0 !3 !0 !4 !7 !1 !9 !2 @1 e u o t @3 !8 @0 @0 @2 !4 !7 !1 !9 !2 @1 @4 e u o t @3 !8 @0 @0 @2 q w r @5 y !5 !6 i q w r @5 y !5 !
0 !1 u q SMC o A Component Parts Replacement Parts Part no. No. Material No. Material Description Description q w e r t y u i o !0 !
C HRZ008-L1-F 16 14 [HRZ008-L1-F] Cooling capacitykW 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Circulating fluid setting temp.deg.
to 250st: +1.0 , 251 to 1000st: +1.4, 1001st to: +1.8 JIS symbol Stroke length tolerance 0 0 0 Mounting orientation Unrestricted Mounting nut (2 pcs.)
V 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { Transmission line Transmission line G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V Black White Brown Blue Crimp connector SL-J1A Main transmission line Transmission line 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V 24
0 u @8 @4 !2 r e y @4 @8 @0 !0 i @3 o @4 @8 @7 u @2 r y RE A B REC !9 #0 w #1 #0 t q e @9 #1 @1 !9 t @5 @6 @1 #0 q !1 w#1 #0 @2 @9 #1 @1 CX CY 40 to 63 MQQ M @0 @4 @8 i u o @3 !1 #1 #2 @8@4 !2 @7 !3 #3 r !4 e !6 @6 RHC MK(2) #7 #6 !5 RS Q G RS H A !9 @5 t @6 y #0 w @1 #0 #5 !7 #4 q @9@2 !8 #1 #2 !7 #5 #4 @1 RZQ MI W S CEP1 Component Parts CE1 No. No.
B VQZ100-47-B 1.11-3 Series VQ4000 Base Mounted Valve Plug-in, Plug Lead/Single Unit Model (1) Response time ms(2) Weight (kg) (3) Model Effective area (mm2) (Cv) Series Configuration Standard: 1W Low wattage and AC 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 22 or less 20 or less Metal seal 36.0 (2.0) Single VQ41 0 0.23 (0.29) 2 position 3 position 27 or less 25 or less Rubber seal 39.6 (2.2
D-side w How to order applicable valves VQC 4 0 5 E B 0 Y 1 Series VQC4000 F E D A C B Stations are numbered in ascending order from the D-side.
Refer to p.0-33 to 0-36 for Safety Instructions and common precautions. Connection and Electrical Circuit Warning Manual Override Without an electric signal for the solenoid valve the manual override is used for switching the main valve. The VQZ series features non-polar solenoids.
to 1 00 Double rcd o12, a16/5 b 30 o2O, a25/5 b 50 o32,a4ol51o IOC) o50 to 61 00/1 0 to 1 0O Singleacting Spring return/extend s 1 2 1 0 6 4 U 5 , 1 0 o50h0.20 Ion.rotating rod Double acting Singl rod o12, @16/5 lD 30 o20, @295to 50 o32, o4ol510 1OO o50, 0631 0 to 1 00 Double rod s12, s1615 lo 30 o20 lo o40l5 to 50 o50, a6310lo 50 @Actuation Doude acting Srngle acting spnng refurn Single
V 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { Transmission line Transmission line G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V G D 0 V 24 V Black White Brown Blue Crimp connector SL-J1A Main transmission line Transmission line 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V Power supply { 24 V 0 V D G D G 24 V 0 V 24
Station Address S1 S2 00H to 02H: Disabled 0 0 to 2 (Do not use these addresses.) 03H (Factory setting) 0 3 04H 0 4 EFH E F F0H to FFH: Disabled F 0 to F (Do not use these addresses.) (2) Settings of the DIP Switch S3 The following table shows the settings of the DIP switch (S3). Switch No.
S. ) , O ccupi ed byt e : 2 Byt e Target val ue ( 0 area) 12bi t 0 0 0 0 Target value(Lower 12 bits) * b0 b15 b11 Put 0 i n upper 4 bi t s ( N ot e) M oni t or t he out put pressure. Resol ut i on : 12bi t ( 100% F.
Verify the specifications before use. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Off No network power present 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 MAC ID 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Assembly and disassembly of the SI unit Troubleshooting : : : : : : : Do not operate in an atmosphere containing flammable or explosive gases. Fire or an explosion can result. This product is not designed to be explosion proof.
21.5 28 34 41 6 6 6 8 16 21 25 30 6.3 12 10.3 18 7 10 11.5 14 3/16 3/16 +0.002 0 +0.002 0 +0.002 0 +0.002 0 +0.002 0 +0.002 0 #8-32UNC 3/16 3/16 #10-32UNF 5/16 5/16 1/4-28UNF 3/8 3/8 Knuckle pin and snap ring are contained.
to 250st: +1.0 , 251 to 1000st: +1.4, 1001st to: +1.8 JIS symbol Stroke length tolerance 0 0 0 Mounting orientation Unrestricted Mounting nut (2 pcs.)
Instance attribute ID Access rule Description Value 1 Get/Set 1 MAC ID 0-63 2 Get/Set 1 Baud Rate 0-2 3 Get/Set BOI 0-1 4 Get/Set Bus-off Counter 0-255 5 Get Allocation Information 6 Get MAC ID Switch Changed 0-1 7 Get Baud Rate Switch Changed 0-1 8 Get MAC ID Switch Value 0-63 9 Get Baud Rate Switch Value 0-2 10 Set Quick Connect 0-1 1: Set is available in SW mode. -16No.EX-OMO0004-D 3-4
0 u @8 @4 !2 r e y @4 @8 @0 !0 i @3 o @4 @8 @7 u @2 r y RE A B REC !9 #0 w #1 #0 t q e @9 #1 @1 !9 t @5 @6 @1 #0 q !1 w#1 #0 @2 @9 #1 @1 CX CY 40 to 63 MQQ M @0 @4 @8 i u o @3 !1 #1 #2 @8@4 !2 @7 !3 #3 r !4 e !6 @6 RHC MK(2) #7 #6 !5 RS Q G RS H A !9 @5 t @6 y #0 w @1 #0 #5 !7 #4 q @9@2 !8 #1 #2 !7 #5 #4 @1 RZQ MI W S CEP1 Component Parts CE1 No. No.
0 u @8 @4 !2 r e y @4 @8 @0 !0 i @3 o @4 @8 @7 u @2 r y RE A B REC !9 #0 w #1 #0 t q e @9 #1 @1 !9 t @5 @6 @1 #0 q !1 w#1 #0 @2 @9 #1 @1 CX CY 40 to 63 MQQ M Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com @0 @4 @8 i u o @3 !1 #1 #2 @8@4 !2 @7 !3 #3 r !4 e !