M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 10-SS5YJ3-32-M5 10-SS5YJ3-32-C4 10-SYJ333 1/8 10-SS5YJ3-S32-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S32-C4 Base mounted for internal pilot 10-SS5YJ3-41-M5 10-SS5YJ3-41-C4 10-SYJ343 1/8 10-SS5YJ3-S41-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S41-C4 10-SS5YJ3-46-M5 1/8 M5 x 0.8 10-SS5YJ3-46-C4 10-SYJ343 10-SS5YJ3-S46-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S46-C4 Note) Value at manifold base mounted, 2 position
SS5Y31, #3 + #15 8 Body Ported Type Note) [ ]: Values for AC < >: Values with surge voltage suppressor Series SY5000 Dimensions With foot bracket SY5120-F1 2 position single Grommet (G), (H): SY5120(-F2) Scale: 40% G H C4 C6 C8 G H C4 C6 C8 G H SY5120-01 L type plug connector (L): SY5120-LDIN terminal (D): SY5120-DC4 C6 C8 M type plug connector (M): SY5120-MC4 C6 C8 C4 C6 C8 Applicable cable
SY5000 Dimensions Note)< >: Values with surge voltage suppressor With foot bracket SY5120-F1-Q 2 position single Grommet (G), (H): SY5120(-F2)-Q Scale: 40% G H C4 C6 C8 G H C4 C6 C8 G H SY5120-01-Q L type plug connector (L): SY5120-L-Q DIN terminal (D): SY5120-D-Q C4 C6 C8 M type plug connector (M): SY5120-M-Q C4 C6 C8 C4 C6 C8 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 59.2 51.7 Max.10 104.9 40.4 Pg
(The standard valve has an individual exhaust for the pilot valve.) 4-14-40 41 Series VQZ Replacement Parts Base Mounted One-touch Fitting Assembly (For cylinder port) C3 C4 C6 C8 C10 Fitting size M5 (VQZ100 only) Model VQZ100 VVQ1000-50A-C3 VVQ1000-50A-C4 VVQ1000-50A-C6 VVQ1000-50A-M5 V100 VQZ200 VVQ1000-51A-C4 VVQ1000-51A-C6 VVQ1000-51A-C8 VQZ300 VVQ2000-51A-C6 VVQ2000-51A-C8 VVQ2000-51A-C10
How to Order Valves (Type 45F, 45P, 45T, 45T1) A, B port size (Metric size) 5 LOZ SX 3 2 40 Symbol Port size Applicable series One-touch fitting for 4 C4 Series One-touch fitting for 6 C6 SX3000 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 Mixed M One-touch fitting for 4 C4 One-touch fitting for 6 C6 One-touch fitting for 8 C8 Mixed M SX5000 Type of actuation 1 2 position single 2 2 position double (Inch size) 3 3
, C6 C4: One-touch fitting for 4 C6: One-touch fitting for 6 2-C4, C6 C4: One-touch fitting for 4 C6: One-touch fitting for 6 4.5 4.5 M3 mounting hole M2.5 mounting hole Residual pressure release manual override DIN rail clamp screw 2n-C3, C4, C6, M5 C3: One-touch fitting for 3.2 C4: One-touch fitting for 4 C6: One-touch fitting for 6 M5: M5 thread D side U side Stations 1 2 3 Dimensions
M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 10-SS5YJ3-32-M5 10-SS5YJ3-32-C4 10-SYJ333 1/8 10-SS5YJ3-S32-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S32-C4 Base mounted for internal pilot 10-SS5YJ3-41-M5 10-SS5YJ3-41-C4 10-SYJ343 1/8 10-SS5YJ3-S41-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S41-C4 10-SS5YJ3-46-M5 1/8 M5 x 0.8 10-SS5YJ3-46-C4 10-SYJ343 10-SS5YJ3-S46-M5 10-SS5YJ3-S46-C4 Note) Value at manifold base mounted, 2 position
pilot port) (Lead wire length) Air Preparation Equipment Pressure Control Equipment Flow Control Equipment Pressure Switches/ Pressure Sensors 75.4 [82.4] 34.5 17.5 15.5 96.5 44.5 29.5 29.5 3/8, 1/2 [1(P), 5(EA), 3(EB) port] L plug connector (L): 10-SY9 40(R)-LM plug connector (M): DIN terminal (D, Y): 10-SY9 40(R)-WO3 4 5 M8 connector (WO): 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 D Y 10-SY9 40(R)10-SY9 40(R)
-32-C4 SYJ33 1/8 SS5YJ3-S32-M5 SS5YJ3-S32-C4 SS5YJ3-41-M5 Base mounted for internal pilot SS5YJ3-41-C4 SYJ34 1/8 SS5YJ3-S41-M5 SS5YJ3-S41-C4 SS5YJ3-46-M5 SS5YJ3-46-C4 1/8 M5 x 0.8 SYJ34 SS5YJ3-S46-M5 SS5YJ3-S46-C4 Note) Value at manifold base mounted, 2 position single operating How to Order Manifold (Example) Instruct by specifying the valves and blanking plate assembly to be mounted on
10-SS5YJ3-32-C4 10-SYJ333 1/8 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S32-M5 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S32-C4 Type 10-SS5YJ3-41-M5 Base mounted for internal pilot Type 10-SS5YJ3-41-C4 10-SYJ343 1/8 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S41-M5 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S41-C4 Type 10-SS5YJ3-46-M5 Type 10-SS5YJ3-46-C4 1/8 M5 x 0.8 10-SYJ343 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S46-M5 Type 10-SS5YJ3-S46-C4 Note) The values are for individually operated 2 position type manifold bases
base VV5Z5-40 VV5Z5-41 VV5Z5-42 Before using, refer to page 3-3-8.
