-700 Cushion: Shock absorber Mounting: Vertical mounting Speed: Va = 200 [mm/s] CY1SG20-700 Wa: Connection plate t = 10 (1.0 kg) Wb: Arm L = 100 (1.0 kg) Wc: Rod L = 50 (0.5 kg) Wd: Workpiece (3.0 kg) [2] Load Blocking Mass and center of gravity of the load Y Center of gravity Load no.
-700 Cushion: Shock absorber Mounting: Vertical mounting Speed: Va = 200 [mm/s] CY1SG20-700 Wa: Connection plate t = 10 (1.0 kg) Wb: Arm L = 100 (1.0 kg) Wc: Rod L = 50 (0.5 kg) Wd: Workpiece (3.0 kg) [2] Load Blocking Mass and center of gravity of the load Y Center of gravity Load no.