Body Class: 1 (Orifice Dia. ø2), Valve Type: 1 (N.O.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (ø3mm or 1/8"), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: One Touch Fitting Class 1: ø4, Class 2~5: ø6, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 1 (With Flow Rate Adjustment)
Under the New Measurement Law, products for overseas use only (SI unit type for use in Japan). 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 01 02 03 04 06 10 Options Description Symbol Nil B With bracket Built-in silencer (EXH port) Handle / Bonnet material Material Flame resistant PBT Aluminum Symbol S A B 3 Built-in silencer A spacer or spacer with bracket is required if the valve is combined with modular F.R.L
Body Class: 1 (Orifice Dia. ø2), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (ø3mm or 1/8"), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: One Touch Fitting Class 1: ø4, Class 2~5: ø6, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 1 (With Flow Rate Adjustment)
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: None, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (Mounting Angle 0°), Accessory 2: None, Option 1: 2 (Metal Bowl), Option 2: None, Option 3: Z (Name Plate, Bowl Caution Plate & Gauge w/PSI), B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: None, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (Mounting Angle 0°), Accessory 2: None, Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: Z (Name Plate, Bowl Caution Plate & Gauge w/PSI), B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: K (Reverse Flow Function), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (Mounting Angle 0°), Accessory 2: None, Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: None, B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: None, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (Mounting Angle 0°), Accessory 2: None, Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: None, B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: None, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G2 (Mounting Angle 90°), Accessory 2: None, Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: Z (Name Plate, Bowl Caution Plate & Gauge w/PSI), B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: K (Regulator w/Backflow Mechanism), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (0°), Accessory 2: None, Option: 1 (0.02~0.2MPa Setting), B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: Regulator, Standard, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (0°), Accessory 2: None, Option: 1 (0.02~0.2MPa Setting), B: B
Size: 30 (3/8), Reverse Flow Function: Regulator, Standard, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G2 (90°), Accessory 2: None, Option: 1 (0.02~0.2MPa Setting), B: B
Size: 40 (1/2), Reverse Flow Function: Regulator, Standard, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (0°), Accessory 2: None, Option: None, B: B
Size: 40 (1/2), Reverse Flow Function: K (Regulator w/Backflow Mechanism), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (0°), Accessory 2: None, Option: None, B: B
Size: 40 (1/2), Reverse Flow Function: Regulator, Standard, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Accessory 1: B (Bracket), Pressure Gauge Angle: G1 (0°), Accessory 2: None, Option: Z (Name Plate & Gauge w/PSI), B: B
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Dia. ø8), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (ø3mm or 1/8"), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: One Touch Fitting Class 1: ø4, Class 2~5: ø6, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 1 (With Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 1 (Orifice Dia. ø2), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (ø3mm or 1/8"), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: 2 (M5X0.8), Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 1 (With Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Dia. ø4), Valve Type: 1 (N.O.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (3 x 2 or 1/8" x 0.086"), Port B (Out) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: F (Body: PFA; End Plate: PVDF; Diaphragm: PTFE; Seal, Buffer: FKM)
Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Body Style: 1 (Base Mounted Non Plug-in), Body Option: 0 (Standard for Base Mounted Type), Pilot: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 1 (100VAC 50/60HZ), Lead Wire: D (DIN Connector), Surge Suppressor: Z (Light & Surge Suppressor), Manual Override: B (Locking Slotted Style), Piping: Side, Port Size: 03 (Sub-plate Plug-in 1/8, Non Plug-in 3/8, Direct Ported P,A,B Ports
Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Body Style: 1 (Base Mounted Non Plug-in), Body Option: 0 (Standard for Base Mounted Type), Pilot: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 1 (100VAC 50/60HZ), Lead Wire: D (DIN Connector), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: B (Locking Slotted Style), Piping: Side, Port Size: 03 (Sub-plate Plug-in 1/8, Non Plug-in 3/8, Direct Ported P,A,B Ports 3)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Dia. ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 03 (ø3mm or 1/8"), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: One Touch Fitting Class 1: ø4, Class 2~5: ø6, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 2 (With By-Pass)