Single solenoid coil is located on same side as the A, B port. 2 stations 02 R port Rc(PT)1/8 : : 20 stations 20 A, B port side S R port Rc(PT)1/8 M5 X 0.8 M5 A/B port M5 X 0.8, C4 A/B port P port Rc(PT)1/8 P port Rc(PT)1/8 4 One-touch fitting C4 M5 X 0.8, C4 41 Type (5 Port/Base mounted) Applicable solenoid valve SYJ3l40-l SYJ3l43-l How to Order SS5YJ3-41-05 -C4 41 Type S41 Type Single
How to Order Valves (Type 45F, 45P, 45T, 45T1) A, B port size (Metric size) 5 LOZ SX 3 2 40 Symbol Port size Applicable series One-touch fitting for 4 C4 Series One-touch fitting for 6 C6 SX3000 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 Mixed M One-touch fitting for 4 C4 One-touch fitting for 6 C6 One-touch fitting for 8 C8 Mixed M SX5000 Type of actuation 1 2 position single 2 2 position double (Inch size) 3 3
C4: 4 (SMC) N3: 5/32" (SMC) One-touch fitting [X: External pilot port] Applicable tube O.D. C4: 4 (SMC) N3: 5/32" (SMC) (9.5) (43.9) One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(E) port] Applicable tube O.D.
How to Order Valves (Type 45F, 45P, 45T, 45T1) A, B port size (Metric size) 5 LOZ SX 3 2 40 Symbol Port size Applicable series One-touch fitting for 4 C4 Series One-touch fitting for 6 C6 SX3000 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 Mixed M One-touch fitting for 4 C4 One-touch fitting for 6 C6 One-touch fitting for 8 C8 Mixed M SX5000 Type of actuation 1 2 position single 2 2 position double (Inch size) 3 3
C4 Type SS3YJ3-S42-M5 Type SS3YJ3-S42-C4 M5 x 0.8 C4 SYJ34 1/8 Body ported for external pilot Type SS3YJ3-20R 0.9 SYJ32R 1/8 M3 x 0.5 Type SS3YJ3-42R-M5 Type SS3YJ3-42R-C4 Type SS3YJ3-S42R-M5 Type SS3YJ3-S42R-C4 0.17 0.36 0.30 0.17 0.31 0.33 0.32 0.35 0.075 0.086 0.079 0.082 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.35 0.11 0.20 0.35 0.26 0.072 0.082 0.086 0.086 M5 x 0.8 C4 SYJ34R 1/8 Base mounted for external
both solenoids located at one end SX Type 41P manifold SX3*40 (Cv=0.22) SX5*40 (Cv=0.53) VQ1*11 (Cv=0.3) VQ plug lead types External pilot valves required SX3*40 (Cv=0.22) SX5*40 (Cv=0.53) SX7*40 (Cv=0.9) VQ0*51 (Cv=0.15) SY3*40 (Cv=0.22) SY5*40 (Cv=0.53) VQ0*51 (Cv=0.15) SY3*40 (Cv=0.22) SY5*40 (Cv=0.53) SY7*40 (Cv=0.9) SX Type 42P manifold Non plug-in valves Porting: Body ported or true
-32-C4 SYJ33 1/8 SS5YJ3-S32-M5 SS5YJ3-S32-C4 SS5YJ3-41-M5 Base mounted for internal pilot SS5YJ3-41-C4 SYJ34 1/8 SS5YJ3-S41-M5 SS5YJ3-S41-C4 SS5YJ3-46-M5 SS5YJ3-46-C4 1/8 M5 x 0.8 SYJ34 SS5YJ3-S46-M5 SS5YJ3-S46-C4 Note) Value at manifold base mounted, 2 position single operating How to Order Manifold (Example) Instruct by specifying the valves and blanking plate assembly to be mounted on
plug connector (M) VZ3220-M-M5 300 (Lead wire length) 300 (Lead wire length) : With light/surge voltage suppressor DIN terminal (D) VZ3220-D-M5 C4 C6 Built-in One-touch fittings VZ3220-MAX. 10 C4: MAX. 7 C6: MAX. 7.5 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 2-One-touch fitting (A, B port) Applicable tubing model C4: T0425 C6: T0604 3-3-22 5 Port Solenoid Valve Body Ported Series VZ3000 3 Position Closed
For "M" (mixed ports), indicate the port size, such as C3 or C4, instead of a "" in the a section of the station table.