(Analog output mode) Switch output PNP open collector output type-2 output Max. 80 mA Residual voltage 1 V or less T: Analog output 1 to 5 V Output impedance 1 k V: Analog output 4 to 20 mA Max. load impedance Power supply voltage 12 V: 300 Power supply voltage 24 V: 600 Min. load impedance 50 -V/-T (Auto-shift input mode) With auto-shift switch output PNP open collector output type-2
Steel) IP300 . 1P3100 DIMENS'ONS MODEL 1P300 (Lever Type) tu O O r o r n N ^ " n o r7a <6,69) (LEVER TYPE) MODEL 1P3100 (Rotary Type) O N / (2) t/4 t,tPt J o o iJ5 [8 so]]NVOLUTE SPL]NE 5HA:T 4 9 2 1 [ 1 2 s 0 0 ] r r81 lJ oool oo zzo fr ool r 1 3 T H P U H O I E S \ \ o o L O O N 0 945 I 24 001 2 7ss [7r oo] N O World Wide Ag{C Support...
Steel) IP300 . 1P3100 DIMENS'ONS MODEL 1P300 (Lever Type) tu O O r o r n N ^ " n o r7a <6,69) (LEVER TYPE) MODEL 1P3100 (Rotary Type) O N / (2) t/4 t,tPt J o o iJ5 [8 so]]NVOLUTE SPL]NE 5HA:T 4 9 2 1 [ 1 2 s 0 0 ] r r81 lJ oool oo zzo fr ool r 1 3 T H P U H O I E S \ \ o o L O O N 0 945 I 24 001 2 7ss [7r oo] N O World Wide Ag{C Support...
One-touch fitting ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread is cut inside the pipe.
One-touch fitting ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread is cut inside the pipe.
For vacuum/ compound pressure ZSE30A 01 N M Option 3 Operating manual Booklet Symbol Calibration certificate Rated pressure range ZSE30A ZSE30AF 0 to 101 kPa 100 to 100 kPa Nil Y K T Piping Option 2 01 R1/8 (M5 female threaded) None Nil Bracket A N01 NPT1/8 (M5 female threaded) Straight type A1 C4H One-touch fitting 4 mm, 5/32 inch C6H One-touch fitting 6 mm Bracket B N7H One-touch fitting
Pressure Momentary change Set-value P-1 H-1 t (ms) t (ms) Time
2 01 R1/8(M5) N01 NPT1/8 (M5) A1 A C4H 4mm5/32 inch C6H 6mm A2 B NH7 1/4 inch N7H A3 C C4L 4mm5/32 inch C6L 6mm B N7L 1/4 inch D + N NPN1 P PNP1 A NPN2 B PNP2 C NPN1+ D NPN1+ E PNP1+ F PNP1+ 1 L (2 m) 1 (2 m 1 G 1 M SI2 P (psi)1 1NP3 4 1 2kPaMPa -8No.PS-OML0002CN-G / A ZS-38-A1 (M35 L 2 ) B ZS-38-A2 (M35 L 2 ) C ZS-38-A3 (M35 L 2 ) ZS-27-C (M38 L 2 ) + ZS-27-D (M38 L 2 )
Vacuum Pad: Ball Joint Type ZPT/ZPR Series Pad Diameter: 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 on n io on n a io a pt pt s s or la or la ds nt ds nt ed ed a a or or w w l f l f or or ea ea k k id su id su pe rfa pe rfa ty ty ce ce nt nt s s oi oi ac ac l j l j ac ac al al e e B B s s ZP3 ZP3E ZP2 ZP2V ZP ZPT ZPR ZPT ZPR XT661 ZPT Series: Vertical Vacuum Entry Type ZPR Series: Lateral Vacuum Entry
C(L)K Mounting bracket Bore size (mm) 16 Foot CJ-L016B Flange CJ-F016B T-bracket* CJ-T016B C(L)KU CKQ CKZ2N * T-bracket is used with double clevis (D). WRF Refer to pages 453 to 460 for cylinders with auto switches.
Series VT Not Available In The USA BACKGROUND Many current pneumatic solenoid valves are a c t u a l l y o f s o l e n o i d p i l o t c o n s t r u c t i o n . T h e s o l e n o i d d o e s n o t o p e r a t e d i r e c t l y u p o n t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t w i t h i n t h e v a l v e . W h a t t h e solenoid does is open a very small pilot valve.
44[lq I lrars wurh:8 ,t ic I Appl|cable lube o D oP Applicable lube O.D oP " l " l ' l ' l E f F f e f n l e ^ | o L I r E t #l#ffiJ'xl,LI v ZPRlOB 1 0 1 6 25133.! 50 20 71 25 76 13.8 5.5 ZPRtSB 18 527 sB6.'52.!
M a n i f o l d m o u n t e d v e r s i o n s o f t h e V YH y r e g a r e a v a i l a b l e .
44[lq I lrars wurh:8 ,t ic I Appl|cable lube o D oP Applicable lube O.D oP " l " l ' l ' l E f F f e f n l e ^ | o L I r E t #l#ffiJ'xl,LI v ZPRlOB 1 0 1 6 25133.! 50 20 71 25 76 13.8 5.5 ZPRtSB 18 527 sB6.'52.!
R L B 01 1 Nil F G Rc 1 8 ... ...
min 0.525 L/min 150 L/min 2100 L/min () CO2 0.25 L/min 0.512.5 L/min 125 L/min 250 L/min N2Ar 0.210.5 L/min 1 0.526.3 L/min 152.5 L/min 2105 L/min 2 CO2 0.25.2 L/min 0.513.1 L/min 126.2 L/min 252 L/min N2Ar 010.5 L/min 1 026.3 L/min 052.5 L/min 0105 L/min 2 CO2 05.2 L/min 013.1 L/min 026.2 L/min 052 L/min / 0.01 L/min 0.1 L/min 0.1 L/min 0.1 L/min / 3 09 L / 1 L 0.1 L/Pulse 0.1 L/
B -With shock absorbers BC -With Cap type shock absorbers BS With one shock absorber BCS -With one Cap type shock absorber Type N-Non-lube type H Air-hyd ro type (except sl0) Special order only clffi3xr -tI I ytinaerl Switch/Housing r Switch/End plate With Auto Switch Capability ffiK] "*t* --T"* Nc lw t f l l n ' l x2 | *o"o twltch sufiix
B -With shock absorbers BC -With Cap type shock absorbers BS With one shock absorber BCS -With one Cap type shock absorber Type N-Non-lube type H Air-hyd ro type (except sl0) Special order only clffi3xr -tI I ytinaerl Switch/Housing r Switch/End plate With Auto Switch Capability ffiK] "*t* --T"* Nc lw t f l l n ' l x2 | *o"o twltch sufiix
Note 7) Digital pressure switch is shipped together, but not assembled. 819 IR1000/2000/3000 Series For High/Low Temperature Environments 4 Clean Series 1 10 IR 0 IR 0 T Clean series For high/low temperature environments T L For high temperature For low temperature Specifications Specifications ISO Class 3 With M5 fitting (Applicable tubing O.D. 6) Cleanliness Bleed hole L For low temp. environments
L R L R L R L R L R L R Glass q w e Stainless steel Stainless steel Cross recessed round head screw Brass Stainless steel r t Stub 3.8-2 ISA Specifications Fluid Dry air (Filtered through a 5m filter) Operating pressure range 0.05 to 0.2MPa Recommended pressure range 0.1 to 0.2MPa Detection zone 10 to 300 m Repeatability including temperature characteristics 10m (for 0 to 60C on the basis