Pad Diameter: 20 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: C (Flat w/Ribs), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 10 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: GS (Inductive Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 50mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: J (Rotating), Stroke: 10mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 10 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: C (Flat w/Ribs), Material: F (Fluoro Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 20 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: U (Flat Style), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 32 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 30mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 20 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: U (Flat Style), Material: F (Fluoro Rubber), Rotation: J (Rotating), Stroke: 10mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 20 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: J (Rotating), Stroke: 50mm, Vacuum Entry: 08 (One-touch Fitting Ø8), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 08 (Flat + Bellows), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 10mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A8 (M8X1, Available for UT, CT for Diameter size 10, 13, 16 Only)
Pad Diameter: 06 (Flat + Bellows), Pad Styles: U (Flat Style), Material: N (NBR), Rotation: J (Rotating), Stroke: 15mm, Vacuum Entry: 04 (One-touch Fitting Ø4), Mounting Thread: A8 (M8X1, Available for UT, CT for Diameter size 10, 13, 16 Only)
Pad Diameter: 32 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Bellows), Pad Styles: U (Flat Style), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 50mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: U (Urethane Rubber), Vacuum Entry: U6 (Barb Ø6 Urethane Tubing), Mounting Thread: B5 (Female Thread M5X0.8)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Vacuum Entry: U6 (Barb Ø6 Urethane Tubing), Mounting Thread: A6 (M6X1)
Pad Diameter: 16 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Compact+Compact with Ribs), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Vacuum Entry: N6 (Barb Ø6 Nylon Tubing), Mounting Thread: B5 (Female Thread M5X0.8)
I nst al l at i on on equi pm ent i n conj unct i on w i t h at om i c energy, rai l w ay, ai r navi gat i on, vehi cl es, m edi cal equi pm ent , f ood and beverages, recreat i on equi pm ent , em ergency st op ci rcui t s, cl ut ch and brake ci rcui t i n press appl i cat i ons, or saf et y equi pm ent . C.
Insufficient bolt tightening After stopping air and re-tighten the bolts. 21 No.VQC5000V-OMU0002 S Revision history 1st printing : UT 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPAN Tel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362 URL Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 2011 SMC Corporation
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.