r e po't 2 F \ l i t ( ) :Oin ior NCRAIOW30 s5r NCDRBl BW2O-O S-O i : l,4ax krnelic eneGv foi tubber bumpers (Not available on NCDF Bl BW 1 O) Applicable Series a o o X o O = avairabre cD8B1AWt5 lvlax. Current and Operating Max. 50mA 5-40m4 5 -40mA N4ax.50rnA Max. 40mA l\4ax.20mA D-R8 D-57 N4ax.40mA 150mA T? . Operating lemp (5 60'c) . Length of lead wire 0.5m (slandard) .
Blue (Black) l6ad wire: Connecl lo the power source O. 2 wire system -Brown (RedE-@ I l ' : L o a d L _ o I L Bl!%(9!csiL -re o Series NCDX2 Switch Circuit cD-P12 D-A73, D-A73H. D-A73C D-480, D-A80H. D-A80C D-F7NTL, D-F7NV, D-F79 (sorid state type) t : I Bne @ Black lfihitel Latch ire dEonosl c oLnoul Or:nqdibuei (whi1e) O Bue tbtacb a O Blue (black) D-J79. D-J79C.
Applic~bl e max. stroke according,to bUC~jng strength(ern} . . ,.e '. ' . Mounting Operating pressure 125 ,140 . . , 160 , JJ 0 c.
M14 x 1 Notice label Locking condition indication plate S + Stroke ZZ + Stroke Metal connector With rod boot + ZZ + 5/4 stroke Stroke range A B C BL C CC D D E EE E F FF GA GB GC GD GL H1 J K M AA AL BB Bore size (mm) Without rod boot With rod boot 40 50 63 80 100 25 to 850 25 to 700 45 30 71.5 22 60 42 20 44 22 16 21 11 32 10 10 150.5 15 26 54 10 8 M8 x 1.25 6 11 27 25 to 800 25 to 650
, 63D-A3C-6, 100D-A3C-10 50D-A3C-5, 80D-A3C-8 1.08 0.32 0.38 0.38 0.73 Double knuckle Accessory bracket 0.19 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.14 Knuckle pin 10-12-49 7 Series CE2 Dimensions: 40 to 100 RC 1/4 Pressurized locking port RC P Rod side cylinder port RC P Head side cylinder port Basic style RC 1/4 Unlocking port Unlocked when pressurized 7 (6 core twisted pair shielded wire) Width across flat BL
CN1: . 21 6.1 . 21 6.2 . 21 6.3 . 22 (1) (C24V,M24V,0V) . 22 (2) (EMG) . 22 1 - (3) (BL RLS) . 22 6.4 . 23 1 . 23 2 . 24 3() . 25 7. CN5: . 26 7.1 . 26 7.2 . 26 7.3 . 27 8.
r e po't 2 F \ l i t ( ) :Oin ior NCRAIOW30 s5r NCDRBl BW2O-O S-O i : l,4ax krnelic eneGv foi tubber bumpers (Not available on NCDF Bl BW 1 O) Applicable Series a o o X o O = avairabre cD8B1AWt5 lvlax. Current and Operating Max. 50mA 5-40m4 5 -40mA N4ax.50rnA Max. 40mA l\4ax.20mA D-R8 D-57 N4ax.40mA 150mA T? . Operating lemp (5 60'c) . Length of lead wire 0.5m (slandard) .
160 to 1600 160 to 2500 BH / BL 160 to 2500 160 to 2500 BH / BL 160 to 2500 160 to 2500 3-1-4.
Set t he SEN SI TI VI TY by usi ng t he and keys. ( bl i nk and change t he m ost ri ght di gi t ) Press Skey.
(Accessoy) Alphabetical Index Length Measuring/ Counter Sensor bracket/IZS31-BL (For mounting IZS31-DE on the body) Note) The number of center brackets required, as listed below, depends on the bar length. Two end brackets are always required regardless of the bar length. Provided with 2 hexagon socket head cap screw for sensor bracket (2 pcs.)
8 #8 $1 Single acting (TL, TM) Double acting built-in spring (BL, BM) $0 y r !1 #7 e #4 #7 !
Basic type 7 (6 core twisted pair shielded wire) 4 x J M14 x 1 Notice label Locking condition indication plate S + Stroke ZZ + Stroke Metal connector With rod boot ZZ + 5/4 stroke h + l (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range B C A AA AL BB BL C CC DD D EF EE E F FF GA GB GC GD GL H1 J K M Without rod boot With rod boot 40 50 63 80 100 25 to 850 25 to 700 30 45 27 71.5 22 60 42 20 44 22 16 21 11.5
8 q #8 $1 y Single acting spring extended (TL, TM) Double acting spring type (BL, BM) r $0 !1 !
ufrng Wfer llie bL I ii s eicer lype s !sed. keep r1e exhaust porl JrcF com.r n d re.lcon:a.tv/th $aleror olfer qu ds , E port position '!p to r8 soenoids poss ble --!p to 24 soenords poss ble A, B port size (inch) A, B port size (metric) o3/8 Onelouch iitl ng o5l16' One touch fit n o3l8 Onerouch litl ng NPTF ] Manifold D-sub Connector Series Mounti OIN railmounl P .
e C a u t i o n o f d i s a s s e m b l e D i s a s s e m b l i n g p r o c e d u r e A s s e m b l e p r o c e d u r e T r o u bl e s hoo t i n g Safety Instructions These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.
4 t #8 @2 @1 y q #9 $0 Single acting (TL, TM) Double acting spring type (BL, BM) !0 r #7 @5 !1 !
8 q #8 $1 y Single acting, Spring extend (TL, TM) Double acting with spring (BL, BM) r $0 !1 !2 #7 #4 #7 @2 e #5 #3 @8 #7 #7 #1 @8 w 10-9-6 6 Heavy Duty Stopper Cylinder Series RSH/RS1H Construction Component Parts (For single acting) No.
8 q #8 $1 y Single acting, Spring extend (TL, TM) Double acting with spring (BL, BM) r $0 !1 !2 #7 #4 #7 @2 e #5 #3 @8 #7 #7 #1 @8 w 10-9-6 6 Heavy Duty Stopper Cylinder Series RSH/RS1H Construction Component Parts (For single acting) No.
Single acting nomally open: O.D. holding force, Single acting nomally closed: I.D. holding force Refer to "Effective Holding Force" for the holding force at each holding position, page 13 to 17. 11 Series MHK2 Wedge Cam Operation Gripper Construction Double acting Single acting ck 3 bs br 2 9 Open finger Normally open bt 5 6 bp 8 7 bq 1 4 bl bk bm Closed finger Normally closed bo bn Parts
24VDC, Load current{1c) 40mA, Rosidualvohage 0.4V or less -25 to +55"C (At holding: -30 to Operation: 5lo 85%RH (At holding: 5 to Terminal Brown o L' Black OUTPUT Blue DND(ov) O 'ON while lighl is shaded. ll "L' terminal and "+' terminal are shorted, it changed to ON while light is passed. level circuit Output cjrcuit 'ln the cas of use in voltage oulput, rcsistorshould be in$alled al 'BL