Water fill port (When option K Water fill port is selected.) Users who will not use the automatic water fill function can fill the circulating fluid without removing the panel. Facility water inlet port (For water cooled type) Supply facility water to the inlet port.
(In case of without K option, circulating fluid can be filled manually removing the side panel.)
B e g i n n i n g 1 0 0 200 200 I s t h e c y l i n d e r s k i n e t i c e n e r g y Wi t h i n t h e a l l o w a b l e r a n g e ? 1 0 0 80 100 100 80 63 L o a d w e i g h t k g f L o a d w e i g h t k g f I s t h e s p e e d w i t h i n t h e g i v e n r a n g e i n t h e 63 d i a g r a m ? A n d , w i t h i n 50 s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ?
Insulation type Photo coupler type Residual Voltage 0.3 VDC or less Communication specification Item Specification Applicable system CAN open CiA DS-301 V4.02 and CiA DS-401 Node-ID setting range 1 to 63 (1 to 127 at the SW mode) Baud rate setting range (Transmission speed) 1000 k, 800 k, 500 k, 250 k, 125 k, 50 k, 20 k, 10 kbps COB-Identifier 11 bit ID (CAN2.0 A) Input /Output 32 points/
L k Imaginary stroke L' = (Stroke) + k + L k: Distance between the center and end of the plate 6 (Example) q When using CXSJM6-10 and L = 15 mm: Imaginary stroke L' = 10 + 2.75 + 15 = 27.75 Therefore, the graph used for your model selection should be the one for CXSJM6-30 6 ). 2.75 mm 10 4 mm 15 5 mm 20 6 mm 25 w When using CXSJL25-50 and L = 10 mm: Imaginary stroke L' = 50 + 6 + 15 = 71
Note 3) K (High pressure) and Y (Low wattage) are not available. Electrical entry: L/M plug connector only. Note 4) Applicable to latching type.
Ideal for the ZP series bellows pad (6 to 32) ZP2 06 K P Pad diameter Attachment material Symbol Pad diameter Symbol Material PEEK Conductive PEEK P GP 06 08 10 13 16 20 25 32 ZP06B ZP08B ZP10B ZP13B ZP16B ZP20B ZP25B ZP32B How to Order (When ordering with a pad) When ordering with a pad, put , below the part number of the pad as shown below.
Ideal for the ZP series bellows pad (6 to 32) ZP2 06 K P Pad diameter Attachment material Symbol Pad diameter Symbol Material PEEK Conductive PEEK P GP 06 08 10 13 16 20 25 32 ZP06B ZP08B ZP10B ZP13B ZP16B ZP20B ZP25B ZP32B How to Order (When ordering with a pad) When ordering with a pad, put , below the part number of the pad as shown below.
These vortexes are stable under certain conditions, and their frequency is proportional to the flow velocity, resulting the following formula. f = k x v f: Frequency of vortex v: Flow velocity k: Proportional constant (determined by the vortex generator's dimensions and shape). Therefore, the flow rate can be measured by detecting this frequency.
heavy-duty cord Cable O.D. 6 to 12 L L K 2-M Thread depth 6 K 2-M Thread depth 6 (mm) Electrical entry P Port size B Model A C D E F K L M Grommet: G Conduit: C DIN terminal: D Conduit terminal: T S 68 71 74 74 U 81 91.5 101 103.5 S 51 54 57 57 Q 98 101 104 104 R 36 44 53 55.5 R 40 48 56 58.5 Q 46 50 52 52 R 36 44 53 55.5 Q 63 66 69 69 R 35 42 51 53.5 Q 27 30 32 32 VCA21 VCA31 41 50 60 68
T h i s i s k n o w n a s E x t e r n a l P i l o t t y p e a n d c a n b e u s e d w h e n a s e p a r a t e p o s i t i v e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y c a n b e provided. The alter native option is to operate the spool directly with the solenoid the direct acting type. This can be used in a pure vacuum system, when no positive pressure supply is available.
