Without auto switch (Without built-in magnet) Remarks Symbol Heater Temperature 16 D-M9N(M)(L)(Z) D-M9P(M)(L)(Z) D-M9B(M)(L)(Z) D-A90(L) D-A93(M)(L)(Z) M9N(M)(L)(Z) M9P(M)(L)(Z) M9B(M)(L)(Z) A90(L) A93(M)(L)(Z) M9// Nil H0 H4 H5 5 to 60C None None With 100C heater With 120C heater Solid state auto switch 5 to 150C Reed auto switch (Not applicable to flange size 16) Note) Size 16 is not
Normal output Reversed output P_1 = A (A B)/4 n_1 = B + (A B)/4 A = Maximum pressure H_1 = (A B)/2 H_1 = (A B)/2 B = Minimum pressure In the OUT2 setting, the above P_1, n_1 and H_1 will be P_2, n_2 and H_2 respectively.
or less 200 or less Calcium hardness [mg/L] 50 or less 150 or less Ionic silica [mg/L] 30 or less 50 or less Iron [mg/L] 0.3 or less 1.0 or less Copper [mg/L] 0.1 or less 0.3 or less Sulfide ion [mg/L] Should not be Should not be Referential detected any detected any item Ammonium ion [mg/L] 0.1 or less 1.0 or less Residual chlorine [mg/L] 0.3 or less 0.3 or less Free carbon dioxide [mg/
to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 5 l/min Minimum set unit Note 1) Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse 2 l/pulse 5 l/pulse value (Pulse width: 50 ms) Note 1) Note 2, 3) l/min, CFM x 10-2 l/min, CFM x 10-1 Real-time flow rate Display units l, ft3
ISE30 01 25 M For positive pressure ZSE30 01 25 M For vacuum/Low pressure Option 2 Piping specification R 1/8 (with M5 female thread) NPT 1/8 (with M5 female thread) 01 T1 None Bracket Nil A Output specification NPN output PNP output 1 to 5V output 4 to 20mA output 25 65 26 28 Panel mount B Unit specification Nil M With unit switching function Fixed SI unitI (International System of Units
e C u s h i o n s M a i n t e n a n c e I n s p e c t i o n P e r i o d i c i n s p e c t i o n D i sassem ble and reassem bl e C a u t i o n o f d i s a s s e m b l e D i s a s s e m b l i n g p r o c e d u r e A s s e m b l e p r o c e d u r e T r o u bl e s hoo t i n g Safety Instructions These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment
Metal bowl with level gauge fitting B B B B p AW3001 220.5 213.5 219.5 240.5 AW4001 272 265 271 292 IN-OUT reversal mounting "'" DimenSions except B are same as the standard type.
EX) Base: 6 stations, common EXH, A & B port Rc 1/2 VVPA450-061-04 1 pc. VPA4154-00 3 pcs. VPA4254-00 2 pcs. XT038N-4A 1 pc.
IRV10A P P P P IRV20A P P P P P P Accessory q Note 1) C06 C08 C10 N07 N09 N11 6 8 10 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" Metric Nil B L None With bracket With bottom bracket Inch Note 1) Accessories are shipped together.
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Piping Specification: M5 (Female Thread), Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: B [Panel Mount Adapter, (ZS-46-B)]
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Piping Specification: Female Thread, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: B [Panel Mount Adapter, (ZS-46-B)], Operation Manual: -
l O R RSUIOA32 48 5.5 MOxl 10 G@@-l-qtr-5'i.]
N l O R RSUIOA32 48 5.5 MOxl 10 G@@-l-qtr-5'i.]
Model MQR1-M5 MQR2-M5 MQR4-M5 MQR8-M5 MQR12-M5 Number of circuits 1 2 4 8 12 Operating fluid Air / Inert gas Seal structure Metal seal Guide structure Bearing supported Bearing supported at both ends Port size Male R1/8 Female M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 Flow rate C[dm3/(s.bar)] b Cv characteristics 0.50 0.40 0.17 Lubrication Not required Min. operating pressure -100kPa Max. operating pressure 1.0MPa
B B B B B N.O.: Black Dimensions B B B N.C.: Gray O S O S 1/8 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 14 Width across flats 17 Model Standard specifications Optional specifications Square type pressure gauge Digital pressure gauge Round type pressure gauge P1 P2 A B Note) C D E G J F K H J H J H J AWM20/AWD20 28 27.8 1/8, 1/4 1/8 M28 x 1
B B B B B N.O.: Black Dimensions B B B N.C.: Gray O S O S 1/8 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 14 Width across flats 17 Model Standard specifications Optional specifications Square type pressure gauge Digital pressure gauge Round type pressure gauge P1 P2 A B Note) C D E G J F K H J H J H J AWM20/AWD20 28 27.8 1/8, 1/4 1/8 M28 x 1
M N C D 4-O T Q 2-P E B S K L U W AA A I AP R X AB Y + Stroke J V Z + Stroke AC AD 8-AF AE For standard stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) AC E D AF G AE AD AB AA N M F L K B J AP C H I A 20 25 32 40 50 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 M5 x 0.8 depth 10 16.5 92 60 9.5 depth 6 30 75 11 12 45 25 5.5 80 60 55 108 M8 x 1.25 depth 14 25 24 30 99 M6 x 1 depth 12 16.5 113 65 11 depth 8 30 85 13
Porting specifications 4(A), 2(B) port Port size Applicable valve model Base model Wiring 1(P), 5(R1) 3 (R2) 4(A) 2(B) Stations Plug-in type VV5ZS2-51F VV5ZS2-51G 2 to 16 stations With D-sub connector With attachment plug lead wire Rc VZS250-FZ 1 8 Rc 1 8 Side Grommet L plug connector M plug connector K plug connector C4 VZS250G L M KZ Non plug-in type VV5ZS2-51 2 to 24 stations C6
Porting specifications Port size A, B Stations Applicable valve model Base model Wiring A, B port P , EA, EB 2 to 16 stations Plug-in type VV5ZS3-51F VV5ZS3-51G With D-sub connector With attachment plug lead wire Rc , VZS350-FZ 1 8 1 4 Side C6 Rc 1 4 Grommet L plug connector M plug connector K plug connector G L M KZ Non plug-in type VV5ZS3-51 2 to 24 stations C8 VZS350VK With attachment