DeviceNet DeviceNet CC-Link CC-Link PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP Remote I/O AS-i CANopen Nil +COM. COM.
(DP-V0) Device type PROFIBUS DP Slave Communication Communication speed 9.6/19.2/45.45/93.75/187.5/500 kbps 1.5/3/6/12 Mbps Configuration file GSD file Note) Occupation area (Number of inputs/outputs) Max. (512 inputs/512 outputs) Terminating resistor Internally implemented Internal current consumption (Power supply for Control/Input) 80 mA or less EX600-SPRlA Output type Source/PNP (Negative
No.EX##-OMO0019 PRODUCT NAME PROFIBUS DP Compatible Fieldbus System MODEL / Series / Product Number EX500-GPR1A etc.
Element Description Connect to PROFIBUS DP line with a communication connector for PROFIBUS DP ( ).
Communication connection to the master is established PROFIBUS DP address setting and Fail safe setting (SETTINGS)
(DP-V0) Device type PROFIBUS DP Slave 9.6/19.2/45.45/93.75/187.5/500 kbps 1.5/3/6/12 Mbps Communication speed Configuration file GSD file I/O occupation area (Inputs/Outputs) Max. (512 inputs/512 outputs) Terminating resistor Internally implemented Internal current consumption (Power supply for Control/Input) 80 mA or less EX600-SPRlA Output type PNP (Negative common) NPN (Positive common
Connect with PROFIBUS DP line. ( Note 1 ) Name No.
DP. (3) Refer to Drawing 4 about how to connect to the unit.
How to Order EX500 G DN 1 Applicable GW unit Communication protocol DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP Remote I/O (RIO) DN PR AB DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP Nil Remote I/O (RIO) -X1 Dimensions 148 E x 500-GAB1-X1 VOLTAGE 24VDC/200mA INPUT/OUTPUT 64/64 IP CODE IP65 SERIAL NO.
bar absolute, T1 = 297 5K, 0.07 bar DP 0.14 bar.
For Input/Output DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP , CC-Link, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP compatible wireless base, PROFINET compatible wireless base EX600 EX245 PROFINET EX250 DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP , EtherNet/IP CANopen, AS-Interface For Output DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP , CC-Link, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT PROFINET, Ethernet POWERLINK, IO-Link, PROFIsafe EX260 EX120 DeviceNet, CC-Link, OMRON
Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1will be shown on the station window. 21 - 4.4.3 Adding Units Select Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1 from the station window. Drag and drop the connected unit from [Hardware Catalogue] Windws.
CC-LINK Compatible network DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP CC-LINK AS-i CANopen Compatible network DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP Compatible network CC-LINK ( ) ( IP67 enclosure with use ) Compatible with ( flat ribbon cable connector) that complies with MIL standard.
absolute, T1 = 297 5K, 0.07 bar DP 0.14 bar.
Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1GDS TM Siemens AG PLC STEP7 4. 4. 2 Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1[Properties-PROFIBUS interfacedialogue box dialogue box ok Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1 PROFIBUS 19 - 4. 4. 3 Anybus-CC PROFIBUS DP-V1 [Hardware Catalog] Input16word Input16word Input Total 57words Input16word Universal module I/O TypeInputLength9Unit:WordsConsistent overTotal length Output16word Output16word
Side ported From p. 223 Bottom ported From p. 223 Top ported From p. 243 Wiring D-sub Connector Lead Wire Flat Ribbon Cable Terminal Block Box Circular Connector Serial Transmission Serial Transmission Variations Gateway-type Integrated-type (for output) Integrated-type (for input/output) EX510 EX500 EX600 EX250 EX260 EX126 EX180 EX245 EX120 Series Applicable protocol DeviceNetTM PROFIBUS DP
How to Order EX500 G DN 1 Communication protocol Applicable GW unit DN PR AB DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP Remote I/O (RIO) DeviceNet PROFIBUS-DP Remote I/O (RIO) Nil -X1 Dimensions 148 EX500-GAB1-X1 VOLTAGE 24 VDC/200 mA INPUT/OUTPUT 64/64 IP CODE IP65 SERIAL NO.
Replaceable fuse EX 1701 Decentralized Serial Wiring (GW System, 4 Branches) Series EX510 How to Order GW Unit Communication protocol MJ1 EX510-G MJ1 DN1 PR1 CC-Link DeviceNet PROFIBUS DP Power supply connector Specifications EX510-GMJ1 EX510-GDN1 EX510-GPR1 Model Protocol Version Note 1) CC-Link Ver. 1.10 DeviceNet Release 2.0 PROFIBUS DP DP-V0 Applicable system Communication connector
For heavy stains, use a cloth soaked with diluted neutral detergent and fully squeezed, then wipe up the stains again with a dry cloth. -7No.EX-OME0014-F Model Indication and How to Order EX250-SPR1 Communication protocol PR1 PROFIBUS DP Summary of Product Parts No.