to 92.7 4 to 186 8 to 371 Instantaneous CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 Setting/Display flow range flow CO2 0.8 to 18.5 1.8 to 46.3 4 to 93 8 to 185 CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 CFM x 10-2 Min. setting/display unit 0.1 CFM x 10-2 0.1 CFM x 10-2 1 CFM x 10-2 1 CFM x 10-2 Accumulated Setting/Display flow range 0.0 to 9.0 0.0 to 9.9 0 to 9 0 to 9 ft3 x 10-1 ft3 x 10-1 ft3 x
Note 2) Use standard power cables for 3 m and 10 m lengths.
A 4 A Power supply (Output) 24 VDC +10/-5%, 24 VDC +10/-5%, DC24 V +10/-5%, 2 A 8 A 4 A Enclosure IP67 (With manifold assembled) 1 Environment Operating temperature range -10 to 50 oC Storage temperature range -20 to 60 oC Operating humidity range 35 to 85%R.H.
N-04 N-06 L-04 L-06 S-04 S-06 LL-04 LL-06 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
Outlet: 60 Hz Outlet: 60 Hz 20 20 0.1 0.1 10 10 Outlet: 50 Hz Outlet: 50 Hz Return port Allowable operating range Return port Allowable operating range 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Circulating fluid flow rate [L/min] Circulating fluid flow rate [L/min] 202 Thermo-chiller Basic Type HRSE Series Dimensions HRSE012/018/024-A-10/20/23 Ventilation air outlet Ventilation air inlet
X axis Y axis Z axis Z 5 W 5 mm 10 mm 20 mm 0.8 kg 20 Y 10 3.
(mm) Applicable fitting size d 3.2 L Weight (g) D A M Model Urethane Soft nylon Applicable tubing KAR23-04 9.6 4 33.5 34.5 36.5 18.5 18.5 17.5 18 15.5 3.4 2.9 2.0 1.8 5 KAR04-06 KAR04-08 5.6 5.6 6 8 10.4 4 16 12.8 KAR04-10 39.5 37 39.5 10 3.3 2.5 KAR06-08 8 18.5 KAR06-10 6 12.8 KAR06-12 42 4.7 12 20 17 10 3.0 13.1 13.1 Applicable fitting size d 8 KAR08-10 41 4.0 18.0 18.0 10 20 18.5 15.2
30 20 Transfer load m (kg) 300 L2 200 Mer m 100 L2 0 10 30 20 Mer Transfer load m (kg) m 300 a = 500 a = 1000 200 a = 2000 L3 100 m Mey a 0 10 30 20 Transfer load m (kg) Refer to page 145 for deflection data. 92 Standard Motor/Horizontal Mount Specification Series LJ1S30 Dimensions/LJ1S303SC Scale: 10% 8H10 depth 10 4-M8 x 1.25 thread depth 10 120 4-M12 x 1.75 thread depth 15 20 80 12.5
KFN-04 KFN-06 KFW-04 KFW-06 KFV-04 KFV-06 KFS-04 KFS-06 4 6 KFN-08 8 KFN-10 10 KFN-12 12 4/2.5 6/4 KFW-08U 8/5 KFW-08N 8/6 KFW-10U 10/6.5 KFW-10N 10/7.5 KFW-12U 12/8 KFW-12N 12/9 4/2.5 6/4 KFV-08U 8/5 KFV-08N 8/6 KFV-10U 10/6.5 KFV-10N 10/7.5 KFV-12U 12/8 KFV-12N 12/9 4 6 KFS-08 8 KFS-10 10 KFS-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
Series 10-/11-/21-/22-CDG1 Series 10-/11-REC Series 10-/11-CDM2X Series Perpendicular entry is unavailable.
KFV-04 KFV-06 KFN-04 KFN-06 KFW-04 KFW-06 KFS-04 KFS-06 4/2.5 6/4 KFV-08U 8/5 KFV-08N 8/6 KFV-10U 10/6.5 KFV-10N 10/7.5 KFV-12U 12/8 KFV-12N 12/9 4 6 KFN-08 8 KFN-10 10 KFN-12 12 4/2.5 6/4 KFW-08U 8/5 KFW-08N 8/6 KFW-10U 10/6.5 KFW-10N 10/7.5 KFW-12U 12/8 KFW-12N 12/9 4 6 KFS-08 8 KFS-10 10 KFS-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
Cooling Capacity HRSH100-A-20/40HRSH100-W-20/4014 16 Ambient temperature 32C Facility water temperature 32C 14 12 Cooling capacity [kW] Cooling capacity [kW] 10.5 10 11.5 12 10 Ambient temperature 43C 8 8 Facility water temperature 40C 6 6 Ambient temperature 45C 4 4 2 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Circulating fluid temperature [C] Circulating fluid temperature [C] HRSH150
FLT 09 Alarm10*1 10 Alarm11 Reservoir High Temp.
M2 M3 m2 m3 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 6.0 3.0 1.0 18 7 2.1 10 5.2 1.7 26 10.4 3 15 9.0 2.4 38 15 4.5 MY1MW 30 15 5.0 57 23 6.6 59 24 8.0 84 33 10 115 38 15 120 48 14 140 60 19 180 72 21 6.0 3.0 2.0 18 7 2.1 10 5.0 3.0 25 10 3 15 8.5 5.0 35 14 4.2 30 14 10 49 21 6 MY1CW MY1B 60 23 20 68 30 8.2 115 35 35 93 42 11.5 MY1H 150 50 50 130 60 16 The above values are the maximum allowable
V) 1 0 V 0.10 V 0.12 V 10 V 1: The analogue output current from the connected equipment should be 20 A or less when selecting 0 to 10 V.
10-ASD330F-01-08 10-ASD230F-M5-06 2.
Throttle valves and dual speed controllers for recommended speed adjustment of CYP cylinders Model CYP15 CYP32 Series Throttle valve 10-AS2200-01-X214 Elbow type 10-AS1200-M5-X216 Metal body piping type 10-AS2000-01-X209 In-line type 10-AS1000-M5-X214 10-AS2201F-01-04-X214 10-AS1201F-M5-04-X214 Operation Elbow type (throttle valve) 10-AS2201F-01-06-X214 10-AS1201F-M5-06-X214 10-AS2201F-01
Cooling Capacity HRS100-A-20/40(50 Hz) HRS100-A-20/40(60 Hz) 14 14 12 12 Ambient temperature 32C Cooling capacity [kW] Cooling capacity [kW] 10 10 Ambient temperature 40C Ambient temperature 32C Ambient temperature 40C 8 8 6 6 4 4 Ambient temperature 45C Ambient temperature 45C 2 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Circulating fluid temperature [C] Circulating fluid temperature