4.03 1204) 2.56 (65) 3.15 130) 8 3 9 [2r3) E 1 5 7 (40) 4.57 ( 1 1 6 ) 362 (s2) 1 1 8 130) 205 t52) 0.55 ( 1 4 ) 3.94 (100) r.50 (38) (62) 1.34 (35) o.67 (17) M22x1 5 1.57 1 2 2 (31) (126) 2.43 o2) 8.46 1215) 2.56 (65) 0.55 14.0) 3.19 l 8 r ) ea2 1224) 'Min. Slroke = 079 (20mrt) w h Boot Mr limelers i.
VCHC ASR ASQ 669 AS-FG Series Construction Elbow type Seal method: Gasket seal For M5, 10-32UNF Seal method: Sealant For R, NPT thread e e !0 o q o !0 q t t r r u u i i y w y Meter-in type Meter-out type !1 w Meter-in type Meter-out type Seal method: Face seal For G thread e !0 o q t r u i y w !2 Meter-in type Meter-out type Component Parts No.
motor power supply input terminal (U, V, W) to the driver power terminal (U, V, W) Connect the motor ground terminal to the driver ground terminal.
power supply input terminal (U, V, W) to the driver power terminal (U, V, W) Connect the motor ground terminal to the driver ground terminal.
H andl e caref ul l y w hen operat i ng w i t h out put pressure rel eased t o t he at m osphere, as ai r w i l l cont i nue t o f l ow out . I f suppl y pressure t o t hi s product i s i nt errupt ed or shut of f , w hi l e t he pow er i s st i l l on, t he i nt ernal sol enoi d val ve w i l l cont i nue t o operat e and a hum m i ng noi se m ay be generat ed.
AC 110 12 2 12 3 q e w e t y 220 10 1 10 1.5 440 6 1 3 1 550 5 0.8 2 0.5 r b contact w a contact r q DC 24 3 2.5 3 2.5 C C 48 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.25 When rising pressure q w = ON e r = OFF When rising pressure q e r y = ON q w r t = OFF 110 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.2 220 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 Insulation resistance: 100 M or more at 500 VDC by megameter Voltage resistance: 2000 VAC/1 min. 16-9-5 2 Series
5 t @0 @3 r !9 !8 @1 @2 w !4 !2 !5 t @0 @3 @4 @5 !9 !8 @1 @2 @6 !4 !2 !3 y !0 !1 e q @8!6 u !7 o i !3 y !0 !1 @7 r q @8 !6 u !7 o i CXSJM10 CXSJL10 !6 r !9 !8 @2 @9 !7 o i !6 @4 @5 !8 r !9 @2 @9 !7 o i Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Component Parts No. Description No.
5 t @0 @3 r !9 !8 @1 @2 w !4 !2 !5 t @0 @3 @4 @5 !9 !8 @1 @2 @6 !4 !2 !3 y !0 !1 e q @8!6 u !7 o i !3 y !0 !1 @7 r q @8 !6 u !7 o i Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com CXSJM10 CXSJL10 @9 !7 o i !6 r !9 !8 @2 @9 !7 o i !6 @4 @5 !8 r !
Connection status of the NFC reader/writer When the PC detects the NFC reader/writer connected to its USB port, "R/W detected" is displayed. Otherwise, "R/W not-detected" is displayed.
Model number Serial number Type and quantity of refrigerant How to read the serial number y R 001 April 2020 W R 001 Year Symbol Remarks Month Symbol Remarks Serial no. 4 R Repeated from O to Z in alphabetical order, with O for January and Z for December 2020 y 2021 Z 5 S Repeat ed from A to Zin alphab etical order 2022 A 6 T Fig 1-1 Position of product label HRR Series 1.4 Product Label
A 16 60 R H7B 21 C D J 2 R A 16 60 R H7B Number of auto switches 2 pcs. 1 pc.
Contents 6 CYS06-37 -AJ024-R CYS06-37AAJ024-R 10 CYS10-37 -AJ025-R CYS10-37AAJ025-R 15 Set of the nos. 25, 26, 33 Set of the nos. 34, 41 Set of the nos. 37 BMY3-016 20 CYS20-37 -AJ027-R CYS20-37AAJ027-R 25 DCYS25-37 -AJ028-R 32 CYS32-37 -AJ029-R CYS32-37AAJ029-R 40 -X Note 3) A switch spacer, as specified in the table above will be required if an auto switch is mounted afterward.
2 w !2 w !3 !4 !5 With reducer Tube extensions e t y r i u q o !1 !0 !2 w Component parts No.
(A) 2 N.O. 2 1 (P) 3 (R) IP65 Option (Y, YZ only) (A) 2 W Standard IP65 rated N.C. 3 1 (P) 3 (R) Manual override (A) 2 N.O.
R/W detection / R/W no-detection button When the NFC reader/writer (R/W) is inserted into the USB port of the PC and the PC detects the NFC reader and writer, "R/W detected" is displayed. When the PC cannot detect it, "R/W undetected" is displayed.
R/W detection/ R/W no-detection button When the NFC reader/writer (R/W) is inserted into the USB port of the PC and the PC detects the NFC reader and writer, "R/W detected" is displayed. When the PC cannot detect it, "R/W undetected" is displayed.
I W h s i r l Black o-Y69A.Y6gB.O-Y7PV D-Y598.Y698/2 wire system l " ' . . r 6 7 7.5 I 8.5 1--&9p9!9q E!
Lead w wirh singl conneclor order no. D-LCD5:lead wire 0.5m D LC30:Lead wne 3m NCORlFWlO P211170-2 NCORIFWlS P211190-2 NCORl FW2O P211160-2 NCORl FW3O Rotalion 9 0 _ 90' 180' 270" 27O _ Type of Auto Switch Single Vane Type * Recommended Tubing OD r/s', Tube Wall.O23'.