D U 25 Approx. 44 R C C R G1/2 E E G1/2 B B 2-P Port size A A D 2-P Port size (S) Port size G1/2 Compatible heavy duty cord Cable O.D. 6.8 to 10 L L K 2-M Thread depth 6 K 2-M Thread depth 6 (mm) Electrical entry P Port size B C Model A D E F K L M Grommet: G Conduit: C DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T U 81 91.5 101 103.5 Q 98 101 104 104 R 36 44 53 55.5 S 68 71 74 74 Q 46 50 52 52 R
l Parts t-iir Parts List Non-rotaling qude ($ -rteragon socker sel screw ;l H"*q"" """k; Pads w h a I maft are ued onLy fol tlre doubl adinq model w th spnng.
Description Material Note 1 Body Aluminum alloy Anodized 2 Branch passage PPS 3 Gasket HNBR 4 Sensor base PPS 5 Gasket HNBR 6 Sensor Au, Pt, Al2O3 Dimensions A B 70 H F E D 1.5 OUT IN 4 x P L K 2 x Port size N Symbol Model Port size A B D E F H K L N P PF3A703H Rc1, NPT1, G1 130 45 79.1 55.3 22.5 25 35 60 30 M4 x 0.7 depth 7 PF3A706H Rc1 1/2, NPT1 1/2, G1 1/2 170 60 94.1 70.3 30 68 45
Clean One-touch Fittings Series KP/KPQ/KPG K M H D MS T VMG Series KP Series KPQ Series KPG Series KPQ/KPG for drive system air piping added to Clean One-touch fitting Series KP 15-5-5 One-touch fittings and tubing for clean room blowing systems and drive air systems Completely oil free Liquid-contact areas are nonmetallic Parts cleaning, assembly and double packaging in a clean room
Note 3) Assembly of a bracket and set nuts (10-/21-AR20(K)-B to AR40(K)-B) Including 2 mounting screws for the 10-/21-AR50(K)-B, AR60(K)-B Note 4) The only difference from the standard specifications is the adjusting spring for the regulator. It does not restrict the setting of 0.2 MPa or more. When the pressure gauge is attached, a 0.2 MPa pressure gauge will be fitted.
1200 625 k 900 5 M 160 10 M 100 Cable length 0.2 or more I/O occupation area (Inputs/Outputs) 1 station occupied (Remote I/O 32 points/32 points)/(Remote register 4 words/4 words) 2 stations occupied (Remote I/O 64 points/64 points)/(Remote register 8 words/8 words) Up to 42 (when 1 station is occupied by 1 driver), Up to 32 (when 2 stations are occupied by 1 driver), when there are only
Response time Voltage output: 1 to 5 V Output impedance: 1 k Analog output Voltage output Current output: 4 to 20 mA Max. load impedance: 600 , Min. load impedance: 50 Current output Power ON indicator: Lights when power is turned on (Green). Flow rate indicator: Flashes when flow is applied (Green).
Ideal for the ZP series bellows pad (6 to 32) ZP2 06 K P Pad diameter Attachment material Symbol Pad diameter Symbol Material PEEK Conductive PEEK P GP 06 08 10 13 16 20 25 32 ZP06B ZP08B ZP10B ZP13B ZP16B ZP20B ZP25B ZP32B How to Order (When ordering with a pad) When ordering with a pad, put , below the part number of the pad as shown below.
Ideal for the ZP series bellows pad (6 to 32) ZP2 06 K P Pad diameter Attachment material Symbol Pad diameter Symbol Material PEEK Conductive PEEK P GP 06 08 10 13 16 20 25 32 ZP06B ZP08B ZP10B ZP13B ZP16B ZP20B ZP25B ZP32B How to Order (When ordering with a pad) When ordering with a pad, put , below the part number of the pad as shown below.