C UA L UT YB-03 YB-05 YB-08 YB-10 32, 40 50, 63 80 100 6.5 10 18 50 9 80 Material: Chromium molybdenum steel (Nickel plated) (mm) 6.5 12 22 60 11 120 8.5 16 28 75 14 230 Part no.
Pad Diameter: 10 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: J (Rotating), Stroke: 10mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A8 (M8X1, Available for UT, CT for Diameter size 10, 13, 16 Only)
Pad Diameter: 10 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 6mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A8 (M8X1, Available for UT, CT for Diameter size 10, 13, 16 Only)
Pad Diameter: 10 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 6mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A8 (M8X1, Available for UT, CT for Diameter size 10, 13, 16 Only)
S. ) 4095] H EX O ut put pressure 0% F. S. ( =0) 100% F.
Joints 12 7 25 9 34 11.5, depth 7.5 YB-03 32, 40 K ( across flats) 12 9 32 11 42 14.5, depth 8.5 YB-05 50, 63 H (with locking) 16 11 38 13 52 18, depth 12 YB-08 80 d2 d1 19 14 50 17 62 21, depth 14 YB-10 100 L UT Weight (g) Bore size (mm) C UA RS W T1 T2 V Part no. (mm) 9 50 18 6.5 10 YB-03 32, 40 80 UA C d1 d2 H K L UT Weight (g) Part no.
L UT C UA 12 7 25 9 34 11.5, depth 7.5 YB-03 32, 40 12 9 32 11 42 14.5, depth 8.5 YB-05 50 mm Part no. Applicable bore size (mm) UA C d1 d2 H K L UT Weight (g) Weight (g) Bore size (mm) T1 T2 V W RS Part no.
K ( across flats) H (With locking) 80 9 6.5 10 18 50 YB-03 32, 40 120 11 6.5 12 22 60 YB-05 50, 63 d2 d1 L UT C UA (mm) UA C d1 d2 H k L UT Weight (g) 25 Part No.
MQ K (Width across flats ) YB-03 32, 40 12 7 25 9 34 11.5 depth 7.5 H RHC (With locking) YB-05 50, 63 12 9 32 11 42 14.5 depth 8.5 RZQ d1 d2 YB-08 80 16 11 38 13 52 18 depth 12 YB-10 100 19 14 50 17 62 21 depth 14 L UT Weight (g) Bore size (mm) C UA T2 V W T1 RS Part no. Material: Chromium molybdenum steel (Nickel plated) YB-03 32, 40 6.5 10 18 80 50 9 Part no.
63 YU-05 YA-05 YB-05 40 Material: Precision die-casting material equivalent to stainless steel 304 80 YU-08 YA-08 YB-08 90 Bore size (mm) O M J E D B Part no. 100 YU-10 YA-10 YB-10 160 K (Width across flats ) YB-03 32, 40 11.5 depth 7.5 34 9 25 7 12 H (With locking) YB-05 50, 63 14.5 depth 8.5 42 11 32 9 12 YB-08 80 18 depth 12 52 13 38 11 16 d1 d2 YB-10 100 21 depth 14 62 17 50 14 19 L UT
) + + Digital pressure switch (PNP Output) Black Brown Black Brown + + OUT1 White OUT 2 White OUT 2 U Black Brown Black Brown + + OUT1 U U ssure switch ut) Digital pressure switch (PNP Output) Coil OUT2 OUT1 Main circuit Main circuit OUT2 OUT1 Main circuit Main circuit Black Black Brown Black Brown + + OUT1 For supply valve (, +) Load Red U Black Coil COM (+, ) For supply valve (, +) FUNC
O M J E D B K ( across flats) 11.5 depth 7.5 34 9 25 7 12 YB-03 32, 40 H (With locking) 14.5 depth 8.5 42 11 32 9 12 YB-05 50, 63 18 depth 12 52 13 38 11 16 YB-08 80 d1 d2 21 depth 14 62 17 50 14 19 YB-10 100 L UT Weight (g) Bore size (mm) Part no. RS W T1 T2 V C UA Material: Chrome molybdenum steel (nickel plated) 9 50 80 18 6.5 10 YB-03 32, 40 Part no.
The MWB-UT is a stand alone lock unit compatible with tie-rod cylinders and is ideal for applications requiring intermediate stops, emergency stops, and drop prevention. The MWB series is an improved design over the MNB series with its improved ease of maintenance with separate lock and cylinder construction.
The MWB-UT is a stand alone lock unit compatible with tie-rod cylinders and is ideal for applications requiring intermediate stops, emergency stops, and drop prevention. The MWB series is an improved design over the MNB series with its improved ease of maintenance with separate lock and cylinder construction.
been confirmed. 2) When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully. 3) Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction. 100 42.2 Jun T TT UT
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et cl eanl i ness: 100 or l ess /f t 3 of 0. 3 m or m ore of part i cl e ( 35 or l ess / 10L ( AN R) ) Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage. B roken pi eces i nj uri ng i f broken.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et cl eanl i ness: 100 or l ess / f t 3 of 0. 3 m or m ore of part i cl e ( 35 or l ess / 10L ( AN R) ) To get t he best perf orm ance f rom your purchase, be sure t o read t hi s m anual caref ul l y bef ore use.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et oi l m i st concent rat i on: 0. 08 ppm ( Fi l t er i nl et : 24ppm ) Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa** and 0. 05M Pa* or l ess Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Jun T TT UT VT . ZT AT BT . Keep the facility water temperature between 10 and 35C. (No dew Jul U TU UU VU . ZU AU BU . condensation). Note that the cooling and heating capacity is changed depending on facility water temperature. Also, if lower-temperature facility water is supplied, dew may condense in the product and the equipment could be damaged.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 3 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et oi l m i st concent rat i on: 0. 8 ppm ( Fi l t er i nl et : 24ppm ) M I ST SEPARATO R Seri es AM Chem i cal s Corrosi ve gas + At m osphere Cont ai ni ng organi c sol vent *N . C. aut o drai n: M i n. 0. 15 M Pa *N .