LN: Without lead wire LO: Without connector MO: Without connector + LN and MN types are with 2 sockets. 3 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series V100 How to Order Large flow type Base mounted 5 V1 4 A M 1 3 port Port size Nil: Without sub-plate M5: With sub-plate Sub-plate style, For manifold type S41 (With gasket and screws) Type of actuation 1 2 Normally closed Normally open Manual override Large
srrc SERIES NCJ2 Standard Type: Double Acting/Double Rod I Flange Type (F) r.rcrzwrfEiE@FIFF@l NCJ2WFl0. 16 'ln cass of auto switch with a6 bore, add Smm to S and Z.
*ooge ln/ted (tPl IS!I. lhorl fo(e (ll) Cotolog t{0.
. + + W: With connector cable Note 1) H: Lead wire length 600 mm LN: Without lead wire LO: Without connector MO: Without connector + + Note) When placing an order for body ported solenoid valves as a single unit, the mounting screws for the manifold and gasket are not attached. Order them separately, if necessary. (For details, refer to page 301.) LN, MN type: With 2 sockets.
MO: Without connector DO: Without connector Option LN, MN type: With 2 sockets. 4-6-13 14 Series VZ300 Specifications Low power consumption: 1.8 W DC Applicable for vacuum use 100 kPa VZ300R: External pilot type Exhausting equipment for pilot valve not required.
B Electrical entry 1 Symbol 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Order of manifold (Station) G Grommet (Lead wire length 300 mm) H Grommet (Lead wire length 600 mm) 05 07 10 13 H M Common Individual J K A B P5 Q5 None E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 M15 M21 Nil L C CL CN Nil L Nozzle diameter L L type plug connector LN LO With lead wire Without lead wire Without connector For AC, only L or LO is available.
Box 26640, Indianapolis, lN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440. FAX: (317) 899-3102 O 1978-1999 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revised October 1999
Box 26640, Indianapolis, lN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440. FAX: (317) 899-3102 O 1978-1999 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revised October 1999
Box 26640, Indianapolis, lN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440. FAX: (317) 899-3102 O 1978-1999 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revised October 1999
Box 26640, Indianapolis, lN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440. FAX: (317) 899-3102 O 1978-1999 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revised October 1999
(kg) 5.73(2.6) P.T. ln(mm) 0.06 (1.s) O.T. ln(mm) 0.08 (2) T.T.ln(mm) 0.1 38 (3.5) DIUENSIONS A B t c D E F G H J K M N P R 1.38 (35) ).s812.38 '25) 160.s 2.09 t53) 1.42 (36) 0.53 13.5', 0.7',!
s m m Horizontal /Vertical Orientation, Linear Ball Bearing Guide Series LXP Max, pay load: 60N (ln horizontal mounting) Max. pay toad: 50N (ln vertical mounting) ax. thtust: 220N Max, speed: 200mm/s Avallable suokee: 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 125mm, 15omm, 175mm, 200mm 2-phsse steppinq motor, screw lead 1 2 5-pha3. slepping motor, screw led 1 2 Horizontal/Vertical Orientation, Slide Table With
A2 = 6.8 Mar = 1 x 4.2 = 4.2 = 1 Allowable moment coefficient : Graph (2) Maximum allowable moment Mmax: Table (4) Mrmax = 4.2 Find the load factor 2 of the static moment. 2 = M/Ma 2 = 0.053/4.2 = 0.013 3-3 Load Factor of Dynamic Moment (Ln + An) Me = 1/3 We x 9.8 1000 Find the dynamic moment Me (Nm).
Cylinder: MXP10-10 Mounting: Horizontal wall mounting Average speed: Va = 300 [mm/s] Load mass: W = 0.2 [kg] L2 = 20 mm L3 = 30 mm Model to be used Model to be used Mounting orientation Mounting orientation Average speed Va (mm/s) Average speed Va (mm/s) W W Load mass W (kg): Fig. (1) Load mass W (kg): Fig. (1) L3+A3 L3+A3 Overhang Ln (mm): Fig. (2) Overhang Ln (mm): Fig. (2) L2
Box 26640, Indianapolis, lN 46226 Tel: (317) 899-4440. FAX: (317) 899-3102 O 1978-1999 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revised October 1999
Douoe b, : u rod -4t&S4+-&*--s-32,ao il])l]QA{ 50 63 80, i00 \ vunipte ,,,---] auto switch mounting options i Spr s _ E _ rlu'r, _s,S$$__-g'4-4_g-4i___ o.r' g " e n d ' ' " a ' . a o ; iN)co2 Non.rclating rod Sngle f0ll lN)crl2K 1 2 . 1 6 --*r-*-++---e-*-e-e+--?! i! Also Available: , ' l ' , e \ 50,63 1 2 , 1 6 --*a+*---*---*--i! !
mode 1 isolaled crmnm A$lnlfics 4ir/4out31 sb, mode 1 Noie 1) Indicare thesze nthe specilication sheel in lhe case of Cl4 and Llv4 Nore 2) q,mbols tor inch s zes are 1to t2(24)
(M5)l iOne touch fittinq i llor % tube l [ ]:ln case of manifold. t ):Without subplate So lenoid Specifications Specifications crommet(G) (H),Plug connector(L or M) 24VDC, 1 2VDC, 6VDC, sVDC, 3VDC, 1 1 oVAC' 20-100 Psl(1.5-7kst/cm,) 14-1m PSI(1-7kSf/cm?)
All ports ar ma.ksd wlti ldontlflcatlon ln accordance wlth Amedcan Nallonal Slandards Instltut standard ANSI B$.gn969 "Symbols for Marklng Eloctrlcal L6ads and Ports on Fluid Powervalves." A = BOTTOM S / A = S I D E & B O T T O M SERIES DIRECTIONAL AIR YALVE SUBPLATES NVSA 4844 OararaI Sub-plat$ at6 heayy duty alumlnum dl castlngs.
M = W x 9.8 (Ln + An)/1000 Corrected value of moment center position distance An: Table (1) Examine Mr. Mr = 0.2 x 9.8 (40 + 15.5)/1000 = 0.1 A2 = 15.5 Obtain Mar = 13 from Va = 300 in Graph (3). Find the allowable static moment Ma (Nm). Pitch, Yaw moment: Graph (2) Roll moment: Graph (3) 13 Find the load factor 1 of the static moment.