M Dimensions with mounting bracket Model Port size (Nominal size B) A B C D E F G S 6 , 2 1 H 463.5 I 180 J 30 K 15 L 24 N 120 O 184 P 220 Q 110 R 18 460.5 AMD850 1 2 13 42 348 220 57.5 220 10 14-20-27 7 Series AMD AMD801/901/800/900/1000 Dimensions AMD801/901 ORIENTATION Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside
198 I 56 66 66 80 80 J 15 20 17 22 19 K 5 8 8 8 8 L 9 12 12 14 14 N 35 40 40 50 50 O 54 66 66 80 80 P 70 84 84 100 100 Q 26 28 28 34 34 R 4.5 5 5 5 5 S 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.3 1 8 1 4 3 8 , , 7.5 4 4 5 5 AMF150 5.5 6 6 7 7 139 152 158 184 190 13 13 16 16 19 55 66 72 92 98 63 76 76 90 90 63 76 76 90 90 10 10 10 10 10 1 4 3 8 , AMF250 1 2 3 8 1 2 , AMF350 3 4 14-20-46 6 Odor Removal Filter Series
Even though 3 port valves have the same construction as the 5 port single solenoid valves, the port plug is installed in the 2(B) port for N.C. type, and 4(A) port or N.O. type. By changing the port plug into a fitting, it can be used as the 5 port single solenoid valves, too. 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 Base Mounted VQZ 85 ,N.C.
(mm) Mounting screw P L1 H2 D W1 L2 H1 W2 W3 Model (Nominal x Length) 6 4 TM-04 TM-06 TM-08 TM-10 TM-12 6 3.25 72.5 4.5 5.5 6 6.5 6.5 10 5 7.5 7.5 8 12 12 8 10 11 12 12 17 21 23 25 25 2.2 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 2 x 6 4.5 91.5 9.5 5.5 77.5 6 12.5 7.5 77.5 6 15 9 93 6.5 2.6 x 8 2.6 x 8 3 x 8 3 x 8 12 10 8 16.3 8.8 14.3 7.5 12 9.8 How to Use Caution 1.
4 #6 !5 !1 !9 #4 #8 E @7 o !0 i @8 !8 !6 $2 #2 !3 #3 !7 !2 @5 @4 r @3 e @6 @1 @2 #1 t y $1 u w q E' Section E-E' CYV32 t !9 $0 @1 @2 y @4 @3 u @6 #9 @5 Description Material Note Parts list Description Material Note No. No.
3 AS q AS-FE !1 !1 i !4 y q q KE i !5 i !5 AS-FG AS-FP AS-FM AS321F-02 Meter-out type AS3201F-02 Meter-in type AS3211F-02 AS-D AS-T ASP ASN AQ ASV AK VCHC ASR ASQ Component Parts No.
q A (43) OUT IN e e 150 r B t 120 327 188 (519) w w 84 OUT 2-R 1 r IN 53 DRAIN G 1/4 Note Parts list Dimensions (mm) A B No.
% .% "-% "%% (%% (0 + "( + (0 + "( + ARX20 VCHR 3 4 45 4 466 4 5 4 4 6 7 6 7 6 4 6 5 ITV Construction IC Component Parts PVQ VEF VEP 1 Solenoid coil assembly 2 Core 3 Return spring VER 4 Armature assembly VEA 5 Body ! 6 O-ring VY2 Round head combination screw 7 "# $ % & $ "#' ( VBA VBAT 8 Sub-plate ! ) * )+,"% "& & AP100 A (2) P (1) P (1) A (2) !-.
effective thread depth G Q Q R D R H E E 4-K through 8-L counter bore 4-K through C B + Stroke J J 8-L counter bore A + Stroke M M CHKDB20 & 25 CHKDB32 to 100 Width across flats f c a b g e h + Stroke Rod end male thread (mm) F L A B C D E G H J K M P Q R Bore size (mm) 20 M8 x 1.25 9.5 depth 5.4 51 43 8 12 10 10 6 30 5.5 43 1/8 16.5 6 25 M10 x 1.5 9.5 depth 5.4 53 45 8 14 12 12 6 36 5.5
Note 2) Drain guide is G 1/4 (applicable to AFD30 and 40). (6) Z AFD20 to 40 AR When more than one specification is required, indicate in ascending alphanumerical order. Note 5) Without a valve function. Note 6) For NPT thread type.
Platinum silver Body q Replacement Parts Part no. No. Description Material AFM40 AFM40-06 AFM20 AFM30 Element assembly Bowl O-ring Bowl assembly (1) NBR PC AFM20P-060AS C2SFP-260S C2SF AFM30P-060AS C3SFP-260S C3SF (2) AFM40P-060AS C4SFP-260S C4SF (2) AFM40P-060AS C4SFP-260S C4SF (2) w e r Note 1) Including O-Ring.
flow rate (l/min) EJ101S-004 4 70 x 250 EJ101S-006 6 2 EJ101S-013 13 4 20 6 Note) Specity seal material in place of "" (N for NBR or V for FPM).
(Refer to pages 15-6-3 to 15-6-5 for details.) ASP ASN Model Applicable tubing O.D.
Allowable load mass mv (kg) Maximum operating pressure Pv (MPa) Cushion Stroke Model Stroke (mm) 25 30 1 5 0.3 Model CYP15 CYP32 CYP15 CYP32 8-17-6 6 Clean Room Rodless Cylinder Series CYP 15, 32 How to Order MX CYP 15 Z73 200 MTS MY Number of auto switches Nil S n 2 pcs. 1 pc. n pcs.
4-J Depth JK Thread depth PC (from counterbore surface) 2-P 2-Counterbore dia.
48 36 112 100 76 3/8 50.5 27.5 68.5 M5 x 0.8 Depth 5 24 28 2 43 48 36 132 76 3/8 27.5 85.5 16 70.5 3.5 M5 x 0.8 Depth 5 24 28 2 43 48 36 132 76 3/8 27.5 87.5 20.5 M6 x 1 Depth 6 32 42 3 57 52 47 127 98 115 1/2 62.5 37 80.5 M6 x 1 Depth 6 32 42 3 57 52 47 147 98 1/2 37 97.5 6 82.5 M6 x 1 Depth 6 32 42 3 57 52 47 147 98 1/2 37 99.5 10.5 06 10 M6 x 1 Depth 7.5 39 50 0 77
48 4.5 56.5 29 21.6 Rc1/4 44 ZH30 40--X185 Without bracket Air pressure supply (P) port Thread size: Q 45 45 Fluid passage dia.: P R J K 2 x L H I O 4 x Sa Thread depth Sb G M N A D F Vacuum flow Dust bag When dust bag is mounted E T Suction air Suction air Discharge air B C C U Hose band V Note 1) (mm) A 158 B 70 C 50 D 20 E F 24.5 G 60.5 H 5 I 70 J 60 K 5.5 L 72 M 37 N 2 O 30 P Rc1/4 Q