1 u y t r e w q i r e IN w IN q t y u i o !0 u y t o i !0 Component Parts Component Parts No. Description Material 1 Body ADC 2 Main valve Resin 3 O-ring NBR 4 Bonnet ADC 5 Seal NBR 6 Washer Fe (Chromated) 7 Compression nut ADC 8 Hexagon bolt Stainless steel No. Description Material No.
W: Applicable load weighl (kg) L1. L2: Overhang distance to the center of gravily ol work (mln) a: Acceleralion ot wotk (mmlsecz) lvle: Kinetic moment Pitching Yawing Rolling Mep l l inar I \ _ _ l ! ' u r c a w | ) o .T'-Series Table Deflection Dellection quantiiy at the point indicated with arrow in the extended state of slide lable when load is given to that point.
Material Description Description q w e r t y u i o !0 !
1/4 1/8 C6 (6 One-touch fitting) C8 (8 One-touch fitting) N7 (1/4" Onetouch fitting) N9 (5/16" Onetouch fitting) 1/4 C6 (6 One-touch fitting) C8 (8 One-touch fitting) N7 (1/4" Onetouch fitting) N9 (5/16" Onetouch fitting) C10 (10 Onetouch fitting) N11 (3/8" Onetouch fitting) Port size A, B port Manifold base weight W (g) n: Stations W = 100n + 151 W = 79n + 127 W = 61n + 101 Note 1) For
Material Description Description q w e r t y u i o !0 !
2 w i !4 !6 !1 !7 !8 !9 r t !5 u q @3 @2 !3 Single acting/Normally closed @0 y Double acting/With fingers closed Component Parts Note Note Material Material No. Description No. Description Hard anodized Aluminum alloy High carbon chrome bearing steel q !4 Body Steel balls Stainless steel High carbon chrome bearing steel w !
2 w i @5 !4 e !7 !1 @4 !5 !6 r t u q @3 !3 @0 !9 !
**O p ti o n H : 1.6 M P a W ARN I N G Fol l ow i ng condi t i ons l ead t o cause breakage. Pl ease underst and t he cont ent s of t hi s operati on m anual Pl ace w here m ore t han 0. 1M Pa Pl ace w here ai r m ay f l ow backw ards pressure pul sat i on m ay be revi sed w i thout not i f i cat i on.
Note 2) The mass is the value for the grommet type. 340 Series VCS Direct Operated 2 Port Solenoid Valve For Steam Construction q w VX2 VXD e VXZ VXE r VXP Component Parts t Material VXR No.
Pi n assi gn of I TV si de connect or I t em Pi n assi g W i re co l o r (N o te 1) +24[ V] Brow n 4 3 N . C. Pow er suppl y connect or G N D Bl ue 2 N . C. D RAI N 4 V Red 3 Com m uni cat i on connect or V Bl ack 1 5 CAN _H W hi t e 2 CAN _L Bl ue N ot e1) W i re col or w hen t he opt i on cabl e i s used.
Body material: C37, Stainless steel w VX2 q VXK e VXD r VXZ Component Parts VXS VXS t No.
T O O R D E R NZM V A C U U M E J E C T O R D I M E N S I O N S W I T H VA LV E A N D VA C U U M S W I T C H W I T H V A LV E S A N D S W I T C H (N)ZM HK5LZ V O LTA G E 5 24VDC 6 12VDC N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R 05 0.5mm 07 0.7mm 10 1.0mm 13 1.3mm V A C U U M S W I T C H Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid State (PNP) M21L Reed M15L Non-Contact S Y S T E M C I R C U I T Supply
0 @0 @1 @2 @3 r !6 !1 q y e t !7 !3 w !9 i u 125 80 to 125 (No flat washer for 125) 80 to 125 !5 !4 i o Replacement Parts/Seal Kit (Single rod) Component Parts Bore size (mm) Kit no. Contents No.
q e w A A-A e r q w Component Parts No.
2 @1 @2 w r Description Replaceable kits list Component parts No.
A B W A B W A B W 4.5 (2) 12 16 19 21 17 19 12 12 4 12 4 4 6 4 12 8 8 0 4.5 (2) 16 12 4 12 4 4 6 4 12 8 8 0 Note 1) ( ): D-A96, A9V Note 2) When setting an auto switch, confirm the operation and adjust its mounting position.
8 r !1 t !9 !2 !6e q u !4 w !7 !3 @0 !1 y !5 Component Parts Description Material Note Component Parts Description Material Note No. q w e r t y u i o !0 for piston rod for guide rod No. !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7* !8* !
w l Body ported type Base mourfied type With subplate R Port %,%NPTF X Port P Port (Extemal 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series NVZ100/300/500 NV2100 Gffir,rsn NVZ300 GU@ W f m NVZ500-GEIED I Power Consumption 1.8WDC (2.r wDC MrEol I Response Time NVZ100: 15 mSec or less N\2300/500:20 mSec or less Optimal Accessory/Bracket N\rz100-ooo .t 5.F itvz3020-o8o .u5f Nvz5020-ooo -01T-F Top ported/Nw4a