ISE20B-L-S is a digital pressure sensor with all the standard features of the ISE20B, while integrating an M12 connection and supporting the IO-Link communication protocol. When paired with an IO-Link master, measured values and settings can be accessed from the HMI screen of a PLC.
[kPa] Max. suction flow rate [L/min (ANR)] Air consumption [L/min (ANR)] Weight*6 [g] Page ZL1 84 100 57 180 p. 7 ZL3 93*4 300*5 135*4 390 p. 19 *4 ZL3H, ZL6H (Standard supply pressure: 0.5 MPa) *5 Branch + Port exhaust *6 Basic type ZL6 93*4 600*5 270*4 470 p. 19 ZL1/ZL3/ZL6 Series CAT.ES100-108B A Multistage Ejector ZL1/ZL3/ZL6 Series Energy saving Suction: 100 L Suction: 300 L Suction
(Metal Body) Series AS-M Construction Meter-out type Meter-in type AS1200M AS2200M AS1210M AS2210M u w u w t e r !
Description Material Note q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !
pressure: 0.5 MPa 1000 25 15 Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) 1500 Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) 20 10, 12 10 08 1000 15 500 10 5 500 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 Number of needle rotations (turns) Number of needle rotations (turns) 2 Stainless Steel Speed Controller Series ASG Construction Elbow type Meter-out Meter-in y y u u q w e r t q w e r t i i o o !
SMC 50 35 5 SMC 6 28 (R) P P K U K C S U O C H L S O H L 38 AV AU Panel cut Panel thickness: Max. 4 Panel cut Panel thickness: Max. 3 34 AF 40 15.4 x 5.4 AR Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) IR 8 x 6.5 79 13 45.5 VEX Atmosphere 106 G SET SET Pad side
-6-35 P . 5-6-48 P . 5-6-54 P . 5-6-32 P . 5-6-26 7 3 Balanced poppet 10.8 5 Rubber spool 18 5 Metal spool 9.9 5 Metal spool 18 5 Rubber spool 6 3 Balanced poppet Dual pressure is available only on external pilot. 5-6-3 Mechanical Valves Series VM Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
ISE20B-L is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
ISE20B-L is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
ISE20B-L is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
Vacuum Pad: Ball Joint Type ZPT/ZPR Series Pad Diameter: 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 on n io on n a io a pt pt s s or la or la ds nt ds nt ed ed a a or or w w l f l f or or ea ea k k id su id su pe rfa pe rfa ty ty ce ce nt nt s s oi oi ac ac l j l j ac ac al al e e B B s s ZP3 ZP3E ZP2 ZP2V ZP ZPT ZPR ZPT ZPR XT661 ZPT Series: Vertical Vacuum Entry Type ZPR Series: Lateral Vacuum Entry
W~igh L2 L..3, ~L ~ "A1 '" , 'A2 oM II'. I '-1 'N . ,." " H1 H2 01 02 03 l1 M odel ~ T1 T2 ' ~ f . 9 4 ' 3 ~9 . 2~q .. ~ " 6 8" 41,-'1; " W }?'.." 48.7' 42.6, 10.9 46.4 2B,2 " . . '118:'7 ~7 .3 .70~ .2M ..
M5) AN110-01 (1 8 PT) AN101-01 (1 8 PT) D I M E N S I O N S SERIES NAN SILENCER S Y M B O L S Model A B NAN101-N01 22.5 11 NAN110-N01 38 13 NAN120-M3 9 6 NAN120-M5 17 8 SERIES (N)AN SILENCER 14~2 Over 30 dB noise reduction Low back pressure Compact and easy mounting T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS S Y M B O L S Max Operating Pressure 1MPa / 145PSI Noise Reduction 30dB or more Ambient & Fluid
P Peak value display Displays the maximum pressure reached up to that moment. Piping-port size The size of the port on the switch body with which a device can be connected.
(Refer to p. 2.4-2 and 2.4-3 in the catalog "Best Pneumatics 4 ".)
Display/Set pressure range 10.0 to -105.0 kPa -105.0 to 105.0 kPa -0.105 to 1.050 MPa Display/Min. setting unit 0.1 kPa 0.001 MPa Proof pressure 500 kPa 1.5 MPa Power supply Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC10%, ripple max. 10% (p-p) spec.
Catalogs New Products Guide Actuators Compact Slide Air Slide Table Compact Guide Cylinder Series MXH-Z Series MXQ Series MGP-Z P .846 P .868 P .1000 Smooth/Low Speed Cylinder Clamp Cylinder Pin Clamp Cylinder Series CY/CX Series CK1-Z Series C(L)KQG32/C(L)KU32 P .1064 P .1268 P .1296 Pin Plate Cylinder (Reference support block machinable type) C(L)KU32-X2359 For High Precision Positioning
Series VT Not Available In The USA BACKGROUND Many current pneumatic solenoid valves are a c t u a l l y o f s o l e n o i d p i l o t c o n s t r u c t i o n . T h e s o l e n o i d d o e s n o t o p e r a t e d i r e c t l y u p o n t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t w i t h i n t h e v a l v e . W h a t t h e solenoid does is open a very small pilot valve.
Proof 65 3 Wire Output PNP 25 3 Wire Output NPN 26 3 Wire Analog Output P I P I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 01 Direct Piping 1/8 PT T1 NPTF 1/8 H O W T O O R D E R P O S I T I V E P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ISE4 ISE4 B D W I R I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S O P E R AT I N G P R E S S U R E L Grommet Entry 3m Lead 0.6m -0.1 ~ 1MPa L -10 ~ 100KPa DIN R A I L M O U N T I N