Port 12(P1) (Pilot air port) q r y u y r t Port 23(P2) (Pilot air port) Port 12(P1) (Pilot air port) e t w t Port 3(R) e r Port 3 (R) Port 2 (A) Port 1 (P) Port 23(P2) (Pilot air port) y i Port 2(A) u r y Port 1(P) t q VEX3320 (Air operated) VEX3420 (Air operated) w e q r y y t w r e u t t 12(P1), 23(P2) Port Port 3(R) y y (Pilot air port) r i Port 2(A) u r Port 1(P) t q Port 1(P) Port 2(
D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D Contents Page 1.
How to Order 25 100 B 2 S A1 S2 w e r t u y i o !0 !
0 i o q u y t r !2 w !1 CY3B20 to 40 !3 !4 !1 !8 !6 !5 !7 !0 i q o u t y r e w !2 Parts list No. Description Material Note Hard anodized Aluminum alloy Body 1 Electroless Ni plated Aluminum alloy Head cover 2 Chromate (15 is not available.)
L type L/M type fitting assembly procedure t Fitting nut r Tubing Turn the lever q and move to SET POS. 1 u Knob w Insert pin assembly Place the insert bushing e on the insert pin assembly w. 2 e Insert bushing Space Cut the end of the tubing r at a right angle and pass it through the fitting nut t.
:p:I L.LJ ~LI--_-II \ ~ '-' f-tw'~ S H r; A Rod end without thread . 1 R H ~. -I Z s . I z . oG I H K MM I [ flore size; I; # F' B C ~ (mm) . 5" 10" R 5" NN W S!
Air flow direction: Port P Port A , Port R Block Component Parts Operation principle
7 w !8 !4 !3 !7 w !8 !4 !3 AS-F TMH ASD AS AS-FE KE r i o e y !6 !5 r o e y !6 !5 q AS-FG AS-FP AS-FM AS-FM AS-D AS-T ASP !9 !1 q !2 t !0 !1 u !2 t !0 i ASN AQ Component Parts Component Parts Material Description Note Description No. Note Material No.
Lead wire length 3.0 m C Lead wire length 0.6 m CL Lead wire length 3.0 m CN W/o lead wire Pilot valve Connector type Nil DC: 1 W (With indicator light: 1.05 W) AC Refer to page 13-3-5 for part no. of lead wire with connector. Y DC: 0.45 W (With indicator light: 0.5 W) Combination of vacuum switch/Suction filter Electrical entry 24 VDC and 12 VDC are applicable to 0.45 W.
When the inlet pressure is 0.4 MPa: VBA VBAT VBA VBAT 1 Pilot pressure 0.2 MPa to 0.4 MPa 0.9 AP100 Outlet pressure 0.4 MPa to 0.8 MPa 0.8 Outlet pressure MPa (Q = 0) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0.2 Pilot pressure MPa 0.3 0.4 0.5 1017 VBA Series Construction/Replacement Parts VBA10A VBA11A w q r e w t r e u q t VBA20A, 22A, VBA40A, 42A, 43A Air-operated type q w r y q t e VBA22A, 42A
Use this box ior inductive loads, 5 metersor more ol lead wires, or 100,200VAC applica" D-48 swlch is used iof IooVAC or lsss Sin@ lhere F no votage lmilalon, you can s 6ct a suilable model lor your 2 AND connections for 2-wire system 2 OR connctions lor 2-wire system -go-f1;rw el rwo >w !r e\ " f = ; C ; i r _ , i o q m l r a 6 d . t o a d J o r . \\.:j+_ | aq6 oe.orr qredrasa I | -!
Cam Lever NVM121-NO1-02 = z-wayi 2 porl-lh" NPT w/One Way Cam Lever NVM131-N01-01 : 3-way; 2 porl:/e" NPT w/Std.
Applicable base VV5Z5-45F Caution Mounting Screw Tightening Torques M2.5: 0.32 Nm (For stacking type manifold) 3-3-77 Series VZ5000 Exploded View/DIN Rail Manifold Type 45 Manifold r w r q U side e w (a) Bolt (Both sides) e (b) Lever D side (a) Bolt (Both sides) Replacement Parts No. Part no.
Nil D Standard type (1.0 W DC) 2 position double (Double solenoid specifications) Coil voltage (1) High pressure type (1.0 MPa, 1.0 W DC) [Applicable to metal seal only] K 5 6 24 VDC N Y R Negative COM 12 VDC (1) Low wattage type (0.5 W DC) Note) Light/Surge voltage suppressor is built-in. (2) External pilot specifications Note 1) Except double (latching) type.
Tubing Series10-TU Series 20m bundle Tubing size Metric size (series TU) 20 TU0425 10 BU 10-TU1208 10-TU1065 10-TU0805 10-TU0604 10-TU0425 O.D. mm Designation 8 10 5 6.5 12 8 2.5 6 4 4 I.D. mm Color Clean series B Black Black White (W) Red (R) Blue (BU) Yellow (Y) Green (G) Clear (C) Orange (YR) W White R Red BU Blue Tubing designation Y Yellow G Green C Clear YR Orange Specifications
6 t r q @5 e r r w @1 !9 u !0 !2 @4 63 or more 16 20 32 @0 @3@2 !5 16 to 25 25 stroke Cushion valve section 16 to 25 50 stroke or more 50 or more Component Parts Component Parts No.
1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 77 Series MGP Specific Product Precautions Operating Pressure Use the recommended pneumatic circuits.
VK VZ NL: Neon light R: Resister LED: Emitting diode R: Resister D: Protective diode LED: Emitting diode R: Resister VF DIN terminal Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor VFR Caution VP4 Grommet type (G) Rated voltage DIN terminal (D) Part no. symbol W/o indicator light With indicator light W/o indicator light With indicator light W/o indicator light With indicator light VZS Caution S VFS Markings
RIr-,rniTIi n"a I /'i\ v ' _ _ + _ (+) Elcrric Surue aboter D-FsBAUD-JsgW Il',A67 D-A64 D-A59W D-FsP, D.F7P, D-F7 PV D-F5PW D-F59, D-F79, O-F7NV t}F5NTL r+r B-6d Oulput @ I o Elack o L D-J51 r @ D-F59W D-F59F D-.J59, D"J79, Drr7gc, D-F7BV r l lf:r_ rlrtlH-r r-rad t l l l o{tsd OUT 1 output b Diagnoslic ouipul OUT D-472.O-472H D-480. D.A8OH fContu*-r box !