/See 1.2 Specifications on p.5 turned ON because the effective pushing force of pushing operation exceeds the Trigger LV value. INP output signal is unstable.
Movement mode Movement mode 3 ABS 1 () INC 2 Speed Speed *1 (mm/s) Position Position (-) (+) [mm] 1 (mm/s 2) Accelerati on Accelerati on Decelerati on Decelerati on 1 (mm/s 2) 100% (%) * Pushing force Pushing force *1 0 1100 (1100 ) INP ON INP ON (:%) Trigger LV Trigger LV *1 -42- (1100 ) ( mm/s) * Pushing speed Pushing speed *1 Moving force Moving force *1 (%) (mm/s)
When the pushing force exceeds the value set in the step data Trigger LV. Caution After pushing operation is finished, even if controller changes to energy saving mode, INP signal status maintains to ON.
(If values other than 0 set the operation will be changed to the pushing operation.) g < Trigger LV> For pushing operation only. Not applicable for this product. h < Pushing speed> For pushing operation only. Not applicable for this product. i < Moving force> Max. Force at the positioning operation. The force is automatically adjusted corresponding to the load.
Valve configuration Pilot operated dual 2 port Pilot operated 2 port Operating pressure 0.3 to 0.6 MPa range Valve construction Poppet seal Manual override Push type Rated voltage 24 VDC, 12VDC Power consumption 0.35W Conductor cross section: 0.2 mm2 (AWG24) Lead wire (ZK2-LV--A) Insulator O.D.: 1.4 mm Note 4) Refer to Valve assembly on page 33 for the valve model number.
ZK2-OM00201 (7) Connector assembly ZK2 LV W K A Valve type: J Valve type: K, R Applicable valve type Lead wire length Nil 300 mm Valve type K, R 6 600 mm W (With supply valve and release valve) 10 1000 mm 20 2000 mm S Valve type J (Supply valve only) 30 3000 mm (8) One-touch fitting assembly (Purchasing order is available in units of 10 pieces.)
(If values other than 0 set the operation will be changed to the pushing operation.) g < Trigger LV> For pushing operation only. Not applicable for this product. h < Pushing speed> For pushing operation only. Not applicable for this product. i < Moving force> Max. Force at the positioning operation. The force is automatically adjusted corresponding to the load.
EPDM Stud Polypropylene M Clean blow off system Clean fitting Clean room KP Clean tubing TPH/TPS Clean blow off Clean regulator 2 port air operated valve Super mist separator Odor removal filter SR Clean gas filter SFA 10-AMF 10-AME Air micro meter LV Cleaning liquid pressure feed SFB SRH SFC N2 blow off N2 gas 2 Low particulate generation KP Resin: PP Metal: Stainless steel (SUS304) Completely
EPDM Stud Polypropylene M Clean blow off system Clean fitting Clean room KP Clean tubing TPH/TPS Clean blow off Clean regulator 2 port air operated valve Super mist separator Odor removal filter SR Clean gas filter SFA 10-AMF 10-AME Air micro meter LV Cleaning liquid pressure feed SFB SRH SFC N2 blow off N2 gas 2 Low particulate generation KP Resin: PP Metal: Stainless steel (SUS304) Completely
EPDM Stud Polypropylene Clean blowing system Clean room KP Clean tubing TPH/TPS Clean fitting Clean blow Clean regulator 2 port air operated valve Super mist separator Odor removal filter SR Clean gas filter SFA 10-AMF 10-AME Air micro meter LV Cleaning liquid pressure feed SFB SRH SFC N2 blow N2 gas Features 1 Low particulate generation KP Resin: PP Metal: Stainless steel (SUS304) Completely
E A N D VA C U U M S W I T C H W I T H V A LV E S A N D S W I T C H (N)ZM HK5LZ V O LTA G E 5 24VDC 6 12VDC N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R 05 0.5mm 07 0.7mm 10 1.0mm 13 1.3mm V A C U U M S W I T C H Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid State (PNP) M21L Reed M15L Non-Contact S Y S T E M C I R C U I T Supply Exhaust P O R T T H R E A D Nil PT* Remove (N) when ordering T NPTF T Y P E
Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: 03-5207-8249 FAX: 03-5298-5362 URL http://www.smcworld.com 2007 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing LV printing LV 13500DN Printed in Japan.
MM I Bore 81ze (mm) 40 BQ DC eO eE F GA GB GC GO GL GR J K LV -500 20 500 27 30 70 60 96 Yo %, 44 16 32 10 85 15 26 54 10 10 M8X l .25 6 76.5 ' 50 63 , 80 , 100 M14X1.5 M1 8 Xl .5 M18X 1.5 M22 X l.5 M26Xl .5 -'00 20-600 32 35 81 70 108 y.
(mm) 42 18 M1 6x 1.5 15 20 ,Bore size LT LX LV MM N P S (mm) X I V Without rOO boot" With rod bOot H ZZ f h t ZZl 133 l,t. stroke 296 45 I 20 110 273 75 40 125 8 1{)() 156.5 M30 x 1.5 305 1/2 98 45 1 30 110 283 75 40 140 9 112 178.5 M30 x 1.5 30,S 1/2 98 133 I ; stroke 306 so l 25 120 301 75 40 160 9 118 194.5 M36 x 1.5 345 3/4 106 141 I, ,,"slroke 322 ..
Release valve: None Valve configuration6 Pilot operated dual 2-port Pilot operated 2-port Operating pressure range 0.3 to 0.6 MPa Valve construction Poppet seal Manual override Push type Rated voltage 24 VDC, 12 VDC Power consumption 0.4 W Lead wire (ZK2-LV-A) Cross section: 0.2 mm2 (AWG24) Insulator O.D.: 1.4 mm Vibration resistance1 30 m/s2 Without pressure sensor/switch With pressure sensor
For such circuits, consider using a product from the LV series.
The LV series catalog can be found here.
(Pairing) Dzelzavas str. 120g, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia Red/green Maintenance should be performed according to the Safety Instructions. Perform regular maintenance and inspections. There is a risk of unexpected malfunction. Do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner etc. to clean each unit. They could damage the surface of the body and erase the markings on the body.
Radio wave receiving intensity (For communication from remote to base) Setting and Adjustment Maintenance LATVIA (371) 781 77 00 W-SS Green LED flashes. (2Hz) Dzelzavas str. 120g, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia There are connected remote with received power level 1. Maintenance should be performed according to the Safety Instructions. Perform regular maintenance and inspections.
Philadelphia, Athens, Greece HUNGARY (36) 23 513 000 Torbgy u. 15-19, 2045 Trkblint, Hungary IRELAND (353) 1 403 9000 2002 Citywest Road, Citywest Business Campus, Citywest, Dublin 24, Ireland ITALY (39) 02 92711 Via Garibaldi 62, 20061 Carugate, (Milano), Italy LATVIA (371) 781 77 00 Dzelzavas str. 120g, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia LITHUANIA (370) 5 264 81 26 Oslo g. 1, LT-04123 Vilnius, Lithuania
Dublin Italy SMC Italia S.p.A. (39) 02-9271-1 Via Garibaldi, 62, l-20061 Carugate, Milano Latvia SMC Pneumatics Latvia SIA (371)781-77-00 mera iel, 1-705, Rga LV-1006 Lithuania SMC Pneumatics Lietuva,UAB (370)5-264-81-26 Oslo g.1, LT-04123 Vilnius Netherlands SMC Pneumatics B.V. (31) 20-531-8 De Ruyterkade 120, NL-1011 AB Amsterdam Norway SMC Pneumatics Norway AS (47) 67-12-90-20 Vollsveien